Mystery Board Unlock Guide

This page lists the ways to unlock squares on the Mystery Board in Endless Ocean Luminous.

How to Unlock Mystery Board Squares

See below for the list of ways to unlock squares on the mystery board.

Square Number Title Unlock Method Image(s)
1 The Time of the Primordial Obtain the fish coin. Can be found at dive site 0016 4323 7870 1694 in map square G3.
2 From a Faraway Land Discover a treasure chest with a meteorite in it. Can be found at dive site 0039 0660 8274 1565 in map square D2.
3 Adapa and the Others Descend Read the tablet "Seven sages, including Adapa, came to this land to bring about Ea's plan..." Can be found at dive site 0016 4323 7870 1694 in map square H4.
4 Broken Ninlil Obtain the boat coin. Can be found at dive site 0034 6278 3712 5274 in map square F2.
5 The Gray World Discover a treasure chest with a white gemstone in it. Can be found at dive site 0046 5710 9757 2085 in map square B0 at a depth of 45.
6 The Land of the Gridded Board Obtain the shell coin. Can be found at dive site 0024 3131 9789 5265 in map square H5.
7 No Way Out Read the tablet "Using the glorious wisdom of Ea, Utuabzu created Ninlil. But as Ninlil's large wings spread out among the stars, they caught on the largest of the mountains and were irreparably broken..." Can be found at dive site 0026 6622 8078 5484 in map square A8 at a depth of 12.
8 Life-Thread of the Sacred Beast Honor the request to swim aside "the singing sacred beast." For example, Singing Dragon can be found at dive site 0009 5093 0446 0105
  • Disc location: I9 at a depth of 5
  • Creature location: B2 at a depth of 41
For more information, read Disc Puzzle Solutions.
9 Golden Wings Scan Raja Emas. Can be spawned at dive site 0075 2250 6936 3704.
10 Black Oar Scan the Grand Ancestor. Can be spawned at dive site 0059 0965 9340 8275.
11 Blue Harpoon Scan Lancia Presto. Can be spawned at dive site 0024 3131 9789 5265.
12 Distant Observers Scan Simurgh Daria. Can be spawned at dive site 0034 6278 3712 5274.
13 The Earthen House Scan Rosier Rose. Can be spawned at dive site 0091 1859 3794 7685.
14 Receptors for Light Scan Amamotsumi. Can be spawned at dive site 0091 7936 4846 5564.
15 Pale Boatman Scan Jawhara Tajir. Can be spawned at dive site 0016 4323 7870 1694.
16 Eternal Iron Scan Mertz. Can be spawned at dive site 0026 6622 8078 5484.
17 Observers of the Abyss Scan Lamba Apsara. Can be spawned at dive site 0046 5710 9757 2085.
18 Four Repeaters Scan Yurlungur. Can be spawned at dive site 0046 5750 9034 2295.
19 Wanderlust Discover a community of soft corals. Can be found at dive site 0091 7936 4846 5564 in map square I4.
20 Sea of Ice Reach a room surrounded by ice. Can be found at dive site 0016 4323 7870 1694 in map square G8.
21 Sea of Sacred Wine Reach a room in a tower. Can be found at dive site 0049 2324 7462 4725 in map square H5.
22 Lake of Dreams Reach the interior of an island. Can be found at dive site 0034 6278 3712 5274 in map square D3.
23 Valley of the Bade Reach a room in a canyon. Can be found at dive site 0024 3131 9789 5265 in map square A2.
24 Shadow of Albedo Discover a treasure chest with a black gemstone in it. Can be found at dive site 0078 0104 8021 3274 in map square I0 at a depth of 6. An image that illustrates how to find Mystery Board #24
25 In a Silent Sea Reach the innermost part of the ocean depths. Can be found at dive site 0096 8814 6538 1554 in map square G2 at a depth of 187.
26 Finding the Water of Life Obtain the droplet coin. Can be found at dive site 0046 5710 9757 2085 in map square F7 at a depth of 4.
27 Flowing from the Giant Vase Obtain the whirlpool coin. Can be found at dive site 0034 6278 3712 5274 in map square H2.
28 Struck by a Great Tidal Wave Read the tablet "Adapa finally found the water of life, but so tremendous was its rush that he barely managed to control it..." Can be found at dive site 0034 6278 3712 5274 in map square B9.
29 With Two Small Branches Obtain the World Coral coin. Can be found at dive site 0024 3131 9789 5265 in map square D4.
30 Tuned Discover a treasure chest with a classical guitar in it. Can be found at dive site 0094 0993 1503 6794 in map square A8 at a depth of 14. An image that illustrates how to find Mystery Board #30
31 The Time of Calm Obtain the treasure mentioned in "A Legend of the Sea God". Can be found at dive site 0097 6123 6906 5365 in map square C7 at a depth of 78.
32 Where Life Branched Honor the request to swim aside "a creature of countless blades." For example, Dwarf Sawfish can be found at dive site 0034 6278 3712 5274
  • Disc location: D1 at a depth of 16
  • Creature location: J0 at a depth of 37
For more information, read Disc Puzzle Solutions.
33 Omen of Prosperity Discover a community of kelp clustered together in a narrow space. Can be found at dive site 0054 1946 4222 7515 in map square F7 at a depth of 16.
34 Seven Sages Discover a treasure chest with a seven-branched sword in it. Can be found at dive site 0034 6278 3712 5274 in map square B6.
35 Finite Discover a community of huge corals. Can be found at dive site 0049 2324 7462 4725 in map square D7.
36 With Blue Bird Obtain a bird coin. Can be found at dive site 0046 5710 9757 2085 in map square B8 at a depth of 6.
37 The Chosen Ones Discover a treasure chest with an islanders' stone statue in it. Can be found at dive site 0020 9045 2982 4645 in map square I7.
38 Two-Pronged Key Obtain the anchor coin. Can be found at dive site 0021 0414 3137 3965 in map square H2 at a depth of 45.
39 The Ways of the World Honor the request to swim aside "that which is adorned with needles." For example, Long-Spine Porcupinefish can be found at dive site 0066 1887 7307 2635
  • Disc location: G5 at a depth of 17
  • Creature location: H5 at a depth of 8
For more information, read Disc Puzzle Solutions.
40 To Inherit Wisdom Discover a treasure chest with a laurel wreath in it. Can be found at dive site 0067 6647 5886 3344 in map square I9 at a depth of 4. An image that illustrates how to find Mystery Board #40
41 Setting Sun Obtain the horizon coin. Can be found at dive site 0046 5750 9034 2295 in map square H8 at a depth of 4.
42 Apkallu's Sleep Read the tablet "Adapa refused eternal life, and the other Apkallu followed. They believed that those people they had given civilization to should rule the land..." Can be found at dive site 0046 5750 9034 2295 in map square D4 at a depth of 6. An image that illustrates how to find Mystery Board #42
43 Utuabzu Honor the request to swim aside "that which sails as it swims." For example, Atlantic Blue Marlin can be found at dive site 0016 4323 7870 1694
  • Disc location: A6 at a depth of 7
  • Creature location: C1 at a depth of 6
For more information, read Disc Puzzle Solutions.
44 Who Made Ninlil Discover a treasure chest with a cruiser model in it. Can be found at dive site 0026 6622 8078 5484 in map square B3 at a depth of 41.
45 An-Enlilda Obtain the ruler's coin. Can be found at dive site 0016 4323 7870 1694 in map square H9.
46 Technician of Ea Discover a treasure chest with a telescope in it. Can be found at dive site 0024 3131 9789 5265 in map square C4.
47 Enmegalamma Honor the request to swim aside "a shark favoring white." For example, Zebra Shark (White) can be found at dive site 0018 2142 3760 9835
  • Disc location: F1 at a depth of 4
  • Creature location: E1 at a depth of 4
For more information, read Disc Puzzle Solutions.
48 Scholar of Abundance Discover a treasure chest with a book of biological illustrations in it. Can be found at dive site 0096 8814 6538 1554 in map square E8 at a depth of 5. An image that illustrates how to find Mystery Board #48
49 Enmebulugga Honor the request to swim aside "a fish that dreams of the sky." For example, Japanese Flying Fish can be found at dive site 0026 6622 8078 5484
  • Disc location: G1 at a depth of 16
  • Creature location: I2 at a depth of 40
For more information, read Disc Puzzle Solutions.
50 The Benevolent Steward Discover a treasure chest with herbal hand cream in it. Can be found at dive site 0059 0965 9340 8275 in map square I7.
51 Enmedugga Honor the request to swim aside "a fish favored by a celestial body, be it blazing or barren." For example, Giant Sunfish can be found at dive site 0034 6278 3712 5274
  • Disc location: F8 at a depth of 35
  • Creature location: E8 at a depth of 35
For more information, read Disc Puzzle Solutions.
52 Who Was Alotted a Good Fate Discover a treasure chest with an 18K gold necklace in it. Can be found at dive site 0034 6278 3712 5274 in map square E5.
53 Uannedugga Honor the request to swim aside "a beast bearing a long spear." For example, Narwhal, Narwhal (Blue) can be found at dive site 0016 4323 7870 1694
  • Disc location: H6 at a depth of 44
  • Creature location: H8 at a depth of 25
For more information, read Disc Puzzle Solutions.
54 Spreader of Knowledge Discover a treasure chest with a travel magazine in it. Can be found at dive site 0020 9045 2982 4645 in map square G6.
55 Adapa Obtain the treasure mentioned in "Squire's Memoir." Can be found at dive site 0046 5750 9034 2295 in map square B2 at a depth of 5. An image that illustrates how to find Mystery Board #55
56 The First Tuner and... Obtain the bugle coin. Can be found at dive site 0075 2250 6936 3704 in map square H1.
57 Those with Unfinished Plans Obtain the treasure mentioned in "Unnamed Biography - Final Chapter." Can be found at dive site 0023 9141 2035 8926 in map square F6 at a depth of 53. An image that illustrates how to find Mystery Board #57
58 The Time of Waves Read the tablet "As time passed, the stories and lessons of the Apkallu faded from history to legend. The peace they had brought faded as well, as people lived by their own will..." Can be found at dive site 0091 1859 3794 7685 in map square B8 at a depth of 4.
59 Ancient King Obtain the crown coin. Can be found at dive site 0016 4323 7870 1694 in map square B5.
60 Tower of the Oracle Read the tablet "The Apkallu built a tower high into the sky such that they could gaze upon both land and sea. Atop this tower a mighty fire was lit, and it served as a beacon for the great sea..." Can be found at dive site 0038 9018 6973 9754 in map square C0 at a depth of 16. An image that illustrates how to find Mystery Board #60
61 Prayer for Tuning Honor the request to swim aside "the white bug crawling upon the seafloor." For example, Giant Isopod can be found at dive site 0073 3769 9323 6804
  • Disc location: F3 at a depth of 143
  • Creature location: E4 at a depth of 139
For more information, read Disc Puzzle Solutions.
62 Homeostasis Discover a treasure chest with amber in it. Can be found at dive site 0046 5710 9757 2085 in map square E7 at a depth of 5.
63 Witness the Ocean Currents Discover a treasure chest with an old underwater camera in it. Can be found at dive site 0046 5710 9757 2085 in map square B7 at a depth of 6.
64 Pulse of the Earth Honor the request to swim aside "that which pulls its barb across the seafloor." For example, Sixgill Stingray can be found at dive site 0046 5710 9757 2085
  • Disc location: A8 at a depth of 86
  • Creature location: A8 at a depth of 86
For more information, read Disc Puzzle Solutions.
65 The Cycle of Life Obtain the whalebone coin. Can be found at dive site 0034 6278 3712 5274 in map square G9.
66 And So, Time Passed Discover a treasure chest with petrified wood in it. Can be found at dive site 0020 9045 2982 4645 in map square I3.
67 Beyond Oblivion Obtain the dragon coin. Can be found at dive site 0034 6278 3712 5274 in map square A1.
68 Things Born in the Sea Honor the request to swim aside "that which lives in this expanse." To do so, scan any nearby creature in the same map square as the disc puzzle, press + to have it follow you, then swim over the disc.For example, Leopard Whipray can be found at dive site 0091 7936 4846 5564
  • Disc location: H1 at a depth of 26
  • Creature location: H1 at a depth of 26
For more information, read Disc Puzzle Solutions.
69 We Are Called Oannes Read the tablet "After the Apkallu disappeared, those left behind came to call themselves the 'Oannes'—the children of the great Apkallu..." Can be found at dive site 0073 3769 9323 6804 in map square J0 at a depth of 5.
70 Those Who Will Eventually Reach Land Obtain the wing coin. Can be found at dive site 0024 3131 9789 5265 in map square B9.
71 The Journey of Evolution Discover a microatoll area. Can be found at dive site 0039 0660 8274 1565 in map square C6.
72 The Decay of Memory Honor the request to swim aside "a great and wise turtle." For example, Leatherback Turtle can be found at dive site 0046 5750 9034 2295
  • Disc location: H8 at a depth of 6
  • Creature location: F9 at a depth of 10
For more information, read Disc Puzzle Solutions.
73 The Extinction of Knowledge Read the tablet "As generations passed, memories of that early glorious era faded. Faster even than the Apkallu had thought, their people forgot their own history..." Can be found at dive site 0091 1859 3794 7685 in map square G7 at a depth of 2.
74 The Time of Storms Read the tablet "People scattered the world over built civilizations, grew ambitious, and fought one another for land they claimed as their own..." Can be found at dive site 0034 6278 3712 5274 in map square H6.
75 The People Revolt Obtain the treasure mentioned in "Pirate Code". An image that illustrates how to find Mystery Board #75
76 The Fishing Fires are Lit Obtain the bull coin. Can be found at dive site 0014 1581 9891 3816 in map square E5.
77 The Fall of the Royal Family Read the tablet "Those who had followed the Apkallu's commands and had been given their wisdom were cast out by those jealous of such wisdom. The Oannes, by splitting themselves so, were the cause of their own collapse..." Can be found at dive site 0016 4323 7870 1694 in map square E4.
78 The New King Obtain the sword coin. Can be found at dive site 0039 0660 8274 1565 in map square B1.
79 An Unfit Succession Discover a strange rock piercing into the ground. Can be found at dive site 0014 1581 9891 3816 in map square D0.
80 The Withered Branch Obtain the leaf coin. Can be found at dive site 0034 6278 3712 5274 in map square C1.
81 The Key Has Become Scrap Read the tablet "The two-pronged spear, inheritance from the Apkallu, was regarded as little more than scrap by foolish rulers. The land rumbled and eerie echoes rebounded..." Can be found at dive site 0016 4323 7870 1694 in map square E8.
82 Runaway Power Obtain the beast coin. Can be found at dive site 0016 4323 7870 1694 in map square E7.
83 The Lighthouse Sinks Read the tablet "The sea and the land, filled with a power they knew not what to do with, collided with one another. The tower sank into the sea, and the Oannes were scattered and lost to time..." Can be found at dive site 0066 1887 7307 2635 in map square E4 at a depth of 16.
84 Disturbed Rhythm Honor the request to swim aside "life that bears a hammer". For example, Scalloped Hammerhead can be found at dive site 0046 5710 9757 2085
  • Disc location: F9 at a depth of 28
  • Creature location: D9 at a depth of 35
For more information, read Disc Puzzle Solutions.
85 The Road to Ruin Obtain the treasure mentioned in "Unnamed Biography - Introduction".
86 Black Sky Discover a treasure chest with a satellite antenna in it. Can be found at dive site 0024 3131 9789 5265 in map square B6. An image that illustrates how to find Mystery Board #86
87 Back to the Gray World Obtain the new-moon coin. Can be found at dive site 0091 1859 3794 7685 in map square D8 at a depth of 131.
88 Testament of Enmedugga Read the tablet "Fortunate Enmedugga left words to a select few. Words that told how to regulate the great waters and maintain peace..." Can be found at dive site 0075 2250 6936 3704 in map square A8.
89 With Luck Rivalling Enmedugga, Obtained a Terminal Discover a treasure chest with a white whale figurine in it. Can be found at dive site 0016 4323 7870 1694 in map square C3.
90 Working with the Effort of Enmebulugga Obtain the arrow coin. Can be found at dive site 0024 3131 9789 5265 in map square J1.
91 Lit All Squares with the Intelligence of Uannedugga Discover a treasure chest with a mysterious stone tablet in it. Can be found at dive site 0020 9045 2982 4645 in map square J0.
92 With Intentions as Pure as Enmegalamma Obtain the treasure mentioned in "Someone's Birthday Note".
93 Displaying the Reserve Vessels of Utuabzu Read the tablet "Utuabzu grew concerned over Adapa's recklessness. When the time was right and Adapa was away, Utuabzu stole Adapa's spear and created a duplicate..." Can be found at dive site 0075 2250 6936 3704 in map square G2.
94 Recorded on the Terminal of An-Enlilda Discover a treasure chest with a lapis lazuli tablet in it. Can be found at dive site 0024 3131 9789 5265 in map square A2.
95 Mission Entrusted by Adapa Read the tablet "Adapa—sent by Ea—had created civilization, and though he tried, he could not forget the purpose civilization was meant to serve. Meanwhile, Ninlil would not move and would not return to Ea..." Can be found at dive site 0066 1887 7307 2635 in map square D9 at a depth of 19.
96 The Knowledge of Ea That Tuned Earth and Sea Read the tablet "The glorious wisdom of Ea could solve any problem in all of creation. Even the stars of the night sky could be controlled if so desired. With even a fraction of such power, the peace of the world could be restored..." Can be found at dive site 0094 0993 1503 6794 in map square H6 at a depth of 14.
97 With Seven Souls That Cannot Return to Heaven Obtain the treasure mentioned in "Merchant's Letter."
98 To All Life Born on Earth Discover a variation of a UML. There is a random chance of spawning the variation whenever you spawn a UML. For more information, read How to Spawn a UML.
99 Let There Be an Eternal Cycle and Peace Scanned several different UML variations. There is a random chance of spawning the variation whenever you spawn a UML. For more information, read How to Spawn a UML.