Follow these steps to play the Extra Game in Kirby's Dream Land.
What is the Extra Game?
In Kirby's Dream Land, you can play a more challenging version of the game called the Extra Game. The stages are the same, but some of the enemies are replaced with more difficult versions, and some of the enemies stay the same but have different attack patterns. The bosses look the same but are much more challenging. In addition, the ending has a different post-credits scene.
How Do I Play the Extra Game?
To play the Extra Game, press up, A, and Select on the title screen. If you do it correctly, "Extra Game" will appear in the middle of the title screen. Then you can press Start to begin the Extra Game.
Do I Need to Beat The Game Before I Play the Extra Game?
No, you don't need to beat the normal game before you play the Extra Game. Just press the buttons mentioned above and you can play the Extra Game.