How to Establish Dive Buddies

A guide on how to establish dive buddies during a shared dive in Endless Ocean Luminous.

What is a Dive Buddy?

A dive buddy is another player that you swim near during a shared dive. You will see a message saying that you added them as a dive buddy, and their location will remain on the map for the duration of the dive or until your dive buddy disconnects.

How Do I Find Other Players in a Shared Dive?

To find other players in a shared dive, press X to look at the map. If you see squares being added to the map, it means that there is another player there. Swim to that area to try to find the player.

How Do I Establish a Dive Buddy?

To establish a dive buddy, you have to swim near another player during a shared dive. Look for bubbles that indicate a player is swimming nearby. When you get close enough, you and the other player will wave to each other, and the other player will be added to the list of players in the shared dive.

How Do I See a List of Dive Buddies?

Press X to view the map, and you will see a list of your dive buddies.

How to Join a Dive Buddy

View the list of dive buddies as explained in the previous section, select the dive buddy that you want to join, and hold the A button. You will go to your dive buddy's location.