World 3-1

A guide to completing World 3-1 in Super Mario Land for Nintendo Game Boy.

Explore World 3-1

Go to the right, jump on top of the pipe, and jump to hit the ? block, which contains a coin.

To the right of that, beware of the Batadon that flaps its wings and bounces up and down toward you. You can jump on it to defeat it, or hit it with three Superballs.

To the right, hit the two ? blocks above the pipe to get a coin from each. Then there is a Bombshell Koopa, followed by a floating platform with some bricks above it. Hit the rightmost brick to get a Mushroom or Flower.

After that, there is a bridge of dropping lifts. You have to hold B to run over it or you will fall into the pit (or you can make a running jump to jump over it).

Next, there is a Bombshell Koopa, then a ? block over a pipe. The ? block just contains a coin. Go down the pipe here to reach a hidden room. If you're small, you will have to jump onto the platform and jump over the pit of spikes to reach the coins. If you're Super Mario or Superball Mario, you can just break one of the bricks beneath the coins, jump up through the gap, and jump to collect all the coins.

After you exit the hidden room, the pipe after the gap here has a Pipe Cannon that goes up and down, and shoots a Bullet Biff toward you. You can jump on the Bullet Biff to get rid of it. Above that pipe, the two ? blocks just contain coins.

Jump onto the floating platform to the right, but beware of the Batadon just past the gap in the floating platform. The ? block on the left side of the floating platform contains several coins. Go to the right and get the three coins, then stomp the Bombshell Koopa or throw a Superball at it.

After that, jump onto the platform that is going up and down, then jump onto the smaller platform after it, and onto the large moving platform after that. Then when the Piranha Plant is gone, jump onto the pipe that it was coming out of. Next, get rid of the Bombshell Koopa, and if you're Superball Mario throw a Superball at the coins in the two pits.

Next, there are a bunch of coins in a narrow gap. You can fall down that gap while pushing toward the right, and you should land on the platform down below, which is just to the right of where you fell.

Next, there is a Piranha Plant in a pipe. Above that, there is a ? block that contains a coin. After a gap, there is a pipe with a Pipe Cannon coming up and down, and above that, two ? blocks that just contain one coin each.

Then there is a Bombshell Koopa, followed by a Tokotoko, which moves quickly toward you. You can jump onto it or shoot it with a Superball to defeat it.

After that, there is a floating platform to the right, and there is a Tokotoko on another floating platform just after the first one. Stomp on or shoot the Tokotoko, then jump onto the raised ground or make a running jump to reach the floating platforms, but beware of the Batadon that slowly jumps toward you from the right. You can stomp on it or hit it with three Superballs to get rid of it.

Next, you can go to the left and hit the ? block to get a coin, then go to the right to get the three coins that are there. Go up the platform on the right, hit the ? block to get a coin, then go to the right, but don't jump over the gap in the floating platforms. If you went far enough to the right, a Batadon will slowly jump toward you. Get rid of it, then while standing one square to the left of the gap in the floating platforms, jump straight up to reveal a hidden block that contains a 1UP Heart. Get the heart, then stomp on the Bombshell Koopa or throw a Superball at it and get the three coins above where it was.

Now you need to jump to a moving platform on the right. You can either make a running jump to reach the small platform that is moving up and down, or try to fall straight down onto the low platform that moves left and right. Then make your way to the right on the moving platforms, but beware of the Bullet Biffs from the Pipe Cannon on the right.

Jump onto that pipe, but beware of another Pipe Cannon on the right. Hit the ? block to get a Mushroom or Flower, then go to the next pipe and hit the ? blocks to get one coin from each.

Go to the right, and just before the first Tokotoko reaches you, do a short jump straight up. You will stomp all three Tokotokos as they come toward you.

Beware of the Batadon that jumps from the right, then hit the three ? blocks under the pipe to get one coin from each. Then jump up onto the block to the left of the pipe so you can jump onto the platform that has coins on it.

From there, go right, and you encounter another Batadon, as well as a Pipe Cannon shooting Bullet Biffs at the coins on the platform. Get the coins, go down below and stomp on the Tokotoko, then hit the ? blocks to get one coin from each. Jump up to the pipe, wait for the Pipe Cannon to go down, then go down the pipe.

Get all the coins in this room. You can use a Superball to collect them more quickly. The ? block in the bottom right corner contains a coin.

After you exit the hidden area, get the coins to the left again, and the coins from the ? blocks again.

Go to the right and you find a pit of spikes. You will need to jump onto the boulder (known as Ganchan) and stand on it while it bounces to the right. From there you can jump onto the platform on the right and get the coins there. Then jump onto the next boulder to get past the spikes down below. Continue riding on top of the boulders, but be careful when you are going toward a moving platform. Another boulder will fall, so instead of staying on the current boulder, try to land on the floating platform and wait for the next boulder, and jump onto it.

Eventually you see some blocks with coins on it and ? blocks above it. You can try to jump from your boulder onto that platform, but if you miss, just jump onto solid ground and make a running jump to reach that platform. Get those coins and hit the ? blocks to get a coin from each.

Continue going to the right, and get the coins above the floating platform, then jump onto the next boulder to appear. From the boulder, jump onto the platform that is moving left and right, then quickly jump up the Dropping Lifts to reach the upper door and play the Bonus Game. Then you continue on to World 3-2.