Ice Beam in Norfair

After you get an upgrade in Crateria, you return to the Norfair area to seek your destination.

Go to Your Destination

Now that you got the Power Grip ability in Crateria, go down from the elevator and go through the door on the right.

Go to the right and jump against the ledge to grab it. Jump up, then roll through the tunnel. Go to the wall on the right and use bombs to roll through the tunnel. Go right, and jump up to the Missile Tank. You will grab hold of the block and can jump to get the Missile Tank.

Keep going to the right, and go through the door. Go through the next door to reach the save room. Use it, then go to the right.

Get a New Weapon

Now that you have Power Grip, you can jump up to the ledge and grab hold of it and jump up. Jump onto the next platform, then jump up and to the right onto the platform there. Go to the right, make your way down the stone platforms, avoid the egg-throwing thing at the bottom, then go to the right and make your way up those platforms. Keep going through the room this way. You'll see a Missile Tank near the right side of the room but it's not accessible right now, so just keep going rightward, then go through the door at the end.

Make your way up this bubbly room, then go through the door on the left. Carefully go left from platform to platform. When you're on a high platform and there is a long jump to reach the platform on the left, try jumping left then pushing right so you grab the left edge of the high platform. Then you can drop down to the platform below that and jump to the left to reach the next platform. Go through the door at the end.

Shoot the Chozo's egg, then touch the item to get the Ice Beam. This will freeze enemies, making them safe to stand on.

Receive Your Next Destination

The exit door is green, which means you can't open it. Go down to the floor and roll left through the tunnel. Use bombs at the end to go through. Shoot the Ripper with the Ice Beam to freeze it, then jump on top of it, then jump left to reach the exit. Go through.

Go through the door on the left to use the save room, then exit the save room. Go up until you see a Ripper flying back and forth. Freeze it in the middle of the room, then jump on it, and freeze the Ripper above you when it's slightly to the right of the center. Jump on that one and freeze the Ripper above that so it's slightly to the right of you. Jump on it and go through the door at the top.

Freeze the monster that jumps up out of the acid, then jump on it to reach the high ledge. Go right and freeze the next creature, then get in the Chozo Statue's hands and use Morph Ball. You will receive your new destination.

Go to Your New Destination

Go to the right, freeze the creatures jumping out of the acid, then go through the door on the right.

Freeze the Rippers so you can jump across them to reach the upper right ledge. From the ledge, go right and freeze the Ripper so it's against the right wall, then stand on it. Use bombs to bounce upward and bomb the right wall just below ceiling level to reveal a Missile Tank. Take it, then fall to the ground, shoot through the right wall, freeze the Ripper, then go through the door on the right.

Go to the right and you'll fall through some Pit Blocks. Don't go through the door on the left, because the room is super-heated and unsafe for you in your current suit. Instead, go downward through the tall room until you reach the bottom, then go through the door at the bottom.

Make your way left through this room and go through the door at the end to reach a save room. Go through the left door, then freeze the Rippers above you to reach the elevator back to Brinstar.

Reach Your Destination

Go left through the door, then make your way left through the room. When your path to the left is blocked, use a bomb to break through the barrier. Then jump left to catch the ledge, jump to climb up, and keep going to the left. Go through the door at the end.

Go up through the tall room, use the save room on the right if you wish, then exit the save room and go up. Go through the door on the left, then go through the door on the left in the small room.

Make your way to the bottom of this tall room. Use the save room on the right if you wish, then go to the left. Recharge at the Chozo Statue, then go to the left and go through the door.

Bomb the floor, go down to the bottom of the room, and go through the door on the right. Then go down the elevator to reach Kraid.