How to get through the first stage of the Extra Game of Kirby's Dream Land.

How to Start Extra Game
If you want to play the Extra Game of Kirby's Dream Land, press up, A, and select on the title screen to make the words "Extra Game" appear in the middle of the title screen. Extra Game is much more difficult, with tougher enemies and bosses.
Extra Game Stage 1, Part 1
Go to the right and there are two Waddle Dees that run to the left while bouncing up and down. Then there is a Tookey flying to the left, and a Waddle Dee that runs back and forth.
Next, there is a Tookey quickly flies around and around. After that, there is a Koozer that goes quickly up and down, and a Waddle Dee that runs back and forth.
Float past the wall and you find a Blopper disguised as a cupcake that is throwing frosting left and right. It is difficult to get close enough to inhale it without getting hit by frosting, so inhale some air and spit it at the Blopper to defeat it.
As you approach the door, two Koozers swoop down toward you, so jump or float out of their way. Then go through the door and take the Energy Drinks if you wish. Then exit the room, but immediately jump and float to the right to avoid the Blopper's frosting and the two Koozers that try to fly at you. There is another Blopper to the right of the door, but it isn't throwing frosting.
There is a Tookey spinning around and around after the gap. After that, there is a Koozer flying up and down, and a Waddle Dee running back and forth.
Next, there is a Poppy Bros Jr. that is running back and forth, followed by a Blopper that doesn't throw frosting, and a Tookey that flies overhead. After the Blopper, there is a Waddle Dee that is walking back and forth.
Next, there is a Tookey that spins around and around, and a Koozer that flies at you. Then there is a Warp Star. Touch the Warp Star to go to the next part of the level.
Poppy Bros Sr.
In Extra Game, Poppy Bros Sr. throws more bombs and throws them more quickly and frequently. Sometimes he will charge toward you. Try to inhale a bomb, then jump and spit it out, since Poppy Bros Sr. will probably jump soon to throw another bomb, so he will be in the path of the the star spit. Hit him three times to defeat him and continue the level.
Stage 1, Part 2
After the miniboss, there is a Poppy Bros Jr. that rolls back and forth on an apple.
Then there is a Koozer that floats up and down, and a Blopper on the ground that throws frosting.
Next, a Koozer will fly toward you, so start inhaling to prevent it from hitting you. There is a Waddle Dee going back and forth on a platform. After the platform, there is another Waddle Dee going back and forth.
After that, there is a Koozer floating up and down, as well as a Koozer that floats down from above and then charges toward you. There is also a Grizzo that goes back and forth.
After that, there is a Poppy Bros Jr. rolling back and forth on an apple, and two Tookeys fly overhead, and the lower one will try to fly into you.
Next, two Koozers try to fly directly at you. There is also a Blopper that doesn't throw frosting.
After the Blopper, there are two Star Blocks. A Koozer will float down from above and charge toward you, so start inhaling, or be ready to spit a Star Block at it.
Next, a Tookey flies overhead, and there is a Poppy Bros Jr. going back and forth. This is followed by a Poppy Bros Jr. riding on top of a Grizzo.
Then there is a Koozer that quickly charges toward you, a Tookey that flies overhead, a Blopper that throws frosting, and a Koozer that floats up and down, near another Blopper that throws frosting.
Then there is a door, and just beyond the door, there is another Poppy Bros Jr. on a Grizzo. Go through the door.
Inside a Tree
There is a Blopper to the left that bounces toward you. Go to the right and jump upward twice to reach the upper platform. There is a Grizzo to the left. Float up onto the platform above you. There is a Grizzo on the right.
Then press up to float up through the hole in the ceiling, but beware of the Blopper that quickly bounces left and right. There are Star Blocks to the right, but they don't have anything behind them.
Float up, and there is a Tookey that spins around on the edge of the platform above. After you get past it, move toward the right to land on the platform. To the right, there are two Bloppers.
Float up from there, then go to the left to find two Star Blocks with a Maxim Tomato behind them. Inhale the blocks, then take the Maxim Tomato to refill your health.
Float up from there, but there is a Waddle Dee that is quickly going back and forth on the platform, so go up the left or right side when the Waddle Dee is on the opposite side. Then you can go into the corner so the Waddle Dee doesn't run into you, then spit out your air or inhale the Waddle Dee.
There are Star Blocks in the corners, but they don't lead to any secrets.
There is a Tookey that spins around and around on the left side of the platform above. There is also a Waddle Dee that goes back and forth in front of the door. After you get past those two enemies, go through the door.
Whispy Woods
Fall down the holes in the floor and you will find yourself in front of the first boss, Whispy Woods. In the Extra Game version of this battle, Whispy Woods spits out more puffs of air, and they go in more random directions and move more quickly. Multiple apples fall from above, and Gordos also fall from above that you have to jump over.
After you defeat Whispy Woods, touch the Sparkling Star to clear the level and continue to Extra Game Stage 2: Castle Lololo.