The Skydeep Cenote - Duty Guide

You enter the Skydeep Cenote to investigate the clues you have gathered about the golden city.

How to Unlock

The Skydeep Cenote, a 4-player dungeon, is unlocked by the level 95 Main Scenario Quest Road to the Golden City.

Feather Ray

Immersion damages all characters.

Troublesome Tail inflicts everyone with a Nuisance debuff, which will affect later attacks.

Worrisome Wave is a cone attack directed at a random character. Then there will be a countdown, and each character will perform the cone attack that the boss just did (because of the Nuisance debuff), so everyone should face away from each other.

Hydro Ring is a donut attack with a large safe area, which creates an unsafe ring around the area.

When the boss casts Blowing Bubbles, you need to dodge the bubbles that move outward away from the boss.

Bubble Bomb places bubbles on the area, and Rolling Current will push those bubbles a short distance. Stand in a place that will be empty after the bubbles are pushed by the current.

Trouble Bubbles causes bubbles to come out of the boss, but also out of each character due to the Nuisance debuff, so be careful to dodge the many bubbles.


Dynamic Dominance damages all characters and places an unsafe edge around the area the first time it is cast.

Mirror Maneuver creates a rectangular mirror on one edge and a circle mark on another edge. The boss then casts Thunderlight Burst, which will bounce off of the mirror and hit the circle mark. There will be a very large circle attack centered on the circle mark that was hit, so dodge the lines and stay far away from the circle mark.

Ancient Artillery places square attack markers on the area. Then the boss will cast Emergent Artillery, which makes suare attacks appear in the directions that the arrows in the square were pointing, so don't be horizontal or diagonal to any of the square attack markers.

Pummel is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list.

Subsequent attacks of Mirror Maneuver will have multiple mirrors and circle marks, so you will have to watch carefully to see which circle mark will get hit, so you can avoid it.

From now on, Ancient Artillery will now be accompanied by circle attack markers that follow all characters, so be sure to go to a safe area between square attacks but spread apart as soon as the square attacks have stopped.


When the boss casts Stonecarver, one of its fists will glow, followed by the other. Stand in front of the second fist to glow, then when the first attack occurs, move into the safe area where the first attack occurred.

Skullcrush places a circular knockback marker in the area. Stand near but not in the circle. All characters will be marked with circle markers that follow each character. After the knockback occurs, spread apart to avoid overlapping the other characters with your circle.

Maulwork places multiple sets of circle attack markers on the area. Keep moving out of the circle markers as needed. Toward the end of the attack, there will be one or more glowing green arrows from the boss. Don't be in a line with any of the arrows, because the boss will do line attacks in the direction of the arrows.

Deep Thunder places a multi-hit stack tower in the area. All characters should stand in the stack tower until the attack finishes.

Ringing Blows places a circular knockback marker in the area, and one of the boss's fists will glow, followed by the other. Stand near but not in the circle such that you will be knocked into the area in front of the second fist to glow, then when first fist hits, move to where it hit.

Wrought Fire is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list that has a circle attack marker. Other players need to move away from the circle attack marker.

Colossal Impact places a circular knockback marker in the area. Stand near but not in the circle. A random character may be marked with stack marker, or all players will be marked with circle markers that follow them. After the knockback occurs, stack or spread out as needed.

Ashlayer damages all characters.

Completing the Quest

Defeating the boss will complete one of the quest objectives for the Main Scenario Quest The Skydeep Cenote.