Moon Stage

How to clear Moon Stage, also known as Space Zone Level 1, in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.

How to clear Moon Stage, also known as Space Zone Level 1, in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.

How to Clear Moon Stage

While in the Moon Stage, your jumps will be slower and higher.

Go to the right and there is a Bomubomu that sometimes stops and shoots cannonballs. It can shoot them horizontally and diagonally. There is another Bomubomu to the right, followed by a ? Block that contains a coin.

Go to the right and get the three coins, but don't fall on the spikes below. After the spikes, there is another Bomubomu.

Go to the right and get the three coins, hit the ? Block to get a coin, get the three coins after that, then jump on top of the Block. Beware of the Poro that floats around the ? Block above you. Hit the ? Block to get a coin.

Jump up and to the right, and look out below to make sure you go past the spikes to avoid landing on them. To the right of the spikes, there is a ? Block that contains a Super Mushroom or Fire Flower. After the ? Block, there is a No.48 that can throw exploding stars at you from its head.

Near the No.48, stand on top of the rock formation that looks like a hand pointing up, and you can see an Empty Block above you and to the left. From there, you can jump on top of the ? Block if a Fire Flower appeared there and you still need to get it. Then get back on the Empty Block near the pointing hand formation, and jump up and left from there to reach the 1-Up Heart on an Empty Block. Then jump up and one square left to reveal a Moneybag, and jump up and one square left from there to reveal another Moneybag.

Go back to the rock formation that looks like a pointing hand, and stand on the finger and jump up and to the right to find a floating rock with coins above it. Take the coins, then stand on the left edge of the floating rock and jump up and to the left to reveal an Empty Block. Stand on that block and jump up and left, then stand on that block and jump up and two squares left. Jump on top of the highest block that appeared, and jump to the 1-Up Heart.

You can safely float straight down from that 1-Up Heart and land on the hand-shaped rock formation.

After the spikes to the right, there is a Bomubomu, then another set of spikes. Then there is a Poro that floats around a tile with a crescent moon on it. Jump straight up from the moon tile to hit the ? Blocks above. They contain coins. Then go to the right and there is another moon tile with a Poro flying around it, and two ? Blocks above it. The block on the left contains a Fire Flower.

Go to the right and hit the Midway Bell. After the bell, there is a Poro flying around. There are some Hidden Blocks in this area, and you can use them to reach the Secret Goal, but if you want a Moneybag and some more coins, you should go to the right first, and after the second spike, jump straight up to reveal a Hidden Block that contains a Moneybag, then go to the right, jump over the large number of spikes, then avoid the Poro and jump onto the Brick, and jump up to get all the coins here. Some are too high up, but continue reading to find out how to get above those coins and fall through them.

Go left until you reach a planet with a ring around it that you can see in the background. You can jump up in the area that is below and to the left of the planet to reveal a Hidden Block. There is another Hidden Block above that, and another one above that. From there you can jump onto an Empty Block platform. There are coins after the platform. Jump to the third platform, then stand on the left Block of that platform and jump straight up to reveal a Hidden Block with a 1-Up Heart in it. When you land on the fourth platform, you are above the coins that you couldn't reach earlier (see previous paragraph). You can optionally get those coins, then come back here. Continue jumping to the right, and at the end, you can jump to the right onto a platform of Empty Blocks, to reach the Secret Goal and unlock the Space Zone Secret Stage.

Or you can go down below the Empty Block platform to hit the Bonus Bell and go through the normal Goal Door. You will play Mario Catcher. Then you can continue on to Star Stage.

Or you can go to another zone, but keep in mind that you will have to replay Hippo Stage to return to Space Zone.