World 2-3

A guide to completing World 2-3 in Super Mario Land for Nintendo Game Boy.

Explore World 2-3

In this level, you will be piloting the Marine Pop, a submarine that shoots torpedoes if you press B. You will automatically move toward the right, so you need to be careful not to get stuck behind walls, or you will get pushed off screen and lose a life.

Try to collect the coins, then press B to shoot torpedoes at the uppermost bricks to reveal a Mushroom if you need it. Try to quickly collect the coins beneath those bricks, then shoot torpedoes at the Torions that swim toward you. If you don't shoot the Torions, then when they reach the left side of the screen, they will turn around and start swimming toward the right to try to hit you.

A Honen jumps up and down from the pit in the ground. You can try to shoot it or just ignore it.

Try to go near the upper right to get two more coins while they are still near the right side of the screen, but quickly go down and to the left while dodging the Yurarin that swims toward you so you can shoot the uppermost bricks of the bottom set and get a Star. After the Star, there are two coins, another Yurarin, and another group of three Torions, and Honen jumping up and down.

After that, there are more coins, followed by a Yurarin, a Honen, more coins, another Yurarin and Honen, then a Yurarin and a group of three Torions along with a Honen from the pit.

Next, be careful when getting the two coins in the upper right, because right after the coins, there is a Gunion, but when you shoot the Gunion, it turns into two fireballs that move toward you, so keep your distance from the Gunion when you shoot it, if possible (or just go past it).

Get the two coins down below. Then there is a large wall on the right. Try going to the top of the lower wall and shooting the uppermost bricks there, because the last of those bricks contains a Mushroom.

After the wall, there are coins, a Gunion, two more large walls (but they don't have any hidden items, so you can just shoot any of the bricks and go past), coins and two Gunions, and another wall with no hidden items that you can just shoot through.

After that, there are three more Torions, two Yurarins, a Yurarin Boo, a Gunion, three Torions and a Yurarin. Then there are a bunch of coins that spell MARIO.

After the MARIO coins, go to the top of the lower wall and shoot the uppermost bricks there to get a 1UP Heart.

Then there are coins and a Gunion, two walls that don't have any hidden items, some coins and a Yurarin, and a wall where if you hit the uppermost bricks of the lower wall, you get a Mushroom.

Then you immediately encounter the boss of the Muda Kingdom: Dragonzamasu.


Throughout the battle, you have to dodge the Tamao (a giant blob) that bounces around the room. Tamao is immune to torpedoes, so just dodge it. Dragonzamasu goes up and down, sometimes stopping to spit a fireball to the left. Keep shooting Dragonzamasu until it is defeated. The Tamao will disappear as soon as you defeat Dragonzamasu. Then go to the lower right and shoot the bricks there, and move your submarine onto the switch next to the door. You will go through and meet Daisy. Then you will continue on to World 3-1 in the Easton Kingdom.