After Kirby defeats Whispy Woods and gets a Sparkling Star, he continues on to Castle Lololo.

Stage 2, Part 1
At the entrance to the castle, a Broom Hatter will go back and forth on the parapet, then it will charge off the left side and fall, moving toward you, so be sure to jump or float, or quickly inhale it before it hits you.
Then go to the door and press up to go through.
On the floor below you, there are two Waddle Dees and a Waddle Doo walking back and forth, and there are two Bronto Burts flying up and down next to the door that you came through. To quickly defeat all these enemies, wait for the rightmost Bronto Burt to fly up, then jump to the platform that has a Mike on it. If you touch it, you automatically inhale it. Spit the Mike back out and you will sing/screech into it, defeating all enemies on the screen.
If you want two Energy Drinks, ignore the door on the right and float upward. A Booler will fly from the left side to the right side of the screen and disappear. Above that, there is a Shotzo cannon. If you get in its path, it will aim at you and shoot spiralling cannonballs at you. You can't inhale the cannonballs or the Shotzo, so just avoid the cannonballs and go through the door in the upper-left of the room.
There are two Boolers in this room that dive toward you, so be sure to move slightly to the right so you're not in front of the door, then float up (or just jump) to dodge them. They will keep swooping down, so try to blow a puff of air at them while floating, or just try to inhale them and spit them out. Then you can get the two Energy Drinks, which each heal two of your health points. When you're ready to continue, go back through the door, quickly go to the right to fall down and avoid the Shotzo's cannonballs, but try not to let the Booler hit you. Go to the door on the right and go through.
A Flapper bat will float down from above, then will fly upward at an angle to the left, and a Booler will spin around, then charge toward you. You can inhale and spit them out, or just stay on the ground and let them fly above you.
To the right, there is a bomb. You can either wait for it to explode (but don't be close to it when it explodes) or inhale it to prevent it from exploding.
To the right, there is another Flapper bat and Booler that follow the same attack pattern as the first two. After that, there is a Broom Hatter that goes back and forth in front of the door, then rushes toward you. Get rid of it or jump over it, then go through the door that it was guarding.
Stage 2, Part 2
There is a Two Face mask on the wall, and if you get close to it, it will rotate and show a different face and start floating toward you. Be sure to inhale it to prevent it from hitting you.
There are two different paths you can take. One path is shorter, but the longer path has an Energy Drink that you can drink to restore two health points, and there is also an Invincible Candy on that path that you can use to get past a lot of enemies quickly.
If you want to take the short path, go to the right from where you entered the room, and go through the door, then go to the Warp Star Room section on this page.
If you want to take the long path, make your way to the bottom of this room, but watch out for the Chuckies that pop out of the ? Boxes. You can inhale them to get rid of them. In the lower part of the room, there is a door between two Chuckies. Go through it.
You will end up in a room with some water. There is a Bronto Burt that will fly toward the door that you came in through, so be sure to inhale it or jump over it. There are Glunks that will jump up and stick to the ceiling, then eventually go back down to the floor. They will shoot projectiles at you if you get close. There are also spiky Gordos that move back and forth. You can't inhale or destroy Gordos, so just dodge them.
From the entrance of the watery room, go down past the first Gordo and get the Energy Drink to restore two health points. You can't go underwater if you inhaled air to float, so be sure to spit out the air puff if you're floating, then go into the water. Then go back up past the Gordo.
Go to the right, then go down into the water and use the directional pad to swim. Don't let the Glunks' projectiles hit you. Then get past the Gordo that goes up and down, and go through the door.
You'll fall into some water. There is a Glunk on the left. Float up and take the Invincible Candy, then float up past the Bronto Burt, the Shotzo, and the Broom Hatter on the ledge, and go through the door.
Warp Star Room
This room is full of Mumbies and Boolers that float around. If you took the long path and you're still invincible from eating the Invincible Candy, you can safely go to the right to get past these enemies easily. If not, stay on the floor, but go slowly to avoid walking into the path of any enemies. At the right side of the room, there is a Warp Star. Touch it to proceed to a miniboss.
Lololo will come out of a random door on the right, pushing a block. He will push the block to slide to the left, then will go back into a door and repeat the process. Jump up or press down to go up or down the thin platforms on the left side of the screen so you're in front of Lololo, but make sure to inhale the block that he is pushing before he can hit you with it. Then spit the block back at Lololo. Do this three times to defeat him.
Stage 2, Part 3
There are no enemies in this room, but if you want an Energy Drink and a Superspicy Curry (which lets you spit flames for a while), go up to the door in the middle of the upper part of the room, and a circle of Mumbies and Boolers will start spinning around you. They won't move toward you, so just go into the door.
As soon as you arrive in the room, go to the left or right to dodge the two Boolers that bounce up and down. Inhale one and spit it at the other, then get the Energy Drink on the platform on the right, and then get the Superspicy Curry from the platform on the left, and quickly leave the room. You can temporarily spit flames, so do that to get rid of the spinning Mumbies and Boolers. Then go through the bottom-right door.
Broom Hatters will fall from above, and a Flapper bat will fly diagonally up from the right side of the screen. If you got the Superspicy Curry, you can spit flames at them to get rid of them. Go up the steps on the right, but beware of another Flapper bat and Broom Hatter from the right. Go through the door.
All the doors in this room, except for the upper-right door, lead to dead ends with enemies, so don't go into any doors except for the upper-right door. On the way to that door, you can float up and get rid of the Star Block on the left to get the Energy Drink.
Then float up from there, but beware of the Flapper bat that flies from right to left. Ignore the two doors on the left, and get past the two Gordos, to reach the upper-right door. Go through.
Two Waddle Dees will come down the stairs toward you, and a Booler will float to the right, then charge toward you, so as soon as you come out of the door, move slightly to the right, then start inhaling, and you'll inhale all the enemies. Then two Flapper Bats will go diagonally up from the bottom of the screen toward you. You can try to spit the enemies at them, or just go to the left to dodge them.
Go to the right, and there is a Broom Hatter that goes back and forth in front of the door. Get past the enemy and go through the door to face the Stage 2 boss.
Lololo and Lalala
Lololo & Lalala will appear from random doors in the left and right, each pushing a block. They will keep pushing the block all the way across the screen, then they will go through the door at the end. Get in front of one of them and inhale the block, spit it at them, but then float up or press down to go through a thin platform, because they will keep moving toward you even after you spit at them. You can also inhale a block, then go up or down a platform so you are behind Lololo or Lalala, and spit the block at them from behind. It is also possible to inhale the block from behind. After you deal enough damage, Lololo or Lalala will disappear. Continue fighting the other one the same way until they are defeated.
After you defeat Lololo & Lalala, touch the Sparkling Star to clear the level and continue to Stage 3: Float Islands.