Everkeep - Duty Guide

You have reached the summit of Everkeep and face the foe you seek.

How to Unlock

Everkeep, an 8-player trial, is unlocked by the level 99 Main Scenario Quest The Resilient Son.

Phase 1

Soul Overflow damages all characters.

Double-edged Swords hits one half of the area, followed by the other half, so stand in the first safe half, then move to the other half after the first attack.

Patricidal Pique is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list.

Calamity's Edge damages all characters, and causes the glowing locations to do circle attacks, so move to an area far from the glowing locations.

Vorpal Trail causes turrets to do line attacks around the edge, then the line attacks occur closer and closer to the center, then they will expand again. Move out of the center as soon as you can safely do so, then dodge the attacks when they start spreading out again. You will also need to dodge Double-edged Swords while the line attacks are spreading outward, so be sure to go to the safe half, then move to the other safe half while also dodging the lines.

Calamity's Edge will also be paired with Double-edged Swords.

Eventually, there will be a mid-battle cutscene, signalling the beginning of the second phase.

Phase 2

Smiting Circuit will cause Zoraal Ja's blades to float and glow. If a blade is parallel to the ground and pointing in toward the boss, it will do a circle attack centered on the boss. If a blade is parallel to the ground and pointing outward away from the boss, it will do a donut attack, where the only safe area is in the boss's targeting ring.

Dawn of an Age places a marker around the edge, with only a small square safe area. Stay in the safe area, because the marked edge will disappear.

Vollok will place platforms outside of the area, followed by glowing swords on certain squares of the platform. Don't stand on any of the squares with swords on them.

Bitter Reaping is a high-damage attack on the top two players in the enmity list.

Later casts of Vollok will place swords on the platforms outside of the area. Then your platform will glow, as well as a platform outside of the area. Watch the glowing platform to see which squares have attack markers, and stand on the squares of your platform that don't have attack markers on the glowing platform. When your platform glows again, look for the glowing platform outside of the area, and dodge the attack as before.

Gateway shows lines with orbs connecting your platform to others outside of the area. Forged Track causes turrets to appear on the outside platforms. Watch the other platforms to see which turrets are showing line attack markers. Their attacks will not occur in their original positions. Instead, the attacks will hit the orb at the end of the connected line, and the attack will come out of the other orb connected to that line on your platform. If playing with Duty Support, your allies will not necessarily move to the correct position, so be careful.

Actualize damages all characters and returns the platform to how it was before.

When the boss casts Half Full, he raises a glowing sword. He will hit the half of the area that the blade is over.

Half Circuit will have a parallel glowing blade, and a blade that the boss holds over a half of the area. The hovering blade will do either a circle attack or donut attack as before, and the blade that the boss is holding will hit the half of the area that the blade is over. Be sure to go in or out of the boss's targeting ring as needed, while also staying in the half that the boss is not holding a blade over.

This is followed by circle attacks that follow each character, so be sure to spread out.

The boss will again cast Dawn of a New Age and transform the platform.

This time, there will be more line segments. The boss will tether to two outer platforms, indicating which ones will perform their attack. The boss will then tether to the other two platforms, so while you are dodging the first line attacks, be sure to watch where the next set of line attacks will occur.

Duty's Edge targets a random player with a multi-hit line stack marker. Unmarked players should stack together in a line with the marked player and remain there until the series of attacks has finished.

Swords will appear on the outer platforms, but will not show attack markers until the boss casts Sync. When the boss casts Sync, there will be two platforms showing attack markers. Both attacks will hit your platform simultaneously, leaving one quadrant safe. Move to the safe quadrant accordingly. The boss will cast Sync again, so move to the next safe quadrant.

Completing the Quest

Defeating the boss will complete one of the quest objectives for the Main Scenario Quest The Resilient Son.