World 1-1

A guide to completing World 1-1 in Super Mario Land for Nintendo Game Boy.

Explore World 1-1

Press the A button to jump to the ? block to get a coin. Go to the right (you can hold B to run), jump on the Goombo, then hit the ? block to get a Super Mushroom. Collect the mushroom to transform in to Super Mario.

Go to the right, then hit the ? block to get a coin. Go down the pipe after that and collect the coins you find there. Go through the pipe on the right and you'll come back up the pipe that you went down.

Go to the right and hit the ? block to get a coin. Go to the right and jump on the Goombo, then go to the right and hit the three ? blocks to get three coins, but beware of the two Goombos that approach.

Go to the right and fall straight down through the coins. Before you move on, hit the ? block to get a coin, then jump on top of that block, and jump to hit the third brick from the right. A 1-UP Heart will pop out, so be sure to catch it.

Go to the right and hit the ? block to get a Mushroom or a Flower. If you got a Flower, you can press A to throw a Superball. Unlike fireballs in older Mario games, the Superball will keep going in a straight line whenever it hits the ground or a wall.It will also collect any coins that it hits, so you can throw it at coins and make it bounce off of walls to collect coins that you might not be able to reach.

Go to the right and hit the ? block to get a coin. Watch out for the Bombshell Koopa that approaches from the right. If you jump on a Bombshell Koopa, its shell turns into a bomb and explodes after a short time. If you get hit by the explosion, you get hurt, so keep your distance. Or you can hit it with a Superball to get rid of it. The bomb won't explode if you hit the Koopa with a Superball.

To the right, there are a lot of ? blocks, but they all just have coins.

To the right of that, you can go down the pipe to get coins. You can throw a Superball to collect all the coins if you wish.

Hit the ? block to the right to get a coin. Farther to the right, there is a Fly that bounces from side to side. You can either jump on it to defeat it, or hit it with two Superballs. Hit the ? block above where the fly was to get a coin.

Go to the right, jump on the Goombo, then hit the ? block to get a Star. If you collect it, you will start flashing, and you will be invincible until the effect wears off. You can run through enemies to defeat them while the Star is in effect.

To the right, you will find several ? blocks, all of which contain coins, and several Goombos and Flies. Eventually, you see a sphinx in the background. Just after the sphinx, there are three bricks, the third of which contains coins. The pyramid to the right contains some coins that you can get if you throw Superballs into the gaps.

Go to the top of the pyramid, then fall straight down through the coins. Then go to the right and jump onto the moving platform when you can. From that platform, jump to the upper-right platform and jump onto the door at the top.

Bonus Game

If you went in the upper door, you get to play the Bonus Game, where you have to press the B button to stop Mario and the ladder from moving. Mario will go to the right, and if the ladder is in his path, he will always climb up or down it. If he reaches a number, he will get that number of extra lives. If he reaches a Flower, he will be transformed into Superball Mario if he isn't already. If Mario is already Superball Mario, try not to get the flower, because it won't do anything.

After the bonus game (or if you went through the lower door), you continue on to World 1-2.