Ktisis Hyperboreia - Dungeon Guide

This page explains how to complete the level 87 Endwalker duty, Ktisis Hyperboreia.

Special Characters in Duty Support

Ktisis Hyperboreia can be completed with special characters if you use the Duty Support system.

How to Unlock

Ktisis Hyperboreia is a 4-player dungeon that is unlocked by the level 87 Main Scenario Quest Caging the Messenger.


Skull Dasher is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list.

Frostbite and Seek causes the boss to disappear. Look for the footprints in the snow and see which of the snow craters that the footprints stop at. Stand near the edge behind that snow crater, because the boss will reappear there, facing the center of the area, and will perform a very wide line attack that covers the entire area except for behind it.

Icicall places three small circle markers in the area. An icicle will appear in each location. The boss will then cast Frigid Stomp, damaging all players, and then each icicle will perform line attacks across the area. This is sometimes combined with Heavy Stomp, which targets a random player with a stack marker. Unmarked players should stack together with the marked player to reduce the damage of the attack, while also avoiding the line attacks from the icicles.

Ladon Lord

Scratch is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list.

Inhale causes one or more of Ladon Lord's heads to glow. The glowing head indicates where it will perform cone attacks. However, it will not perform the cone attacks until it jumps and rotates and casts Pyric Breath. If the middle head is glowing, it will perform a cone attack that hits a the front ⅓rd of the boss. If the left head is glowing, it will perform a cone attack that hits the left-rear ⅓rd of the boss. If the right head is glowing, it will perform a cone attack that hits the right-rear ⅓rd of the boss. Sometimes, two heads will be glowing, so be sure to position yourself in the safe ⅓rd area.

Pyric Spheres makes flame orbs appear in the area. Each orb will perform line attacks in a + shape. Find a safe area between line attacks. This is sometimes paired with Pyric Blast, which targets a random player with a stack marker. Unmarked players should stack together with the marked player to reduce the damage of the attack, while also avoiding the lines from the orbs. Note that even if the boss's heads are glowing, it will not perform the Pyric Breath cone attacks until after the flame orbs' line attacks have occurred.

Intimidation damages all players.


Trismegistos damages all players.

Hermetica tethers to squares that float above the edges of the area. These squares will perform line attacks across the area in the direction that they are facing, in the order that they appeared. Be sure not to be standing in front of either set of squares.

True Tornado is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list.

Meteor places four proximity attack markers in the area. Move to the center of the area to take the least amount of damage.

After the Meteor attack occurs, four boulders will appear in the area. Three of them will have glowing cracks, while one of them will not have any cracks. Go to the non-cracked boulder. The boss will then cast Hermetica, tethering to squares above the edges of the area as before. This time, there is not a safe area to dodge the line attacks, so you must use the non-cracked boulder as a shield. Take note of which set of tethered squares appears first, and hide behind the non-cracked boulder so that it is between you and the first set of tethered squares, then after the first line attacks occur, move to the side of the boulder that places it between you and the second set of line attacks.

Doubled True Aero will target all four players with line attacks that follow them. Players should spread apart from each other to avoid overlapping each other with them. Note that even after the line attack markers disappear, they are still following you for a moment, so stay still to ensure that the line attack marker is placed where you intended. Afterward, the line attack markers will turn blue and become stationary. Move off of them to avoid damage.

True Bravery grants the boss a Damage Up status, but the tank can interrupt it with Interject, or the Ranged DPS (if any) can interrupt it with Head Graze.

Quadrupled Hermetica tethers to floating squares above the edges as before, but there will be safe areas. One quadrant of the area will be safe from the first two sets of line attacks, and the opposite quadrant will be safe from the second two. You can stay near the boss as long as you are in the safe quadrant from the first set of attacks and move to the opposite quadrant to avoid the second set of attacks.

Doubled True Aero II marks all players with circle attack markers that follow them. Players should spread apart from each other to avoid overlapping each other with their circles. Afterward, four circle attack markers will appear in the area. Stay out of them to avoid damage.

Doubled True Tornado is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list. It places a circle attack marker under the tank afterward, so players should move away from this marker to avoid damage.

Completing the Quest

Defeating the boss will complete one of the quest objectives for the Main Scenario Quest Ktisis Hyperboreia.