Tree Trunk Stage

How to clear Tree Trunk Stage, also known as In the Trees, and Tree Zone Level 2, in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.

How to clear Tree Trunk Stage, also known as In the Trees, and Tree Zone Level 2, in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.

How to Clear Tree Trunk Stage

Go to the right, and there is some tree sap that you can float in and jump out of. Get the two coins, then you will see a Moofish in the sap to the right. To the right of that, there is another Moofish in the sap, and three ? Blocks above that. The middle block contains a Super Mushroom or other power up.

To the right, get in the tree sap on the right wall, and go to the right to find a small room where there is a ? Block. Hit the ? Block to get a 1-Up Heart.

After that, go downward in the sap and go to the bottom-left corner of the sap-covered area to find a ? Block that contains a Super Mushroom or Fire Flower.

Then go to the right and jump up and down from the sap to get the coins while avoiding the Moofish in the sap and the spikes in the ceiling. Go through the pipe on the right.

Go to the right and get the pairs of coins between each pillar of sap. There is a Noko Bombette that walks along the floor, and if you stomp it, it turns into a bomb. Get away from the bomb before it explodes.

Go to the right and get in the sap that goes above the spikes, and tap the jump button as needed to avoid falling down out of the sap. Afterward, use the sap to jump on the small platform, but don't stay on the platform very long, because it will fall into the spikes after a moment.

Go to the right and hit the Midway Bell.

There are two paths you can take. You can get in the sap and go downward to find a path with a lot of coins, a Carrot, and a 1-Up Heart. Or you can go to the right from the sap to get power-ups, a lot of coins, and a 1-Up Heart. If you want to visit both routes, start with the route that goes down the sap.

Get in the sap to the right of where the Midway Bell was, and go downward. There are three Moofish to avoid. When you go far enough downward, the sap on the right side will stop. Stay in the sap on the left and try to jump up and to the right, because there is a Hidden Block two spaces down from where the sap on the right hangs down. Take the Moneybag that comes out of that hidden block, then go downward in the sap until you can go to the right so you fall straight down. Then go through the pipe on the right.

Hit the ? Block and take the Carrot, then get on the ground and make a running jump to the right, and as soon as you hit the ceiling (or get very close to it), start tapping the jump button to hover. It is important to be running when you jump, in order to move as quickly as possible to the right while you hover. If you did it correctly, you should get past the spikes safely without falling into them, and you should get most, if not all, of the coins. Throughout the spiked area, there are Noko Bombettes.

Afterward, get the 1-Up Heart that is on the Empty Blocks, then get the coins to the right of that. Then make your way to the right, jumping from one blob of sap to another, to avoid the Noko Bombettes in this area. At the right side, go up the pipe.

If you want to go through the other path, and/or you want to go to the Secret Goal, go to the left from the pipe and go up through the sap. When you see some sap on the right, get into it, and go to the right to get the 1-Up Heart there. Then go to the left and get back in the tall column of sap, go up to the top of it, then fall through the coins there.

Afterward, you can optionally go back up to the top of the tall column of sap, then go to the left, where there is a Noko Bombette that you can avoid or stomp on, and go left again to find some blobs of sap. You can safely go down to the bottom of this section, because there is sap down below. Then go to the left and make your way up where there are three columns of sap above spikes.

Then go to the left, but just jump up against the left wall rather than getting into the column of sap, because there are spikes below the sap. Go to the left and go through the wide column of sap and land on the Empty Blocks at the bottom left. Stand next to the left wall and jump straight up to reveal a Hidden Block with a Moneybag in it. Then go up the wide column of sap. If you want to go to the Secret Goal, don't hit the ? Block! Otherwise, hit the ? Block to get a Super Mushroom or Fire Flower.

Then go to the left, where there are blobs of step that go down and to the left, with spikes below. To the left of that, there are more blobs of sap over spikes, and then some coins between columns of sap and spikes. Go to the left, where there is another Noko Bombette. If you want to go to the Secret Goal, don't hit the rightmost ? Block! Otherwise, hit the rightmost ? Block to get a Super Mushroom or Fire Flower.

Then go back to the right, until you're at the Noko Bombette and the Empty Block next to the tall thin column of sap.

From here, if you're Bunny Mario, you can make a running jump from the ledge on the left, then hover to the ledge on the upper right. From there, you can go through the pipe on the right, then go to the right and enter the Secret Goal Door to unlock the Tree Zone Secret Stage.

Or if you want to go to the normal goal, get in the tall thin column of sap, then fall out of the right side of the sap and go straight down to land on the ledge to the right of the spikes below. Go to the right from there, past the pipe, and get in the blobs of sap. Make your way up the sap, then hit the Bonus Bell at the top. If you hit the Bonus Bell, you will play the Mario Catcher game.

After the Level

After this, if you unlocked the Tree Zone Secret Stage, you can go there next. If you went through the normal Goal Door instead, you can go to either the Leaf Stage (on the left) or the Bee Hive Stage (on the right).

Or you can go to any of the following: