The Labyrinth of the Ancients - Alliance Raid Guide

Cid volunteers you for the task of securing the Labyrinth of the Ancients. Rid the maze of anything which might pose a threat to the survey team.

How to Unlock

The Labyrinth of the Ancients, a 24-player alliance raid, is unlocked by the level 50 Quest Labyrinth of the Ancients.

Clear the Pools of Oblivion

Start by taking the left path.

On your way to the first boss, there will be an area with green square platforms. Stand on these platforms to avoid the poison that pools on the floor. The poison will inflict damage over time if you stand in it.

Bone Dragon

Stand on the green platforms to avoid the poison that pools on the floor throughout the battle.

When Platinals (skeletons) appear, focus your attacks on them. This will help prevent attacks that will damage all players.

Otherwise, focus all attacks on Bone Dragon while dodging attacks and standing on the glowing platforms.

Clear the Walk of Lament

Check on the Shortcut to return to the entrance, then take the path on the right.

Check which Alliance you are in. It will be displayed above your party list. If you are in Alliance A, go down the leftmost stairs. If you are in Alliance B, go down the middle stairs. If you are in Alliance C, go down the rightmost stairs.

Don't go into the boss area until everyone has arrived in all three areas.


In each Alliance, four players (preferably healers and ranged DPS) need to stand on the hexagonal glowing platform in order to disable the invincibility buff of one of the other Alliance's bosses. If your boss is invincible, send a message to all alliances to ask four of their members to stand on their glowing platform.

If you are standing on a glowing platform, but it stops glowing, it means that the corresponding boss (in one of the other two areas) has been defeated, so you can safely leave the platform and move closer to your boss if desired.


If you are invisible (i.e. you have the Astral Realignment debuff), attack the boss. If you are not invisible, attack the enemies that appear around the area.

Watch for the boss to attach a chain to a pot. Healers must heal the chained pot to full. If the boss destroys a pot, nobody will become invisible anymore, so nobody can attack the boss.

Clear the Walk of Fire

Check on the Shortcut to return to the entrance, then take the middle path.


If you are in Alliance A, attack the southwest Vassago. If you are in Alliance B, attack the north Vassago. If you are in Alliance C, attack the southeast Vassago.

Don't allow the Vassagos to get near each other or near the Bomb in the middle. Don't attack the tethered Bomb.

Whenever Bombs appear, focus all attacks on the Bombs and defeat them before resuming attacks on your Vassago.

After the three Vassagos have been defeated, defeat the Bomb that they were tethered to.

King Behemoth

If you are marked with a green boulder, move out from under the boss if you're under the boss.

If the boss stands up on its hind legs and starts casting Ecliptic Meteor, hide behind a boulder so that the boulder is between you and the boss.


Check on the shortcut and take the middle path to reach the final boss.

Alliance A should stand on the west side of the area, Alliance B should stand on the south side of the area, and Alliance C should stand on the east side of the area.

Vacuum Slash places green cone-shaped markers on the area. Don't stand within the lightning-covered area inside the cone marker.

If any Iron Claws appear, defeat them before resuming attacks on Phlegethon.

Megiddo Flame places circle attack markers in a line. Don't stand in the circles.

Abyssal Slash places curved attack markers in the area. Don't stand in the curved attack markers.

When the boss goes to the middle and starts casting Ancient Flare, go back to your designated location (see above) to be protected by the barrier there. You will only be protected by the barrier if there are enough people there.

Defeat the Iron Guard that appears on your barrier platform.

After the barrier disappears, resume attacks on the boss.

If the boss casts Ancient Flare again, you can stand on the barriers again to be shielded from it.

Completing the Quest

Defeating the boss will complete one of the quest objectives for the Quest The Labyrinth of the Ancients.