Extra Game Stage 3: Float Islands

How to get through the third stage of the Extra Game of Kirby's Dream Land.

How to get through the third stage of the Extra Game of Kirby's Dream Land.

Stage 3, Part 1

Go to the right, and there will be a Flotzo walking toward you on the ground, and two Koozers flying toward you from the right.

Then there are two Star Blocks, a Flotzo that floats up and disappears, then a Peezer, which shoots a fast rotating beam. You can only inhale it if it's not hiding behind its claws, but you need to be quick to inhale it before it starts shooting the beam.

Go to the right, but watch out for the Explosive Coconut in the palm tree. When you go underneath it, it will fall straight down and explode when it hits the ground (or you). You can inhale it or spit at it to get rid of it. After that, there is a bomb that will explode if you don't inhale it first.

A Koozer will fly toward you, and there are two Waddle Dees walking back and forth.

There is water after that, with a Blipper fish that bounces up and down out of the water. After that, there is a Blipper that swims back and forth under the high platform. The low platform has a Waddle Doo that shoots a rotating beam.

After that, there is a Blatzy cannon in the water that jumps out and rapidly shoots cannonballs at different angles. There is also a Blipper that swims back and forth in the area with the Blatzy. As you float to the right, beware of the Koozer that appears from above.

On the next island, there is a Coner crab that moves quickly to the left and eventually falls into the water.

After the crab, there are some blocks. When you get on top of the blocks, a Koozer will rapidly descend from above and try to charge toward you. There is also a Flotzo to the right of the blocks that will hop onto the highest block and float up into the sky.

Next, there is some water. Float over it, and watch out for the three Flotzos that fly up out of the water in a zig-zag motion, and the Flotzo that flies across the sky and tries to fly toward you.

Near the end of the water, there is a Blipper that swims back and forth, and a Blatzy cannon in the water that jumps out and rapidly shoots cannonballs at different angles. There is a Mike on the island after that, but beware of the nearby Koozer that charges toward you. Get the Mike and spit it out to sing/screech into it and get rid of all the on-screen enemies, including the Blatzy cannon and the Waddle Dee and Waddle Doo that run and jump toward you.

After that, there are several trees with Explosive Coconuts, so be sure to inhale them or spit at them to get rid of them. These trees are followed by three Coner crabs that quickly move toward you.

After that, there is a door. Go through.

Stage 3, Part 2

To the right, there is a Grumples that bounces left and right. Go to the right and fall down the hole, but beware of the Grumples beneath you that slides left and right.

If you want an Energy Drink, get rid of the Star Blocks on the left, but beware of the Peezer that shoots a rotating beam after the first several Star Blocks. Remember that you can only inhale it if it's not hiding behind its claws. Get the Energy Drink, then go back to the right, and get rid of the Grumples that goes left and right.

Go to the right and make sure you will be up against the wall on the LEFT when you float up. There is an Explosive Coconut on the ceiling near the RIGHT wall, but you can avoid it if you stay on the left.

At the top, go to the right, but wait for a Grumples to appear, and inhale it quickly because it will try to charge at you. There are two more Grumples to the right that you need to inhale before they charge at you. If you want a 1up, keep going to the right and inhale the Star Blocks until you reveal a door. Go through.

Fall straight down and keep going downward in the water, going past the Gordo, until you see the 1up. Swim to the 1up and take it, then go through the door.

Get rid of the two Grumples before they can charge at you, then go to the left, get rid of the Grumples there, then slowly float down the hole in the floor, and avoid the Gordo that rapidly moves left and right on a platform.

There is nothing to the left, so just float to the right and land on the blocks just before the Gordos. When the Gordos are out of the way, inhale Star Blocks to create an opening. Wait for the Gordos to get out of the way again, and float through the gap that you created.

Go up and to the right, inhale the Star Blocks when the Peezer isn't shooting a beam, and get rid of the Peezer, then get rid of the Star Blocks to the right of where the Peezer was.

Then go to the right and up, get rid of the Star Block in the tunnel, then go up onto the thin platform, and inhale the Grumples when it appears. Then collect the Energy Drink on the right. The bright tiles behind the Energy Drink are not a door, so just go to the left, press down to go through the thin platform, and go to the bottom-right corner of the room. Inhale the Star Blocks, then go through the door.

Stage 3, Part 3

In the water, there are two Blippers that bounce up and down out of the water. After that, there is a platform with a Superspicy Curry, a Flotzo, and a Blatzy cannon. If you want the curry, try to float down from above and quickly move back up to avoid the cannonballs. Then carefully go past the Blatzy to continue dodging the cannonballs as it changes its angle.

There are two Flotzos that fly from right to left. Be careful when you try to go past the mast of the ship, because there is a Blipper underwater that jumps up and down, and there are also two Koozers that fly down from above to hit you.

After that, there is a Blatzy cannon after some blocks. It constantly shoots cannonballs upward, and a Koozer that charges toward you if you get close to the Blatzy. Beware of the Flotzo that will come up out of the water just after the Blatzy. The Blipper won't jump out of the water, though.

There are some blocks around a door, and a Flotzo that bounces onto the ship nearby, and a Grumples that bounces left and right just after that. Inhale the Star Block on the right and go through the door. Get the Energy Drink and 1up in the water, then go back through the door.

Get past the Flotzo that jumps onto the ship and the Grumples that bounces left and right.

Next, there is a wall of blocks, followed by a Blatzy that constantly shoots cannonballs upward. After that, a Coner crab is going back and forth. Then stay on the floor as you go to the right, because there is a Blatzy cannon that spins left and right, shooting a cannonball each time it changes its angle, but you won't get hit if you're on the floor. Go through the door.

Touch the Warp Star, and after a cutscene, you will be in the clouds.

To the right, there are two Grumples on cloud platforms, and a Coner crab that quickly moves from right to left. After that, you find a Mint Leaf. Touch it to eat it, and you will start flying and automatically go to the right, and the boss battle will begin.


In the Extra Game version of this battle, Kaboola moves rapidly and randomly, and frequently shoots a spread of three cannonballs, as well as quickly shooting single cannonballs, and frequently does a rapid spin and then charges at you after a much shorter delay. Spit air puffs at her until she is defeated.

After you defeat Kaboola, touch the Sparkling Star to clear the level and continue to Extra Game Stage 4: Bubbly Clouds.