How to Use Config Mode

Follow these steps to use Config Mode in Kirby's Dream Land.

What is Config Mode?

Config Mode is a special menu that you can access from the title screen, which allows you to change Kirby's maximum health and starting number of extra lives, as well as do a Sound Test to hear the music and sound effects from the game.

How Do I Use Config Mode?

To use Config Mode, press down, B, and Select on the title screen. If you do it correctly, you will go to Config Mode.

How Do I Change Kirby's Vitality and Extra Lives?

You can press up and down to change which row the cursor is pointing at, then press left and right to change Kirby's maximum health, and Kirby's starting number of extra lives.

How Do I Use the Sound Test?

Press down until the cursor is next to Sound Test, and press A or Start to enter the Sound Test. Then press up or down to change which row the cursor is pointing at, and press left or right to change which music track or sound effect number is displayed. Then press A to play that music or sound effect.

You can press Start to exit the Sound Test and return to Config Mode.