Ihuykatumu - Duty Guide

Erenville has arranged for a barge to take you to the Moblin settlement above Kozama'uka, but peril awaits you.

How to Unlock

Ihuykatumu, a 4-player dungeon, is unlocked by the level 91 Main Scenario Quest For All Turali.

Arrive at the Punutiy Pool

When the barge stops, go east to exit the barge and proceed to the Punutiy Pool.

Prime Punutiy

Punutiy Press damages all characters.

Resurface is a cone attack that is followed by many attack markers that cover the area, leaving small safe areas. After you dodge the attack markers, get near the untargetable plant enemy to be in the safe area of the donut attack.

Hydrowave is a cone attack on a random character.

Song of the Punutiy spawns four untargetable Punutiys. They each tether to a character. Three of the targeted characters will have a following circle attack marker, and one character will have a following cone attack marker. Players need to prevent their attack markers from overlapping each other.

Afterward, the smaller Punutiy become targetable and start attacking the party. Defeat them before you resume attacks on the boss.

Shore Shaker places a circle attack around the boss, followed by expanding ring attacks. Stay just outside the initial circle, then when the circle attack goes off, move into the space where the circle was.

Arrive at Drowsie's Grotto

On the way to Drowsie's Grotto, after defeating some enemies, you need to stand in the glowing circle to go up the ladder.


Uppercut is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list.

Sow is followed by Drowsie Dance, which causes four circle attack markers to appear. Stay out of the circles. Vines will appear where the circles were. They will each do a line attack in the direction indicated by their target circle. Then Drowsie will do another dance that makes the vines change direction and get much bigger. Be careful to stand in a place that the vines aren't facing, because they do much larger line attacks, leaving only a small safe space.

Sneeze is a wine cone attack.

Spit creates untargetable Clots that turn into targetable Mimiclots. Attack the Mimiclots while dodging their many attacks. At this time, avoid letting your attack markers overlap the other players.


Razor Zephyr is a line attack on a random character.

Blade is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list.

High Wind damages all characters and summons untargetable enemies that attack the boss. The boss then defeats the enemies and eats them, absorbing their powers.

Swarming Locust gives more strength to the boss's wings, and the boss will do a series of wind-aspected attacks.

When the boss uses Blades of Famine, it will go to a side of the area, then do four line attacks all at the same time, with small safe gaps between.

Levinsickle starts with circle attacks, then some of the circles become persistent lightning puddles that perform alternating cone attacks. Find a safe area, then when the first cone attacks go off, move into the space where the first attacks occurred.

After another High Wind attack, worms appear, and the boss eats them, powering up its talons.

This time, when the boss performs Blade (a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list), the attack will also have an area of effect, so players need to avoid being in that area, but they should stay just outside of the circle attack, because this is followed by a donut around where the circle attack occurred, so players need to move into the safe donut soon after.

Razor Wing is a huge line attack that covers all but the area behind the boss, so quickly run behind the boss to avoid it.

Windwhistle creates a moving tornado that does a star-shaped line attack. Stand between where the line attacks will occur.

Completing the Quest

Defeating the boss will complete one of the quest objectives for the Main Scenario Quest For All Turali.