World 4-1

A guide to completing World 4-1 in Super Mario Land for Nintendo Game Boy.

Explore World 4-1

Before you go anywhere, go to the left and stand on the pipe. Before you go down be aware that you need to start pushing toward the right as soon as you start going down the pipe. There are coins to the right, but unless you're Superball Mario, you won't be able to reach them if you fall straight down. So go down the pipe to reach and push toward the right to get the coins. If you fell straight down but you have Superballs, you can face the left wall and try throwing Superballs while jumping to different heights. If you shoot it at the right angle, the Superballs might be able to reach most of the coins.

Afterward, to the right, there are three ? blocks that each contain one coin. Then there are two bricks above some pipes. The leftmost brick contains a Mushroom or Flower.

Keep going to the right and you find some Piranha Plants coming out of pipes. After that, jump over the gap and there are ? blocks that each contain one coin, as well as a Piranha Plant, and a Pionpi that jumps toward you. Pionpi can only be defeated by hitting them with two Superballs. Stomping them just stuns them temporarily, and they're immune to Superballs while stunned. Also, stunning them restores their health, so even if you hit them with one Superball before stomping them, you will again have to try to hit them with two Superballs to defeat them after they come back to life.

Go to the right and jump onto the platform that is going up and down, then when you reach the top, jump onto the platform that is going side to side. The platform doesn't go very far to the right, so you will have to make a running jump to the right to reach the solid ground on the right, but beware: there is a Pipe Cannon going up and down from the pipe here, and there is also a Pionpi jumping toward you from the right. When you can, hit the ? blocks to get one coin each. Then go to the right and jump over the gap to reach the next area.

There is a Bombshell Koopa and a Pionpi on the right. After you deal with the enemies, jump on top of the three bricks, then hit the ? block multiple times to get several coins. Then continue to the right.

There is a Pionpi soon after the gap, and then another Bombshell Koopa. The ? block above the three bricks has only one coin this time.

To the right, there are two Pionpis. The second ? block of the first set contains a Mushroom or Flower. After that, there is a Piranha Plant coming out of a pipe, followed by two ? blocks that contain one coin each.

Next, there is a series of pipes. The two pipes just before the gap contain Piranha Plants, and the one just after the gap contains a Pipe Cannon. Don't jump off of the tallest pipe. Instead, stand on the tallest pipe and make a running jump to the right, to try to hit the leftmost brick in the ceiling. A Star will come out, and if you catch it, you can easily defeat the two Piranha Plants, the Pionpi, and the Bombshell Koopa. The ? blocks that the Bombshell Koopa is on just contain one coin each.

Afterward, go to the right and jump onto the moving platform that is going diagonally, and jump onto the one after that. From there, jump to the solid ground on the right.

All four of the pipes have Piranha Plants coming out of them. Just after the fourth pipe, hit the rightmost brick to get several coins, but make sure not to jump into the path of an oncoming Bullet Biff from the Pipe Cannon just after that brick.

After the Pipe Cannon, there is a Piranha Plant, a Goombo, and two Piranha Plants. Hit the brick just after the last Piranha Plant to get a Mushroom or Flower, but as before, make sure not to jump into the path of the Bullet Biff from this Pipe Cannon.

To the right, there are three Piranha Plants. After the third one, a Falling Block will fall from the ceiling, so wait for it to go past, then jump and hit the brick after the third Piranha Plant to get several coins.

Next, jump onto the platform that is going left and right. From there, jump onto the diagonal platform, and from there, carefully jump on the Dropping Lifts to reach a platform that is going up and down. Then you can jump onto the pipes on the right, but watch out for the Pipe Cannon and the Pionpi in that area.

After the pipes, there is a platform with two Pionpis, two Bombshell Koopas, and a ? block that contains a Mushroom or Flower.

Next, get on the moving platform and stand near the right edge so you go through all the coins. Before you move on, let the platform take you close to the top, then jump up to hit a hidden brick above where the coins were. This reveals a 1UP heart, but you have to run to the right to get it. Try to jump to the platform with the coins before the 1UP Heart falls off the edge, then get the rest of the coins if any are left.

Go to the right and you find some pipes, but stay on the leftmost pipe and be careful of the Pipe Cannons to the right of it. Before you go down the leftmost pipe, be aware that you need to start pushing toward the right as soon as you start going down the pipe. There are coins to the right, but unless you're Superball Mario, you won't be able to reach them if you fall straight down. So go down the pipe to reach and push toward the right to get the coins. If you fell straight down but you have Superballs, you can face the left wall and try throwing Superballs while jumping to different heights. If you shoot it at the right angle, the Superballs might be able to reach most of the coins.

Afterward, if you went down the pipe, there won't be any enemies on the pipes anymore. If you didn't go down the pipe, be careful of the three Pipe Cannons here, and the Bombshell Koopa on one of the pipes. Go to the right to reach solid ground.

There are three Pionpis, each starting at a different height on the screen, so don't go too quickly to the right. After you deal with the Pionpis, the ? block just contains one coin.

Next, there are several pipes, and three of them have Pipe Cannons. Get past them, then make a running jump to the right from the tallest pipe to try to land on the moving platform. From there, jump onto one of the bricks near the top of the screen, then hold the run button as you go to the right to automatically jump over the gaps between the bricks and reach the door to the Bonus Game. Then you move on to World 4-2.