Your investigations lead you to the abandoned Yuweyawata Field Station.
How to Unlock
Yuweyawata Field Station, a 4-player dungeon, is unlocked by the level 100 Main Scenario Quest In Search of the Past.
Lindblum Zaghnal
Electrical Overload damages all players.
When the boss casts Gore, it will rush to an edge of the area. Then it begins to cast Caber Toss. While the spell is being cast, many line attacks to go across the area, originating from the boss. Find safe spaces between the lines, then move to new safe spaces when more line attacks appear.
Eventually, a dotted arrow indicator will point to a spot on the ground. Move far away from the spot that the arrow is pointing at, because a large circle attack marker will appear, centered on the spot where the arrow is pointing.
The electrified pillar will land in that spot and will create more line attacks. Eventually, the boss casts Lightning Storm, which marks all players with circle attack markers that follow them. Players should spread apart from each other to avoid overlapping each other with their circles.
The boss will cast Gore again, this time striking the ground, and hitting all players with Sparking Fissure. Pieces of Raw Electrope will appear in the area, and each one will begin casting Electrify. Destroy each Raw Electrope before it can finish casting Electrify. Throughout this time, there will be circle attack markers in random locations, so move away from these as needed.
After the Raw Electropes have been destroyed, the boss will cast Sparking Fissure.
Dark Souls is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list.
Free Spirits is a repeating attack that places many curved line attack markers throughout the area. At the same time, the area is surrounded by an unsafe edge. Keep moving to dodge the many line attacks.
While dodging these attacks, watch out for Phantom Flood, a donut attack where the only safe area is under the boss. Go into this safe area. When the attack goes off, the affected area will be unsafe, leaving only a small safe area under the boss.
Dark II is an alternating cone attack. Stand in a safe space, then when the first cone attacks go off, move into one of the spaces where the first attack went off.
All but the tank will be targeted by Telltale Tears, which marks players with circle attack markers that follow them. Players should spread apart from each other to avoid overlapping each other with their circles.
Players will then receive a Temporary Misdirection debuff, and Necrohazard will place a proximity attack marker in the center of the area. Safe paths will appear in the unsafe area. Wait for the spinning glove over your head to be pointing toward the nearest safe path before you start moving. When you reach an angle in the path, wait again for the glove to point to the safe path. Keep doing this until you are far away from the center of the area. If you step in the unsafe area, you will be temporarily affected by a Heavy debuff, which slows your movement, and a debuff that inflicts damage over time. After the proximity attack goes off, the unsafe area will disappear.
Bloodburst damages all players.
The boss will then cast Free Spirits, placing many curved lines throughout the area, and at the same time he will cast Telltale Tears, which marks all players with circle attack markers that follow them.
This is followed by Dark II, which is an alternating cone attack, as well as targeting a random player with Soul Douse, placing a stack marker on that player. Unmarked players should stack together with the marked player to reduce the damage of the attack.
The boss turns to face a random player, then uses Raging Claw, which repeatedly hits the entire area in front of the boss. Stand behind the boss to avoid the attack.
Leporine Loaf creates an unsafe area around the edge, and places curved lines extending outward from the boss. Stay far away from these lines, because multiple circle attack markers will quickly appear along the length of each line. After the circle attacks go off, step into the space where they occurred so you can avoid the next set of attacks.
At the end of Leporine Loaf, the boss creates a single spiraling line under itself and covering the entire area. Stand near the end of the line, then when the neighboring circle attacks go off, move under the boss to avoid the outer circle attacks.
Dotted line markers will appear around the area, with a circle attack centered on the origin of each dotted line. A circle attack will also occur at the unmarked end of each dotted line, so find a location that is far away from the endpoints of any dotted line. Large worms will come out of the ground along the path of each dotted line to perform the attack.
Crater Carve creates many burning cracks in the ground, in the shape of a circle in the center of the area. Move to the edge because a large hole will appear in the middle of the area. The hole will be there for the remainder of the battle. Make sure not to fall in.
Beastly Roar is a proximity attack originating from the boss. Move around the edge until you are as far away from the attack marker as possible.
This is followed by a sequence of circle attacks that move from the boss around the edge. Move around the edge toward the boss but away from the circle attacks. The circle attacks will stop before reaching the the boss's location.
The boss then jumps a short distance away and casts Raging Claw. Run behind the boss to avoid the attack.
This is followed by Turali Stone IV, which a random player with a stack marker. Unmarked players should stack together with the marked player to reduce the damage of the attack.
The boss then casts Sonic Howl, which damages all players. This is followed by another cast of Sonic Howl.
This is followed by Slabber, a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list.
Completing the Quest
Defeating the boss will complete one of the quest objectives for the Main Scenario Quest In Search of the Past.