Link ventures to the top of Death Mountain in the Dark World to find Turtle Rock, the dungeon where Zelda is being held captive.

Get Medicine of Magic
If you don't have at least one bottle of Medicine of Magic, you should leave the dungeon and go get one or two bottles of it. You can get it for free from the Waterfall of Wishing in the northeastern part of the Light World.
Get the Map and a Key
In the first room of the dungeon, pick up the skulls to get a full magic jar and a bomb. Then go north and use the Cane of Somaria on the question mark to create a platform. Step onto it and it will move north along the line to the top of the room. Go through the north exit.
Go to the nearby question mark and use the Cane of Somaria on it, then step onto the platform and use the directional pad to make it go to the right. You will stop at the next question mark, but you should make the platform go up to reach the northeastern part of the room. Go through the northeast door in the east wall.
Use the Cane of Somaria to create a platform at the question mark, but before you step on, pick up the skulls to get a heart and a large magic jar. Then equip the Fire Rod and make the platform go south, but don't try to light the torches yet. You will need to wait until the last possible moment to light them, so that they will still be burning when the platform returns to the starting point. When your platform reaches a junction in the southeast of the path, make the platform go north. Then when you are between the bottom two torches, light the torch on the right. When you are between the top two torches, light the one on the right. When you are moving toward the left, light the two torches below you. This should open the door. When the platform stops, quickly go through the door that opened in the north wall.
There are some rolling spike traps in this room. The first one is going north and south. Follow behind it at a distance, but stay near the left or right so you can go to the wall when the trap changes direction. You will reach a trap that is going from left to right. Go to the wall if it is coming toward you, and continue on to the north end of the room. Pick up the skull to find a small magic jar, and open the chests to get the map and a key.
Go south past the rolling traps and go through the door in the south wall, then go through the door in the west wall to return to the large room.
Get a Second Key
Use the Cane of Somaria on the question mark, then step onto the platform and make it go north. When it stops, make it go west until you reach the locked door in the northwest of the room. Go through it.
Be careful of the Zols that come up from the ground along the path that you walk. There is a bouncing orange Hokkubokku in this room. Whenever you hit it, one of its segments will be knocked off and bounce around the room several times. Dodge the bouncing segments and keep hitting the Hokkubokku until it is defeated. It will drop a key. Take it and go through the locked north door.
Get a Third Key
The Chain Chomps in this room will sometimes charge toward you. You will lose three hearts if one of them hits you. They can only go as far as their chain. Go to the left side of the room and stay south of the orange line, and use the boomerang to hit the crystal switch on the left. Then go to the group of five blocks on the left, and push the topmost one to the side. A chest will appear. Use the boomerang to hit a crystal switch again, then open the chest to get a key. Go through the locked door in the north wall.
Get a Fourth Key
Use Magic Powder on the Bubbles, then go toward the northeast part of the room. There is a narrow passageway to the south of the stairs in this area. Go south down the narrow passageway, then go up the southeast stairs to find the entrance to a pipe. Go into the pipe and you will automatically be sent to the northwest corner of the room. Go through the door here.
There is lava below, and two pipe entrances. Go into the eastern pipe and go through the door at the end. There are four Bubbles that start moving southward, so quickly go south until you find a crystal switch. Hit it to lower the blue blocks. In the southern part of the room, there is a Rabbit Beam that is difficult to avoid. There is also a Laser Eye above the locked door in the east wall, and if you face it, it shoots lasers at you. When possible, kill the bouncing Hokkubokku to get a key. Then hold the sword button to walk backward toward the locked door. Unlock the door and run north or south to try to avoid the laser. Then hold the sword button and walk backward through the door.
Get the Big Key
Enter the pipe and open the chest to get the Big Key. Then enter the southern pipe and go through the door at the end. Enter the pipe that you find there, then pick up the skull at the end to get a full magic jar. Jump off of the edge and go south to the stairs. Go up and enter the pipe to return to the lava room.
Get a Piece of Heart
Now enter the western pipe and go through the door at the end. Don't pick up the southeast skull because there is a Rabbit Beam beneath it. Avoid the orbs that the Medusa statue keeps spitting, and kill the two Hokkubokkus to make the doors open. Go through the south door, then go through the west door.
In this room, the closed Laser Eyes will only shoot lasers at you if you are facing them. The open Laser Eyes will shoot lasers as soon as they see you, even if you aren't facing them. Lift the nearest skull, then quickly go past the open Laser Eye and place a bomb at the cracked wall, then go to the corner so you are in front of a closed Laser Eye while the bomb detonates. After the bomb goes off, go through the south door.
There is a Piece of Heart that you can only get from right here, during this dungeon. To get it, go to the easternmost edge of the ledge and use the Magic Mirror. In the Light World, enter the cave. There are four Goriyas (or Eyegores in the GBA version). Go to the barrier on the right side of the room and hold the A button to hold onto it, then use the directional pad to make the Goriyas come to you. Then use the Hammer on the Moles and kill the Goriyas at the top of the room. The door will open. Go through and open the chest to get a Piece of Heart.
Get the Mirror Shield
Go outside and walk into the sparkling spot to return to the Dark World. Go through the nearby door.
Use the Hookshot to go across the gap. Open the chest to get the Mirror Shield. This shield will deflect the lasers that Laser Eyes shoot at you. It also blocks Lynel beams and Wizzrobe beams, but not Beamos beams.
Get a Key
Go north from the big chest and go through the door. Avoid the orbs from the two Medusa statues, and go north past the rolling spike trap. Go through the locked door in the north wall.
In the lava room, enter the pipe and go through the door at the end. There are two cracked walls here. You can optionally get a lot of rupees by dashing into the east cracked wall. If you don't want the rupees, skip to the next paragraph. After you dash into the east wall and go through the hole, you find yourself in a room with two tongue statues. Walk around until you reveal all of the Zols hidden in the floor. Kill them all and you will hear a sound. You can now push the upper block to the side to reach the tongue statues. Pull the leftmost statue's tongue (pulling the one on the right will cause bombs to fall from above) and go through the door to find 270 rupees and some rolling spike traps. Collect the rupees carefully, then go back to the room with the cracked north wall.
Dash into the cracked north wall, watch out for the Zoros that scurry out of the hole, and go through it.
Wait for the rolling spike trap to be on the right side, then go north past the first orange line on the floor, and quickly use the Boomerang to hit the crystal switch, then quickly go west to reach the chest. Open it to get a key. Then follow the rolling spike trap to the right and use the Boomerang to hit the crystal switch, then quickly go north. Go through the locked door in the north wall.
There is a question mark below, and there is a complicated network of paths for the platform to move along. Use the Cane of Somaria on the question mark. Don't get on the platform until you can see the spinning flames of the Guruguru Bar, and when you can see the flames, get on the platform and make it go to the right at the first junction, then down at all the subsequent junctions. This should lead you to a central platform with a skull on it. If you get lost, try to return to the starting point at the northwest of the room and try again.
Lift the skull and step on the switch, then when the spinning flames on the left are pointing east, get back onto the platform. Make the platform go to the right at the first junction, then to the left at every subsequent junction. Eventually it will start going south. When it reaches the southwest corner, keep going east at the first and second junction, then go north at the third, and finally, keep making it go west until it stops at a platform in the southwest of the room. Go through the door there. (If the door is closed, you need to go back and step on the switch in the center of the room.)
You can either dash south in this room and stop right after you pass a Helmasaur, or you can hold the sword button and go slowly south, changing direction to make sure that your Mirror Shield is blocking each Laser Eye, but if you do this, watch out for the Helmasaur that comes up from the south. When you reach the south end of the room, go through the door in the south wall.
Face north and hold the sword button as you go south, to block the laser from the Laser Eye on the right. You can open the chest that it is guarding to get some rupees. Then hold the sword button while you are facing north and make your way to the central path, go south until you are out of the Laser Eye's path, then face south and hold the sword button to block the laser from the next Laser Eye. Repeat this to reach the fourth chest, but be careful of the pink Hardhat Beetle nearby, and open the chest to get a key. You can ignore the cracked wall to the south for now; it just leads to a dead end outside that gives access to a Light World cave, but you can explore that some other time. For now, just block the laser with your Mirror Shield to reach the center of the room, and dash north along the path to return to the previous room.
Go through the locked door in the west wall. Use Magic Powder on the Bubble. Go west past the two orange lines, then hit the crystal switch with the Boomerang. Go west past one blue line, then use the Boomerang on the crystal switch to the north. Go north as far as you can go to find a crystal switch in a northwest corner. Go east from that crystal switch, past an orange line, then use the Boomerang to hit the switch. Then go north and down the stairs in the north wall.
Before you pick up the skulls, use the Cane of Somaria to create a platform, then pick up the skulls before you step on. When you are ready, step onto the platform and you will reach the boss door.
Trinexx has three heads: one the same color of brown as its body, one red (on the left side of the screen), and one blue (on the right side of the screen).
If Trinexx wags its tail, move away from its brown head, because the head will extend toward you. Trinexx also sometimes walks a short distance from where it is standing.
The red head (on the left side of the screen) creates a line of temporary fireballs and is vulnerable to the Ice Rod. The blue head (on the right side of the screen) creates a line of permanent ice and is vulnerable to the Fire Rod. Hitting a head with the correct rod will stun it, allowing you to hit it with your sword until it recovers. Try to defeat the head on the right first, to stop it from making more ice.
After you destroy the two heads, Trinexx sheds its shell and changes form into a snake-like creature. It will chase you around the room, sometimes moving in a straight line, sometimes coming toward you in a curved path. Dodge Trinexx and hit its glowing middle segment until it is defeated.
Take the Heart Container and the crystal. Watch the cutscene. Your health and magic will be refilled and you will be sent outside.
Now that you have rescued all of the maidens, you can now enter Ganon's Tower.