List of Creatures in Iceberg Biomes

A list of all creatures that can be found in iceberg biomes in the Veiled Sea, in Endless Ocean Luminous.

Creatures that Can Be Found in Iceberg Biomes

# Creature Name
1 Pacific Bluefin Tuna
2 Antarctic Cod
3 Antarctic Silverfish
4 Antarctic Silverfish (Red)
5 Bering Wolffish
6 Snailfish
7 Sablefish
8 Great White Shark
9 Great White Shark (Leucistic)
10 Thanatos
11 Greenland Shark
12 Bottlenose Dolphin
13 Pacific White-Sided Dolphin
14 Orca
15 Orca (White)
16 Beluga
17 Narwhal
18 Narwhal (Blue)
19 Spectacled Porpoise
20 Blue Whale
21 Southern Bottlenose Whale
22 Stone Flounder
23 Pacific Halibut
24 Pacific Herring
25 Capelin
26 Japanese Smelt
27 Leatherback Turtle
28 Japanese Spider Crab
29 Red King Crab
30 Popeye Grenadier
31 Glasshead Grenadier
32 Slender Blacksmelt
33 Chinook Salmon