List of Fresh Water Creatures

A list of all creatures that can be found in fresh water biomes in the Veiled Sea, in Endless Ocean Luminous.

Creatures that Can Be Found in Fresh Water Biomes

# Creature Name
1 Blackhead Seabream
2 Yellowfin Goby
3 Great Blue-Spotted Mudskipper
4 Freshwater Goby
5 Bigeye Trevally
6 Bigeye Trevally (Spotted)
7 Japanese Sea Bass
8 Murray Cod
9 Banded Archerfish
10 Angelfish
11 Oscar
12 Blue Discus
13 Betta
14 Japanese Fluvial Sculpin
15 Roughskin Sculpin
16 Bluegill
17 Smallmouth Bass
18 Largemouth Bass
19 Northern Snakehead
20 Rainbow Snakehead
21 Ocellated Snakehead
22 Japanese Lates
23 Nile Perch
24 Barramundi
25 Banded Houndshark
26 Bull Shark
27 Giant Freshwater Stingray
28 Broad Cowtail Ray
29 Polka-Dot Stingray
30 Polka-Dot Stingray (Pink)
31 Dwarf Sawfish
32 Green Sturgeon
33 Lady Dorthea
34 Mbu Pufferfish
35 Mbu Pufferfish (Green)
36 Stone Flounder
37 Japanese Smelt
38 Shishamo
39 Japanese Eel
40 Giant Mottled Eel
41 Japanese Pond Turtle
42 Chinese Softshell Turtle
43 Carp
44 Colored Carp
45 Japanese Crucian Carp
46 Ginbuna
47 Big-Scaled Redfin
48 Pale Chub
49 Three-Lips
50 Tokyo Bitterling
51 Acheilognathus Tabira
52 Rosy Bitterling
53 Kanehira
54 Tench
55 Zezera
56 Japanese Gudgeon
57 Bighead Carp
58 Red Garra
59 Giant Barb
60 Green Swordtail
61 Chinook Salmon
62 Cherry Trout (Ocean)
63 Chum Salmon
64 Sockeye Salmon
65 Kokanee Salmon
66 Rainbow Trout
67 Whitespotted Char
68 Brown Trout
69 Japanese Huchen
70 Akaza
71 Eeltail Catfish
72 Giant Devil Catfish
73 Amur Catfish
74 Redtail Catfish
75 Tiger-Striped Catfish
76 Piraiba Catfish
77 Gilded Catfish
78 Adonis Pleco
79 Koliba
80 Electric Eel
81 Red-Bellied Piranha
82 Payara
83 Dorado
84 Alligator Gar
85 Spotted Gar
86 Pirarucu (Blue)
87 Clown Featherback
88 Elephantnose Fish
89 Freshwater Butterflyfish
90 Argentinian Silverside
91 Tetoriichthys
92 Henodus
93 Koolasuchus
94 Acanthostega
95 Ichthyostega
96 Diplocaulus