A guide for The Abyssal Fracture, an 8-person trial added in Patch 6.5—Growing Light.

How to Unlock
The Abyssal Fracture, an 8-player trial, is unlocked by the level 90 Main Scenario Quest Down in the Dark.
Phase 1
Abyssal Nox reduces all players HP to 1 and inflicts Doom. Healers must heal all players to full health to remove the Doom status.
Glowing lines will appear on the floor, ending in glowing circles. Each glowing circle will perform a large circle attack, so move as far away as possible from all glowing circles.
Sable Thread targets a random player with a multi-line-stack marker. Unmarked players should stack together with the marked player to reduce the damage of the attack, and all players need to stay there until the attacks have finished.
Visceral Whirl places a large number of line attack markers on the floor, in the direction that the curved tentacles are pointing. Quickly run to one of the small safe spots to avoid this attack.
Dark Matter is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list. It marks this player with a circle attack marker, so all players should stay out of the circle around the marked player.
Flare creates a tower in the area. All players should stand in the circle at the base of this tower to reduce the damage. After the ball of fire falls onto the tower, random players will be marked with a following attack marker. These marked players should go to a corner or edge away from other players, then when a large circle attack marker appears beneath them, they should run to safety. Multiple large orbs will fall onto these circle attack markers, so players should avoid them until they stop. At the same time, lines of flame will point out of the ball of flame. Players should avoid being in line with the flame lines coming out of the orb of fire.
Void Bio creates a line of orbs in front of the boss. These orbs will slowly move across the area, and at the same time, the boss casts Visceral Whirl. Find a safe spot from Visceral Whirl, and be prepared to move behind a floating orb where there is a safe gap between orbs.
Big Bang places many circle attack markers in random locations. Quickly move to a safe spot. The area's appearance will change.
Phase 2
After this, during Visceral Whirl, some players will be marked with countdown markers. These players will take damage. After this, a random player will be marked with a stack marker. Unmarked players should stack together with the marked player to reduce the damage of the attack. Immediately afterward, the boss marks all players with circle attack markers that follow them. Players should spread apart from each other to avoid overlapping each other with their circles.
Meteor Impact places tether markers on players. Players need to move as far away as possible from the other end of the tether while also avoiding overlapping their markers with other players'.
Black Hole places a line marker on the area with arrows pointing in a direction, and the boss will have a spinning indicator. There will also be a dark orb in the area. Stay behind the line marker so the arrows are not pointing at you, while staying far away from the dark orb, which will grow larger. As soon as the line has rotated far enough, move through the gap between it and the orb so you can go to the far corner away from the orb.
Void Meteor places proximity attack markers near the four corners of the area. Go to the center to minimize the damage of this attack. Players will then need to spread apart for Meteor Impact like before, but this time, there are broken boulders in the area. These boulders will each do a large circle attack centered on itself, so keep your distance.
Big Crunch places many circle attack markers in random locations. Quickly move to a safe spot. The area's appearance will change.
Phase 3
The boss will use attacks from the first phase, as well as Rend the Rift, a high-damage attack on all players. This is followed by circle attacks in random locations, and random thin line attacks. The boss then performs a continuous attack, inflicting high damage on all players.
Flow of the Abyss creates a tether to a cloud of darkness on one side of the area. The cloud of darkness will perform a line attack across the area, so don't be in front of it. In addition, players will be marked with markers over their heads. A circle attack marker will appear beneath each marked player, so be sure to avoid these circle attack markers.
Chasmic Nails displays a series of cone attack markers on the area that occur in a random order. The attacks don't overlap. Make sure not to stand in the first cone attack to appear, and as soon as a neighboring cone attack has occurred, move into the space where it occurred.
Completing the Quest
Defeating the boss will complete one of the quest objectives for the Main Scenario Quest Down in the Dark.