Extra Game Stage 5: Mt. DeDeDe

How to get through the final stage of the Extra Game of Kirby's Dream Land.

How to get through the final stage of the Extra Game of Kirby's Dream Land.

Door Room

You start this stage in a room with four doors, each showing a picture of a boss from a previous stage. You can go through the doors in any order.

Whispy Woods Door

Go through the Whispy Woods door to enter an area similar to the first stage, Green Greens. There is a Blopper on the right that throws frosting. Float up and spit the air at the Blopper from a distance. Next, there is a Grizzo, then a Tookey that is floating up and down. Float down and go past the floating wall, then get past the Poppy Bros. Jr that is going back and forth. After that, there is a Blopper, then a Gordo blocking the door. Float past it and touch the Kirby on the right side, and the Gordo will disappear. Go through the door. The boss battle is the same as the Extra Game version from earlier, so read the Extra Game Whispy Woods Boss Strategy if you need help. Afterward, you return to the Door Room.

Lololo and Lalala Door

Go through the Lololo & Lalala door to enter an area similar to the second stage, Castle Lololo. Float upward, but stop before you hit the Mr. P. Umpkin on the wall. Get close enough to it to make it start floating around, then get rid of it. There is a Broom Hatter to the right that goes back and forth and sometimes jumps up and down.

To the right, there is a Glunk on a platform, and a Gaspar that hovers nearby. Below that, there is a Flapper that goes back and forth.

To the right of those enemies, there is an impostor Kirby. Touch it to make the Gordo in front of the door disappear. Go through the door.

The boss battle is the same as the Extra Game version from before, so read the Extra Game Lololo & Lalala Boss Strategy if you need help. Afterward, you return to the Door Room.

Kaboola Door

Go through the Kaboola door to enter an area similar to the third stage, Float Islands. Inhale the Explosive Coconut on the tree to prevent it from falling on you, and watch out for the Blipper that bounces up and down from the water. On the ship, a Flotzo goes back and forth. To the right of that, there is a Peezer that shoots a rotating beam. Go to the right and fall down the hole.

Beware of the Grumples that jumps back and forth, and the Coner that slowly goes left and right. Carefully float past the spikes, then float over the Gordo and touch the impostor Kirby to get rid of the Gordo. Go through the door.

There are two Grumples that go left and right on the platforms, and a Coner that quickly moves toward you. Farther to the right, there is a Mint Leaf. Touch it and you automatically start flying, and the boss battle begins.

The boss battle is the same as the Extra Game version from before, so read the Extra Game Kaboola Boss Strategy if you need help. Afterward, you return to the Door Room.

Kracko Door

Go through the Kracko door to enter an area similar to the fourth stage, Bubbly Clouds. The column below you isn't a wall; it won't block you if you want to go across the screen. Beware of the falling stars, because they hurt you if they touch you. Go downward, avoiding the Cawcun that flies across the screen. After the Cawcun, there is a Whiskers that floats around randomly. Then there is a Scarfy above a cloud. There are several short columns with spikes under them, and one of them has a Boomer on it that throws boomerangs, so be careful. Then there is a Benny that goes left and right. Farther down, you see a floating impostor Kirby. Don't worry about the Waddle Dee and Waddle Doo that are walking along with parasols. Just touch the impostor Kirby and all the enemies, including the Gordo in front of the door, will disappear. Go through the door.

The boss battle is the same as the Extra Game version from before, so read the Extra Game Kracko Boss Strategy if you need help. Afterward, you return to the Door Room.

King Dedede

After you defeat all four bosses and all the doors in the door room say "Closed", float up and touch the picture of King Dedede to begin the final boss battle!

King Dedede will move quickly toward you, and sometimes he will swing his hammer to try to hit you. When this happens, a star appears for a brief moment. The star disappears more quickly than in the normal game. You can inhale this star and spit it at him to damage him. However, Dedede can also try to inhale you, and if he does, he spits you out and you take damage, so don't stay too close to Dedede. Sometimes he jumps high up in an arc, moving farther and going more quickly than in the normal game, and stomps down on the ground (and can drop straight down onto you if you're too close), which creates two stars next to him, which you can also try to inhale and spit at him to damage him. Try not to float above Dedede for too long, because he can jump up and swing his hammer at you in the air. Sometimes, as he runs toward you, he trips and falls on his face, giving you a chance to get farther away from him.

Repeat this strategy until he is defeated. Congratulations! You won! The Extra Game post-credits scene is different from the normal game ending. Enjoy the ending and the post-credits scene! Afterward, the game tells you how to start Config Mode: press down, B, and select on the title screen. If you do it correctly, you will go to Config Mode, where you can change Kirby's maximum health and number of extra lives for even more of a challenge, and you can go to the Sound Test to listen to the music and sound effects from the game. Press Start to exit the sound test and return to Config Mode.