The Hookshot gives you access to most of the Dark World. Before you proceed to the next dungeon, you can collect treasures in the new areas that have become accessible.

Reach a New Part of the Dark World
Go north from the swamp to the area with the bomb shop, then go east to the bridge. Use the Hammer on the purple posts, then go north to the rock field, and go north again to reach the area with the broken bridge.
Just north of the broken bridge, there is an arrow of grass pointing left. Face the gap in the wall that the arrow is pointing toward (but don't jump off of the ledge) and use the Hookshot to be pulled across to the other side.
Get a Piece of Heart
Go north, then west to the Ghostly Garden, where the Graveyard is in the Light World. Enter the Graveyard area and dash into the southeastern pile of rocks. Go north, then cut the bush so you can enter the fenced-in area that has a pile of rocks in it. You can dash into this pile of rocks to get 20 rupees.
Now cut the upper-left bush of the fenced-in area, then go west and climb up the ladder to reach the ledge. Go to the west side of the ledge and use the Magic Mirror to return to the Light World. Enter the cave, lift the pots to get bombs and hearts, then bomb the north wall to open a hole. Go through and take the Piece of Heart.
Get the Magic Cape
Go back outside and step on the sparkling spot to return to the Dark World. Go down the ladder, then go east and cut the bush to enter the fenced-in area again. Go to the north fence and stand in the middle, then use the Magic Mirror. You will now be in an enclosed area in the Graveyard in the Light World that you would normally not be able to reach right now because it is surrounded by black stones.
Be careful to avoid the floating Poes, then go to the front of the gravestone and do a dash attack at the gravestone. It will move back and reveal stairs. Go down the stairs and go to the north end of the room. Open the chest to get the Magic Cape. When you wear the Magic Cape, you will be invisible and invulnerable, but your Magic Meter will slowly deplete while you are wearing it. You won't be able to use it if your Magic Meter is empty.
Get a Second Piece of Heart
Go back outside, and step into the sparkling spot to return to the Dark World. Go west to where the Sanctuary is in the Light World. You can optionally enter the cave to find an advice salesman, but you don't really need the advice.
Go west from the Sanctuary area, then north from the area with the pond, to reach the area where there are trees in the shape of a V. Go to the northeast of this area and lift the boulder, then enter the cave. Go north, kill or ignore the Hardhat Beetles, and go upstairs.
Use the Hookshot to go across the hole, then go south. There is a Bumper in the way. Use the Magic Cape and walk past the Bumper, then take off the Magic Cape. Go south through the door to the outside, and take the Piece of Heart.
Get a Third Piece of Heart
Jump down from the ledge and immediately go to the left to dodge the Dacto that flies toward you. Kill it when it flies toward you, or just go north to the next screen.
Go southwest to where Kakariko Village is in the Light World. This is the Village of Outcasts. Beware of the Hyus that fly around and the Pikkus that try to run up to you and steal your rupees.
In the northwest part of the village, there is a house with a treasure chest sign above the door. There are 16 treasure chests in the house, and if you pay 30 rupees, you are allowed to open two. There is a chance of getting a Piece of Heart from one of these chests, so keep trying until you find it. If you are running out of rupees, go into other houses in the village (the ones that have not been destroyed) and open chests to get 300 rupees each.
Go to a Dungeon
Even though the third dungeon is to the northwest on your map, it is recommended to go to the fourth dungeon at this point, because the treasure here is very helpful.
To get there, go to where the weather vane was in the Light World, and you will find a winged statue holding a trident. Pull on the trident to reveal stairs leading down. Go down the stairs to enter Thieves' Town.