Zelda and the priest tell you to meet with the village elder to find out what to do next.

Get a Heart Container
After you arrive in the Sanctuary and have listened to what Zelda and the priest have to say, open the chest above the priest to get a heart container, which increases your maximum hearts by 1.
Kakariko Village
Go south to leave the Sanctuary, then go south until you can go no farther south, then go west. Go west again, then go south through the wooden archway.
Go west until you see a cave entrance, with a stone-bordered hole west of it. Fall off of the ledge above the hole so that you fall in. Open the chests and pick up the pots to get three bombs and 70 rupees. You can use bombs by pressing Start, then use the directional pad to equip the bombs. Then you can press Y to place them on the ground. The bomb will detonate a short time after you place it, so be sure to move away from the bomb before it explodes, to avoid getting hurt by the explosion.
There is a part of the wall to the left of the row of chests that looks like it has a few loose stones. If you hold the sword button and tap at this part of the wall, it will make a different sound from normal walls. You can use a bomb on it to break it open (press Start and use the directional pad to choose bombs, then stand in front of the wall and press Y to set a bomb, but make sure to move out of the way so you don't get hurt by the explosion).
Go through the hole that you bombed in the wall, then pick up the pots to get 10 rupees and two hearts, then open the chest to get a Piece of Heart. If you collect three more Pieces of Heart, they will create a Heart Container, increasing your maximum hearts by 1.
Go south to return to the previous area, then go east and jump down from the ledge, then go through the southeast door to go back outside.
Go east to a stone building with bars on the windows. Go inside and go downstairs. You will find a block puzzle. In the diagram below, the arrows represent the directions to push the blocks in order to reach all four of the chests. The squares represent blocks that you shouldn't move. Each chest contains a red rupee (worth 20 rupees), so you will get a total of 80 rupees.
←↓ * * ↓←↓ ←↓ * *
Go to the north wall and use a bomb on the cracked wall. (If you ran out of bombs, go outside, to the southwest of the village, and enter the small building near the boy and the chickens, and buy some bombs there.) After you bomb the wall, go north through the hole that opens, and pick up the pots to get 30 rupees, then open the chest to get another Piece of Heart.
Go back outside, then go south to find a guy sitting next to some pots. Talk to him and buy a bottle from him. (Or if somehow you have already spent too many rupees and can't afford it, just remember to come back here and buy a bottle from him later.)
There is a weathervane east of the bottle salesman. Go into the house southeast of the weathervane, then talk to the kid in the bed to get the bug-catching net. You can use it to catch fairies and bees if you have any empty Magic Bottles.
Go south and you will go through a secret door into the back of the building to the south. Go to the corner with the chest and pick up the pot in front of it, then open the chest to get another Magic Bottle.
Go back outside. If you ran out of bombs, go west and enter the small building near the boy and the chickens, and buy some bombs there.
Go to the southeast part of the village, and go south through the wooden archway to reach the next area.
Go into the southwest building in this area and bomb the discolored wall on the left. Go through, then go south to go outside.
When you approach the woman, she tells you that if you make it through the maze in 15 seconds, you win a prize. Approaching her will start the race whether you want to or not, so be careful.
The quickest path is to cut north through the five bushes, then go left and cut through the three bushes there, then go left to where there is a sign, and walk south from it until you jump down from the ledge, then go talk to the kid in front of the Piece of Heart. If you didn't make it in time, you can jump down from the ledge, go back through the building, and try again until you get it.
Go northeast to return to Kakariko Village, then go north until you see a woman pacing back and forth in front of her house. Keep your distance, or she will see you and call the guards. Sneak into her house when her back is turned, then go up to the painting on the north wall and hold the A button, then press down to pull on the painting. Some rupees will pop out.
Gather Items in the Lost Woods
Go outside and go north to leave the village. Go north past the fortune teller's house, and go north into forest.
Go north through the woods until you see a stump with some bushes behind it. Don't go into the stump. Instead, cut the center bush to reveal a hole. Fall in and you will find another Piece of Heart.
Fall down from the ledge and go through the door to the west, then go south and go through the door to return to the woods. Go northwest and take the mushroom.
Go to the Elder's Hiding Place
Go southeast to leave the woods. Go east from there, past the Sanctuary, and past the Graveyard. When you can't go farther east, go south, then go east across the bridge. Go south from there.
In the area with the Octoroks, go south, then when you reach the area with stone statues, go east. From there, go north. Keep going north through the two stone archways, and north up the stairs. Go northeast, then north, and from there, jump north off of the ledge and enter the small building. Talk to Sahasrahla. He will ask you to get the pendant from the palace to the east, which he marks on your map.
You can optionally bomb the cracked wall behind Sahasrahla if you have any bombs, but you will soon have a way to break it without bombs.
Go to the Eastern Palace
Leave Sahasrahla's hut, and go north and up the stairs. Go east, and when you approach the Armos statue, it will come to life and start bouncing toward you. Kill it with four swings of the sword. Go east, ignoring the stairs to the north, and instead go south along the stone path. You will reach another Armos statue. Kill it, and go east, then south. Jump down from the gap to the right of the Armos statue, then go north up the stairs. Go east and kill the Armos statue there, then go up the stairs. Kill the blue soldier, and go up the next set of stairs. Then go north to enter the Eastern Palace.