The World of Darkness - Alliance Raid Guide

Can the fellowship of NOAH brave the void and rescue the three souls able to stem the Cloud's flood of shadows?

How to Unlock

The World of Darkness, a 24-player alliance raid, is unlocked by the level 50 Quest The World of Darkness.

Clear the Eye

If a Chimera is casting Ram's Voice, move away from it (but tanks/ranged DPS should try to interrupt the cast before it goes off). If a Chimera is casting Dragon's Voice, move underneath it (but tanks/ranged DPS should try to interrupt the cast before it goes off).

Angra Mainyu

Tanks should turn the boss to face away from the other players, and the other players should avoid being in front of where the boss is facing.

When the floor changes color, you will receive a debuff corresponding to the color you are standing on. This debuff will increase in strength if you stand on the same color, so be sure to stand on the color that doesn't match your current debuff.

When hourglasses appear, quickly destroy them. When they are destroyed (or if they aren't destroyed quickly enough), the boss will attack the marked quadrant of the area. Stay out of the marked quadrant to avoid the attack.

If the boss starts casting Mortal Gaze, turn your character to face away from the boss before the cast bar finishes. If you don't turn away, you will receive a Doom debuff. You can remove this by standing on a glowing circle in the area.

A random player will be marked with an orange circle or a purple circle. Any players near the marked player will be tethered. If you are marked with the circle, stay still. All tethered players should exit the circle. The orange circle will inflict all players in the circle with Suppuration if the number of players in the circle is an even number. The purple circle will kill all players in the circle if the number of players in the circle is divisible by 3.

When Angra Mainyu's Daewas appear, focus your attacks on them until they are defeated.

Clear the Nape

Tanks or ranged players should interrupt the cast when Queen Scylla casts Ancient Flare.

When Forbidden Gates appear, focus your attacks on them until they are defeated.

Check on the treasure chest in the middle to make Xande's Clone appear. Defeat it the same way you defeated Queen Scylla.

Five-Headed Dragon

The tanks should pull the dragon to the edge of the area and keep it facing away from all other players.

When Prominence orbs appear, focus your attacks on them until they are defeated.

When frozen circles appear on the ground, get as far away as possible from them without getting in front of the boss.

If you are marked with a spinning marker above your head, move to an edge of the area as far away from other players as possible.

When a poison puddle appears, stand near the Poison Slime and defeat it. When the Poison Slime explodes, it gives everyone nearby a Poison Resistance buff. Players who get the Poison Resistance buff should stand in the poison puddle to get rid of it. If the poison puddle is not gotten rid of, a Toxic Slime will appear and inflict silence on all players.

When a circle of fire appears, an untargetable creature will come out of it. This creature will tether to the nearest player and damage the tethered player continually. If the creature tethers to you, you need to run through another player to transfer the tether to them. You will then be immune to tethers for 30 seconds. Players should continue to pass the tether to other players.

Eventually the boss will start casting Discordance, and a glowing circle will appear around the boss. Quickly use multi-target attacks on the middle head to inflict damage on all the heads. Try to defeat as many heads as you can before the boss can cast Discordance.

Clear the Jaws

On your way to the next boss, if you are in Alliance A, stand on the left glowing spot. If you are in Alliance B, stand on the middle glowing spot. If you are in Alliance C, stand on the glowing spot on the right.

If you are marked with a target marker, move away from all other players, and jump off of the edge. All other players should move to the opposite edge from where the marked player went, while still staying on the platform. Otherwise, they will get pulled into Atomos, then spit out and off the edge.

If a circle lights up on your platform, stand on it. This will allow a player on the lower edge to jump back up onto their platform.

Make sure that there is at least one player on one platform (i.e. a player who hasn't fallen off the edge) or you will be defeated and the battle will start over.

If Atomos starts casting Shockwave, stand under the Atomos or use a knockback-prevention move such as Surecast or Arm's Length.

You can stop the spinning circle by defeating the Sacrificed Soldier on your platform.

Otherwise, focus all attacks on the Atomos while avoiding getting knocked off the edge.

When the battle ends, use the glowing circles to reach the stairs to the next area.


Tanks should turn the boss to face away from the other players, and the other players should avoid being in front of where the boss is facing.

Players should also avoid being behind the boss because of its rear cone attack.

If you are marked with a target marker, a Gastric Juice orb will appear where you are standing. All players should move away from the Gastric Juice and refrain from attacking it.

Another player will be marked with a large circle attack marker. It is important not to overlap this circle attack with the Gastric Juice, which you can only avoid by staying far away from the Gastric Juice.

After the circle attack goes off, it leaves behind a purple puddle. DPS players should first stand near the Gastric Juice to be minimized, then stand on the purple puddle to make Cerberus eat them. Do not stand in the purple puddle unless you have the Minimum debuff, or you will die.

If you go into the stomach, ignore the Unknowns and focus all attacks on the Stomach Wall.

For players not in the stomach, a Wolfsbane will appear. Tanks should draw the enmity of the Wolfsbane.

When the Stomach Wall is defeated, players outside Cerberus will see Cerberus collapse, and players inside Cerberus will be sent back outside. At this time, players should interact with the Magicked Fetters on the pillars in the corners. If you are carrying a chain, go back to Cerberus and interact with one of the two Open Fetters on either side of the chain circle around Cerberus. Both Open Fetters need to be chained. If this is not done, Cerberus will gain Damage Up buffs and defeat all players, and the battle will start from the beginning.

If Cerberus starts casting Hound out of Hell, make sure not to be in front of Cerberus, because it will dash across the area in the direction it is facing, and will damage anyone in its path.

If you are marked with a large orb above your head, you will get an Abandonment debuff. Stand near another player from your party before your debuff timer runs out, or you will get the Hysteria debuff and your character will temporarily will run around randomly and you will be unable to use any actions.

Cloud of Darkness

The player highest in the enmity list will require extra healing because of a Bleeding debuff and the boss's high-damage auto-attack.

If you are marked with a circle attack marker and a flashing arrow, go to the nearest edge and run along the edge. You will be followed by a repeating attack. Try to lure the attack away from other players.

If the boss disappears, look around for where she reappears, then if you are in front of the boss's new location, move to the side so you are no longer in front of her.

When five circles appear in the area, make sure that at least one player is in each circle. This will happen multiple times throughout the battle.

When the floor starts to glow, the boss will create clouds on the other side of the area. These clouds will float toward the boss. Stand in the path of the clouds to slow them down, and focus all attacks on the clouds to destroy them before they reach the boss.

When three hexagons appear in the area, Alliance A should go into the southwest hexagon, Alliance B should go into the north nexagon, and Alliance C should go into the southeast hexagon. Destroy the cloud inside of your hexagon.

After this, look around for where the boss reappears, then if you are in front of the boss's new location, move to the side so you are no longer in front of her.

After that, a DPS player from each Alliance should use Limit Break on the boss.

Continue attacking the boss until she is defeated.

Completing the Quest

Defeating the boss will complete one of the quest objectives for the Quest The World of Darkness.