World 3-3

A guide to completing World 3-3 in Super Mario Land for Nintendo Game Boy.

Explore World 3-3

Jump over the gaps and get the three coins as you go. Then jump onto the moving platform and get the coins. The next platforms move diagonally, and you can only get the leftmost coin by hitting it with a Superball. After the diagonal platforms, jump onto the short platform.

From there, jump down onto solid ground to the right. To the right, be careful when collecting the two coins, because a Ganchan (boulder) will bounce onto the pipe that the coins are floating over.

To the right of that, there is a Bombshell Koopa with a coin floating above it. Before you move on, go up the moving platform to reach the dropping lifts, and jump from them to the pipe with the Piranha Plant coming out of it. Go down that pipe to reach a hidden area. The ? block in the hidden area contains a Mushroom or Flower.

After you exit the pipe, go down to the right. There is a hidden block if you stand on the first narrow platform and jump straight up. It contains a Mushroom or Flower. When you're ready to move on, hold the run button to run over the small gaps, but stop on the last ledge. From there, you can try to make a running jump to reach the high platform on the right.

If you make it to the high platform, you can stomp or shoot the Bombshell Koopa, get the coins, don't hit the fourth brick from the right yet. It contains a 1UP heart, but you should hit the first brick from the right first, to make it easier to get the 1UP heart. Once it's gone, hit the third (formerly fourth) brick from the right to reveal a 1UP heart. Collect it, then go down to the area below.

In the area below the high platform, beware of the two jumping Kumo spiders. The ? blocks here just contain one coin each.

To the right, make your way across the moving platforms, getting the coins on the way. The bottom-right platform doesn't come very close to the diagonal platform, so you might want to jump on the upper-right platform first, then jump to the bottom-right platform from there.

From there, jump to the right, where there is a pipe. Go down the pipe to reach a hidden area. In this area, the brick in the floor to the left of the spikes contains coins. Get the coins from the right side of the room, then exit the hidden area.

After you leave the pipe, stand on the right side of the pipe and jump straight up to reveal a hidden brick. Jump onto the brick to reach the platforms above. Then go to the right, make a running jump, and fall down through the coins.

The moving platform will sometimes be beneath the bricks, so wait until the moving platform starts moving to the right, then fall onto it when it will be beneath you. Then try to land on the moving platform on the right, press down to crouch if you're Super Mario, and when you get past the wall, jump up the platforms to reach the upper-right ledge.

Go to the right, but when you get close to the waterfall, watch out for a Batadon that bounces toward you. Get past it, then beware of the Tokotoko that runs toward you.

To the right, watch out for the Ganchan boulder, which bounces back and forth in this area. Carefully hit the leftmost ? block to get a Mushroom or Flower. The others contain one coin each.

Farther to the right, there are three ? blocks, each containing one coin. There is also a Batadon that bounces toward you in this area.

Next, you reach the final boss of this world: Hiyoihoi.


Hiyoihoi throws Ganchan boulders at you throughout the fight. You can either hit Hiyoihoi with ten Superballs to defeat it, or you can jump on each boulder, getting closer and closer to the ledge above Hiyoihoi. When you're close enough, jump onto that ledge, then jump onto the switch to the left of the door to open it. Doing so will instantly defeat Hiyoihoi.

Afterward, you meet Daisy. Then you will continue on to World 4-1 in the Chai Kingdom.