
With the Ice Beam and other new weapons, you can reach Kraid's domain.

Go to Your Destination

Go down and use the save room on the left, but before you leave, go up against the left wall and use a bomb to bounce up into a hidden tunnel on the left. In the next room, get the Missile Tank. Then use bombs to get back into the hidden tunnel and return to the save room. Go through the door on the right.

Open the red door to the right of the save room and go through. Make your way to the right, take the Missile Tank, then go to the right. Shoot through the walls, use charged shots on the Dessgeegas between the walls, and go through the door on the right.

Go to the right and shoot the floor next to the glass tube. Go down below and bomb the floor, then get in the device and drop a bomb to activate it. You'll be sent upward. At the top, jump and hang from the niche in the wall, then jump up from niche to niche. Shoot the blue brick at the top and keep pushing left to grab that edge. Then go to the top of the area and go through the upper left door.

Shoot the blocks to the right of the top of the pillar, then jump and grab the pillar. Jump to reach the top of the pillar. Go to the left, and you will have to try to jump over the acid (or you can try to grab the ledge you're standing on, and jump left from it) to reach the door on the left. Go through.

Shoot through the blue bricks on the left, then go left and fall down below, but try shooting to the right and pushing right to grab the gap on the right. If you don't make it, you can drop a bomb in the device below to be shot back upward and try again.

When you make it into the gap, go to the right and shoot the red door open. Go through. Jump onto the stone device, get in the middle part that is shaped like a Morph Ball, and use Morph Ball to activate the device. This will electrify the rail in the ceiling. Shoot the red ball in the ceiling to bring the rail to you, then jump up to grab it. It will automatically move you through an Energy Tank. Go through the door on the right and save the game if you wish. Then go through the door on the right.

Walk on the blue block to fall through a Pit Block, open the door and go through.

Go left through the small room, prepare for a jump scare, and jump up to grab the ceiling rail. You will now battle Mua.