Worqor Zormor - Duty Guide

You seek High Luminary Gurfurlur atop the mountain of Worqor Zormor.

How to Unlock

Worqor Zormor, a 4-player dungeon, is unlocked by the level 93 Main Scenario Quest The High Luminary.

Ryoqor Terteh

Frosting Fracas damages all characters and creates an unsafe circle around the edge of the area.

Fluffle Up creates four untargetable minions. They do line attacks, but the boss tethers to two of the minions, freezing them. The frozen minions will be delayed, doing their attacks after the other two minions do theirs, so stand where the frozen ones will attack, then after the first attacks, move into the spaces where the first ones attacked.

The second Fluffle Up creates four untargetable minions, but this time they do circle attacks. As before, the boss freezes two of them. Stand where the frozen ones will attack, then move into the safe spots after the first attacks.

Snowscoop creates snowballs around the area that do line attacks, with narrow safe spaces between. At the same time, the boss targets all characters with circles that follow them. Go to a safe spot that isn't occupied by another character.

Later in the battle, the boss will summon eight minions, four that do line attacks and four that do circle attacks. As before, stand where the frozen ones will attack, then move into the safe area after the first attack.

Arrive on Morgardar Ridge

On the way to Morgardar Ridge, if your path is blocked, look for crystals with spouts of wind coming up from them. Stand on them to proceed.


Wind Unbound damages all characters.

Crystalline Crush creates a tower. All characters should stack together in the tower.

Afterward, there will be a circle of crystals. If you are targeted with a donut, stand on the crystals where it's safe. If you are targeted with a circle that follows you, don't stand on the crystals, and don't overlap the other characters.

Crystalline Storm does three small line attacks, leaving lines of crystals on the area. As before, if you are targeted with a donut, stand on the crystals where it's safe. If you are targeted with a circle that follows you, don't stand on the crystals, and don't overlap the other characters.

Seed Crystal marks all players with circle attack markers that follow them. Players should spread apart from each other to avoid overlapping each other with their circles.

Afterward, you are covered with Crystalline Debris. Destroy your Crystalline Debris as soon as possible, then help other players destroy theirs.

When the boss casts Stalagmite Circle, don't be in the circle attack marker, and face away from the boss before the Eye of the Fierce gaze ring shrinks all the way.

When the boss casts Cyclonic Ring, get in the safe circle within the donut, and face away from the boss before the Eye of the Fierce gaze ring shrinks all the way.


Heaving Haymaker damages all characters and creates an unsafe edge around the area.

Stonework creates a small square attack marker. If the attack marker shows a red volcano, there will be expanding square attack markers starting near the stonework tile and expanding outward. As soon as the first square attacks go off, go into the safe space where the attacks occurred.

Volcanic Drop marks all players with circle attack markers that follow them. Players should spread apart from each other to avoid overlapping each other with their circles.

Stonework with a blue water symbol causes Great Flood, a knockback from a random side of the area.

Sledgehammer targets a player with a multi-line stack marker. Unmarked players should stack together in a line with the marked player to reduce the damage of the attack, and stay there until the attacks stop.

When the boss casts Arcane Stomp, collect as many of the orbs as you can, to prevent the boss from gaining too many Damage Up buffs.

Enduring Glory damages all characters, with a higher attack strength depending on how many buffs the boss collected from the orbs.

Stonework with a green wind symbol causes a knockback from the center, then tornadoes that move across the area. Stay near the knockback symbol, then move behind a tornado as it goes by, then there will be a second knockback. Make sure not to be knocked back into a tornado.

When two Stonework symbols appear, one with water and one with fire, get knocked into the first fire squares that appeared.

Completing the Quest

Defeating the boss will complete one of the quest objectives for the Main Scenario Quest The High Luminary.