How to Increase Dive Capacity

Dive capacity increases at certain ranks. This page lists the ranks when dive capacity increases.

Increase Rank to Increase Dive Capacity

Your dive capacity will increase as you go up in rank. To increase your rank, you need to go on dives and earn points. Your rank will go up after you have earned a certain number of points, which is shown on the main screen, and is also shown after you end a dive.

Ranks When Dive Capacity Increases

See the table below for the list of ranks at which dive capacity increases.

Rank Dive Capacity
Rank 1 10
Rank 2 20
Rank 5 30
Rank 9 40
Rank 15 50
Rank 20 60
Rank 25 70
Rank 30 80
Rank 35 90
Rank 40 100
Rank 45 125
Rank 50 150
To be continued...