Alexandria - Duty Guide

You enter Alexandria to put a stop to Sphene's plans.

How to Unlock

Alexandria, a 4-player dungeon, is unlocked by the level 100 Main Scenario Quest Dawntrail.

Antivirus X

Immune Response is a cone attack in front of the boss. It also creates an unsafe edge around the area.

The second cast of Immune Response hits the entire area except for a safe cone in front of the boss.

Glowing plus signs and circles will appear around the boss. The plus signs will do two line attacks in a plus shape, and the circles will do line attacks. The attacks will occur in the order that the glowing symbols appeared. The attack markers don't appear until just before the attack, so move into position to dodge the attacks as soon as possible. Toward the end of this attack, the boss will also do either a front cone attack or an attack where only the front cone is safe, so be sure to watch the boss's cast bar. The boss's attack will go off as soon as the cast bar completes, so time your movements accordingly.

Quarantine is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list. At the same time, another character will be targeted with a stack marker. The tank should stay away from the other characters, and the two unmarked players should stack together with the marked player to reduce the damage of the attack.

When the boss uses the glowing plus sign and circle attack, it will do two Immune Response attacks (front cone or rear 270° cone) during the attack. You may need to use Sprint to dodge all of these attacks.


Electrowave damages all characters and creates an unsafe edge around the area.

Disassembly splits the boss into two parts. A triangle of electricity will be slowly traced on the area. Watch carefully to see which half of the area will be covered with the triangle, and stay out of that half.

When the boss casts Centralized Current, there will be a line of electricity pointing in the direction that the boss is facing. The boss will do a line attack in that direction, but the attack marker appears too late to react, so make sure not to be in front of the boss at this time.

Split Current is similar to the previous attack, but the electricity indicators will be at the sides. There will be two line attacks on the right and left of the area, and only the line in front of and behind the boss are safe.

At this time, the triangle attack from before will begin, and at the same time, there will be three portals along the edge of the area, each of which will do a line attack, but there will be a gap where there is no portal. Stand in front of that gap while also dodging the triangle, and you will also need to spread apart because all players will be marked with circle attacks that follow them.

Amalgamight is a high-damage attack on the player highest in the enmity list.

Superbolt targets a random player with a stack marker. Unmarked players should stack together with the marked player to reduce the damage of the attack.

Ternary Charge is three attacks, each of which will either be a circle attack centered on the boss or a donut attack where the area near the boss is safe.


Disruption damages all characters and creates an unsafe edge around the area.

When the boss casts Partition, it will hold its glowing sword over one half of the area, and will then hit that entire half of the area. Go to the other half of the area to avoid the attack.

Reconfigured Partition will hit the other half of the area.

Subroutine causes the boss's hand to float across the area. It will perform a line attack in front of and behind itself. At the same time, the boss will cast Partition, hitting a half of the area with its sword. Move to the side without the sword and don't be in front of or behind the hand.

In the next cast of Subroutine, there will be a floating robot that will perform a donut attack, where only the area beneath the robot is safe. At the same time, the boss will target half of the area with its sword. Make sure to stand in the safe half of the donut. Then when the donut goes off, spread apart, because all players will be targeted with a circle attack that follows them.

Overexposure targets a random player with a line stack marker. Unmarked players should stack together in a line with the marked player to reduce the damage of the attack.

At the next cast of Subroutine, there will be six Lightning Generators that must be destroyed. The Charge gauge will increase until they are destroyed. During this time, watch out for the donut attack from the floating robot, the sword attack from the boss that hits half of the area, the electric lines from the boss's hand that performs a line attack in the direction of those lines, and a line-stack attack.

After the Lightning Generators are destroyed, the boss casts Holo Ark. The strength of this attack depends on how much the Charge gauge filled before the Lightning Generators were destroyed. If the gauge reached 100, the party can't survive Holo Ark.

Impact creates a circular knockback indicator. Stand near but not on this indicator such that you won't be knocked into the unsafe edge, then spread apart, because all characters will be marked with line attacks that follow them.

Elimination damages all characters, and also places multiple lines across the area. The lines will start small and purple, then will expand and turn red. Stay near the small purple lines and far away from the large red lines, because the large red lines will perform line attacks. Since the purple lines gradually turn red, you will need to keep moving to places with purple lines to avoid the attacks.

When the boss casts Subroutine at this point, it will combine the donut attack, the sword attack on half of the room, and the electric line attack from the floating hand. The line attack will occur after the donut, so move out of the way of the line attack as soon as the donut attack goes off.

Completing the Quest

Defeating the boss will complete one of the quest objectives for the Main Scenario Quest Dawntrail.