The Interphos - Duty Guide

How to Unlock

The Interphos, an 8-player trial, is unlocked by the level 100 Main Scenario Quest Dawntrail.

Phase 1

When the boss casts Legitimate Force, its hands will glow. The higher glowing hand will do a line attack that hits that half of the area. This is followed by an attack on the other half of the area. Stay in the safe area near the center, then when the first attack goes off, move to where the first attack occurred.

Aethertithe will inflict continuous damage over time on the party.

In the next attack, there will be a green grid on the platform. The grid will distort, forming a cone in the distorted area. There will be a cone attack in the distorted area that will draw in any players inside it, killing them instantly, so stay out of the distorted area.

Coronation places moving circle markers on the area, each of which will follow a random player. The player can stand still until a lock symbol appears on the circle, then the player should move off of the circle. Players can try to spread apart to prevent their circles from overlapping other players. During this attack, the player highest in the enmity list will be targeted with Prosecution of War, a high-damage attack. This player will also be targeted with a moving circle and will have to move out of it when the green lock symbol appears on it.

Virtual Shift changes the platform to an hourglass shape.

When the boss casts Coronation, two players will be tethered, and the location of those players will determine the location where the line attack will occur. The tethered players should try to move the line attack to the back of the area so melee DPS can continue to stay near the boss.

Downburst is a knockback from a corner. Players should position themselves to be knocked along a diagonal.

Floating robots will appear, and their lasers indicate a donut attack. Stand within the circle formed by the robots to stay safe from the donut attack.

Powerful Gust is a knockback across the area. Position yourself to be knocked back along the length of one of the non-diagonal lines of the area.

Virtual Shift damages all characters and transforms the area back to its original shape.

Coronation will occur again, but this time all characters will be damaged over time by Aethertithe.

Virtual Shift will transform the area again, this time with two small rectangular islands, but you won't fall if you walk over the empty areas because you will float when you walk over those areas. You still need to avoid touching the outer edge of the area, however.

Castellation creates two castle walls. These walls will move toward the rectangular platforms. You need to be in line with one of the holes in a wall, or you will be pushed off of the area. If you are floating, be sure to be in front of one of the higher openings, and if you are not floating, be sure to be in front of one of the lower openings. The gravity will change and the attack will occur again, so be sure to reposition to avoid getting knocked off.

When the boss casts Absolute Authority, players will take damage over time.

The four DPS players will be targeted with arrow markers over their heads that indicate that proximity attacks will occur, centered on all four of the marked players. Therefore, the four DPS players should each go to a corner of the area, preferably each one in a different corner, and the other players should go to the center to minimize the damage that they take.

After the four DPS players are hit, every character will be marked with a red triangle over their heads. Players need to stack together with at least one other player to remove their triangles. At the same time, there will be many circle attack markers on the platform to dodge.

Players will receive a debuff, followed by a countdown marker over their heads. Players need to stop moving before the countdown finishes, or they will get hit with an attack.

At the same time, healers will have gaze attack markers over their heads, so all players need to look away from the healers to avoid getting petrified by the gaze attack, while simultaneously making sure to stop moving before their countdowns finish.

Divide and Conquer will target random players with line attacks. The targeted players should make sure not to overlap other targeted players, but should otherwise stop moving to allow other players to move out of the way. This is followed by all players being simultaneously targeted with line attacks, so everyone should spread apart to avoid overlapping each other.

Phase 2

When the boss's health reaches 30%, there will be a cinematic.

After that, Dynastic Diadem is a donut attack where the safe circle is directly in front of the boss.

Royal Banishment hits the party five times in a row, and the boss will do cone attacks throughout this attack.

Completing the Quest

Defeating the boss will complete one of the quest objectives for the Main Scenario Quest Dawntrail.