Ridley Region Part 2

After you defeat Imago and get Super Missiles, you continue on your way to battle Ridley.

Find Ridley

After you defeat Imago and get Super Missiles, go to the right and go through the door. Stand on the block in the floor, then jump and shoot a regular missile down at it to get rid of it. Go down through where the block was, then go down through the hole in the floor to the next room.

You can optionally go to the right and save, then go through the left door of the save room. Press Select to switch to Super Missiles, then hold R and press B to shoot a Super Missile at the door on the left. Go through.

There is a different color part of the floor. If you bomb the floor to the left of that, you open a hole. You can fall into that hole and roll through the tunnel on the left if you want to skip the enemies in this room. When you reach the end of the tunnel, use a bomb to break a hole in the ceiling, then jump up out of it. Otherwise, just kill the monsters in the room to reach the left side. Shoot the left door with a regular missile and go through.

Don't go straight to the energy tank. The four blocks to the right of the Energy Tank are fake, so jump over them to get the Energy Tank. Afterward, fall down the hole to the right of where the Energy Tank was, then go through the door on the left.

Get past the monsters here, then go through the door on the left.

The door on the left is a save room, so go in and save if you wish, then go back out. Go down through the room, get the Missile Tank on the way, then at the bottom of the room, shoot the door with a regular missile and go through.

Use the map machine, then go through the door on the right. Go to the right through the room, get the Missile Tank along the way, then keep going to the right, and go through the door on the right. Use the save room if you wish, then go through the door on the right.

Go up past the first door and go through the second. Go to the left half of the room to where there are four pipes in the ground. Three of the pipes have monsters coming out, but the second pipe from the right does not. Jump on that pipe, then walk left and right on the pipe until you fall partway into the pipe. Jump and shoot down to break blocks below you, then fall down through where the blocks were. Roll left and bomb the blocks above the lava, then fall into the lava (which is fake) and bomb the bottom of the right wall to reveal a Missile Tank.

Then go back up to the main part of the room and go through the door on the left.

Go through the tunnel, but drop a bomb beneath where you see the Missile Tank. The blocks above you will disappear, but be careful to dodge and/or kill the monsters bouncing around. Take the Missile Tank, then go through the door on the left.

Freeze one of the monsters going around the platform with the Missile Tank on it, then jump onto the frozen monster, then take the Missile Tank. If possible, freeze a monster on the left side of this platform so you can reach the door on the left. (If you miss, you'll fall down through Pit Blocks below, and won't be able to reach the door on the left.) If you made it through the door on the left, keep going left through the rooms to reach a Super Missile Tank.

Go back to the room where you got a regular Missile Tank, then fall down below. Go through the door on the left and use the save room, then go through the door on the left.

Jump onto the ledge on the left and you will fall through a Pit Block. Go to the left and shoot the monsters that come out of the pipe if you need to restore health and missiles. Then go to the left and approach the Gadora. When it opens its eye, it shoots out a beam of energy that you have to jump over. As soon as you jump over the energy beam, shoot Gadora's eye with a charged shot or missile. When it's gone, go through the door. Shoot the Chozo Statue's egg and take the Unknown Item. Then shoot the glowing block to the left and go through the wall there to get an Energy Tank. Then go back the way you came, watch the cutscene, and you will battle Ridley.