Origenics - Duty Guide

Your mission is to infiltrate Origenics in an attempt to reach your foe.

How to Unlock

Origenics, a 4-player dungeon, is unlocked by the level 99 Main Scenario Quest The Resilient Son.


Strident Shriek damages all characters.

Vasoconstrictor places blobs of slime on the area.

When the boss casts Venomspill, watch which of its arms is raised. That side of the area will be hit with many circle attacks, so go to the side where the boss's arm is not raised. The boss will repeat this attack several times, so keep watching to see which arm is raised, and move accordingly.

When the boss casts Writhing Riot, there will be several attack markers, one after the other. Memorize the safe areas of each attack marker, then move to the first safe area, then when the attack goes off, move to the second safe area, then the third.

At the end of subsequent casts of Venomspill, all characters will be targeted with a circle attack that follows them, so spread apart from other characters while dodging the Venomspill circle attacks.

Collective Agony is a line stack attack on a random character. All characters should stack together in a line with the marked character.

Convulsive Crush is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list.


Electrowave damages all characters and places an unsafe edge around the area.

When the boss casts Bionic Thrash, it will hold its arms over two quadrants of the area. Don't be in either of the quadrants that the boss's arms are over, because the boss will hit them.

Initialize Androids places a line of androids along one edge. However, some of the androids are illusions, visible by their glitching/shimmering effect. Each android will do a line attack, but the illusions will not actually perform the atatck, so stand in front of the illusions to avoid the attack. Afterward, defeat the sentries, then resume attacks on the boss.

Initialize Turrets will place rectangular attack markers along an edge of the area. Turrets will appear, but as with the androids, some are illusions. Stand in front of an illusion to avoid the attack. This is followed by a second set of turrets. Stand in front of the illusion as before.

Surge is a knockback from the middle. This time, you want to be knocked into a turret that is NOT an illusion so that the turret will prevent you from getting knocked into the unsafe edge.

Later casts of Surge are also combined with circle attack markers that follow all characters, so be sure to spread apart when dealing with the knockback.

Ambrose the Undeparted

Psychic Wave damages all characters and places an unsafe edge around the area.

When the boss casts Overwhelming Charge, he will hit the entire half area that he is facing, so get behind him.

Psychokinesis makes some of the cages rattle. Make sure not to stand in front of a rattling cage. Then defeat the enemies that appear.

Extrasensory Field places moving arrow markers on the area. You will be pushed in the direction of the marker you are standing on. Stand on a marker that will not push you into the unsafe edge.

Voltaic Slash is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list.

Psychokinetic Charge is a combination of the arrow markers on the floor, and the attack where the boss hits the entire half of the area he is facing. Stand on an arrow marker that will not push you into the unsafe edge, and also will push you away from the half of the area that the boss is facing.

Electrolance is a large circle attack marker centered on an edge of the area. It is followed by Psychokinesis, which makes the blade draw line markers over the area. Watch the entire path that is drawn, because toward the end, the blade will slash across half of the area before returning to the boss, so you need to find a gap in the zig-zag line that isn't in the unsafe half.

Later attacks are combined with circle attack markers that follow all characters, so spread out when marked with circles.

Completing the Quest

Defeating the boss will complete one of the quest objectives for the Main Scenario Quest Origenics.