After you rescue the seven maidens, you can open the entrance of Ganon's Tower.

Refill Medicine of Magic and Fairies if Needed
This is the final dungeon, so be sure to fill your bottles with potions and fairies before you proceed. Afterward, follow the directions to Turtle Rock.
Reach Ganon's Tower
Go west from the entrance to Turtle Rock. You will encounter Lynels on the way. Your Mirror Shield will block their beams. They can't be hurt by the sword beam, so you will have to hit them with the blade of your sword.
Keep going west and you will find Ganon's Tower in the same place as the Tower of Hera in the Light World. Stand in front of it and the maidens will open the entrance.
Optional: Get the Map and two Keys
If you don't want the map, skip to Get a Key below. If you do want the map, go to the northwest corner of the room and go down the stairs there. Avoid the Spark spinning around the lamp, and dash into that lamp to get the key. Then go through the door in the west wall.
Pick up the southeast skull to get a key. Then avoid the blue Bumper on the conveyor belt and use the Hammer on two of the Moles on opposite sides of the block, then push the block in the middle of the Moles to remove the holes in the floor and open the west door. Go through.
Use the Hookshot on the block to the left, then lift the skull and go to the left side of the platform, and use the Hookshot on the block to the south. Use the Hookshot on the block to the east, then wait for the spike Trap to be out of the way and use the Hookshot on the block to the south. Go south past the Trap and use the Hookshot on the skulls to the south. Go through the locked east door.
Get past the spinning Guruguru Bars and open the chest to get the Map. Hide in the southeast corner until you can safely go west, then go back through the west door.
Go to the west wall, wait for the Trap to be out of the way, and use the Hookshot on the block to the north. Quickly go east and north to avoid the Trap, then use the Hookshot on the leftmost block to the north. Then go east and use the Hookshot on the block to the east, and finally use the Hookshot on the block to the north. Go through the door there.
In the room with the blue Bumper and the conveyor belts, use the Hookshot on the block to the north, then go through the east door.
Go through the locked east door.
Get a Key
If you followed the above steps to get the map, skip this paragraph. Go to the northeast corner of the room and go down the stairs there.
Ignore the lever in the wall in this room because it will just make bombs fall from above if you pull it. The chests in this room contain arrows and bombs. Pick up the southwest skull to reveal a switch. Use the Cane of Somaria to put a block on it, then go through the east door.
You can stand in the doorway to make the Rabbit Beam hit the wall, but quickly go east as soon as it is gone to avoid the Wallmaster that comes down from the ceiling. Keep moving to dodge the flying tiles, the Bubble, and the Wallmaster. If you use your sword, try to stay out of the way of the two Yomo Medusas that spit orbs at you. After all of the tiles are gone, use Magic Powder on the Bubble. If the tiles are gone and the Wallmaster is off screen, a chest will appear. Open it to get a key. Go east through the locked door.
Get the Compass
Watch out for Wallmasters in this room. Be sure to kill the Gibdo to the south, then go east to the two blocks. Push the lower block down. Pick up the two skulls on the west side of the room (one has a large magic jar), then go south, past the spike Trap. Be sure to kill the Stalfos if it is nearby, then go to the southwest corner of the room and be sure to kill the two blue Bari while trying to dodge the orbs from the Medusa statue. Go back to the north part of the room. You now have to light all four torches in the room with the Fire Rod. Start from the north end of the room and make your way south. Be careful to avoid the Wallmaster, and be sure to use the Fire Rod twice if it gets in your way. When all four torches are burning, the south door will open. Go through it.
There is no Wallmaster in this room. Kill all of the Gibdos in the room. If any are too far away, lure them to you by staying near the south wall. Then walk up against the small wall near the conveyor belt and go north until you are in the small corner where the large wall connects to the small wall. Place a bomb, then quickly press A to lift it, and quickly face east and press A to throw the bomb onto the conveyor belt. If you don't do it quickly enough, it will detonate too soon to hit the crystal switch. After the blue blocks go down, throw another bomb onto the conveyor belt and walk west past the blue line. When the orange blocks go down, pick up the skulls to get a small magic jar and a bomb. Go through the west door.
Kill the two Hardhat Beetles, but don't open the northwest chest yet. Open the other chests first to get rupees and arrows, then open the northwest chest last to get the Compass. Holes will open in the floor. Step onto the nearby warp tile.
Get a Second Key
Use the Hookshot to kill the blue Bari, then walk east along the conveyor belt, but stop as soon as you step onto the star switches, because a hole will appear to the right of them. Go south and step onto the next conveyor belt, but stand still and let it take you to the next star switches. After the holes change position, go north and pick up the two skulls to find a key. Go east along the next conveyor belt but stop as soon as you step on the star switches at the end. Then go south and then east past the next conveyor belt. Kill or ignore the blue Bari and go through the locked door in the east wall.
Reach a Mini Boss
Quickly use the Magic Cape and dash south along the bridge, then pick up the skull to the right and take off the Magic Cape. Kill the Hardhat Beetle, then go through the west door.
Try to kill the Hardhat Beetle on the central platform (a Silver Arrow works well), then go clockwise around the edge of the room to reach the statue. Pull it south to reveal a star switch, then get the statue out of the way and step onto the star switch. Go counterclockwise to the new bridge and step on the warp tile.
Walk west and you will be on an invisible floor. Keep going directly west and go through the west door.
Go west, avoid the Winder along the wall, then go north along the narrow walkway. Kill all of the Hardhat Beetles that you can, using Silver Arrows to hit the ones that you can't reach. Then don't pick up the lower of the two skulls, but do pick up the upper one. Then go to the northwest part of the room and go to the right side of the ledge, and you can see a torch to the right. Hit it with the Fire Rod to reveal the invisible path, then use the Hookshot on the skull down below, and you should have time to walk across the path before it becomes invisible again. If not, you can use the Ether Medallion or the Cane of Somaria to push blocks along it until you reach the end. Go through the door at the end of the invisible path.
Armos Knights
Use Magic Powder on the Bubbles. You can open the chest to get arrows. Bomb the floor near the chest to open a hole. Fall into it and you will face the Armos Knights, but this time, the floor is slippery. However, your Silver Arrows will defeat them in one shot. Kill them, then go through the north door.
Get the Big Key
Open the chest to get the Big Key, arrows, and bombs. Go south to the Armos Knights' room, then go through the west door.
Get the Red Mail
If you don't need fairies, go up the northwest stairs and skip to the next paragraph. If you do need fairies, dash into the cracked north wall, but beware of the Zoros that scurry out of the hole. Go through and you find four fairies. Go south from the fairy room, then go up the northwest stairs.
Push the block on the right, then open the chest to get the Red Mail. You will take half as much damage as you did while wearing the Blue Mail. Go through the rightmost north door.
Reach another Mini-Boss
Go up the stairs and you will be in a room with two pink Stalfos and a Spark spinning around a lamp. If you don't want the map, or you already got it, go up the north stairs. If you didn't get the map earlier and want to get it, you can go to Optional: Get the Map and two Keys on this page to get it now, then when you are back in this room, go up the north stairs.
You will be back in the entrance room of the dungeon. Go to the middle of the north side of the room and go up both of the stairs there to reach the next room.
There are many spikes here, and orange and blue blocks, as well as Goriyas. Try to use Magic Powder on the Bubble. Then hit the northeast crystal switch to lower the blue blocks, and walk along the blue lines until you are near the southern door. Go north toward the northwest crystal switch and throw a skull at it to lower the orange blocks. Go west along the orange line and push the northernmost block upward to open the south door. Pick up the skull near the northwest crystal switch, then go south to the next junction so that you are up against the blue blocks. Hit the northwest crystal switch, then go south and through the door in the south wall.
Go south to the barrier near the statue and hold the A button to hold onto it, then use the directional pad to move the Goriyas to you. Shoot them with arrows. The door will open when both Goriyas are defeated. Go through the east door.
Carefully kill the two Goriyas while avoiding the Beamos beams (the Mirror Shield doesn't block Beamos beams). Then go through the north door.
In this carpeted hallway with two Ganon statues, go north through the locked door.
Make your way north along the upper area until you are north of the two spike Traps. Jump down from there and hit the crystal switch, but quickly go north to avoid a spike Trap that was blocked by the orange blocks. There are two Eyegores to the north. Kill the red one with an arrow when it is awake, and kill the green one with your sword when it is awake. Pick up the center skull and step on the switch. This will open the door. Then go south so you are within the orange lines, and hit the crystal switch so that most of the spike Traps are on the outside so you can safely go south to the stairs. When you are safely on the upper level, go east and then north, and go through the northeast door.
Carefully cross the bridge, avoiding the cannonballs. At the east side of the bridge, go up the stairs in the north wall.
In the next several rooms, you need to dodge the Beamos beams and defeat all of the enemies in the room to open the door. Once you reach the room where most of the floor is covered in ice and there is a stationary Beamos, you might want to use the Bombos medallion to defeat all of the enemies. Go west from that room to reach a corridor.
In this corridor, watch out for the Rabbit Beam. Stand behind a statue to avoid it. Go through the door in the west wall.
You will arrive in a sand-filled room where you have to battle Lanmolas. This time, there is a Medusa statue in the corner, so you have to try to avoid its orbs throughout the battle.
Get a Third Key
After you defeat them, go through the north door. Pick up the skulls to find some recovery items, then go up the stairs in the north wall.
Wait for the Purple Wizzrobes to stop being transparent, then use the Ether Medallion to kill them and reveal the hidden path. With the Wizzrobes gone, the door will open. Go along the invisible path, using the Cane of Somaria to push blocks along it if you are unsure where it is. Exit through the south door.
Go south to the start of the bridge, then dash east past the Laser Eyes, then go through the north exit.
Kill the Purple Wizzrobes one by one while dodging the spike Trap on the conveyor belt, then go through the north door.
Quickly dash north before the path crumbles, but be careful of the red Taroses along the way. If you get knocked off, you can either go back to the previous room to make the path reappear, or you can try to go up a conveyor belt. When you have reached the north end of the room with the crumbling path, go through the east door.
Go east while avoiding the spinning Guruguru Bar, and lift the three skulls that are blocking the torches. Go west again to get out of the Guruguru Bar's path, then when you are ready, use the Fire Rod to light the northern torch first, then the eastern torch, then the south torch, and finally the west torch. Ignore the first two skulls on the way as you go south, but you should have time to pick up the third skull and get a magic jar and still have time to go through the east door before the torches go out.
From where you arrive in the room, you will be safe from the Laser Eyes' lasers. Face north and hold the sword button to hold your shield to the right as you walk north. Pick up the skulls to get a full magic jar and a heart, then face north and hold the sword button as you go south to the stairs in the middle of the room. Go up them.
The room in this floor will collapse soon, so quickly go east and use the Fire Rod to light the southeast torch, then go west and light the southwest torch, then go north and light the two northern torches, and go north through the door.
Kill the two Helmasaurs (you might find it easiest to throw skulls at them) and one of them will drop a key. You can optionally open the chests to get some bombs. Go west through the locked door.
Get a Fourth Key
Go directly west from the door until you are up against the wall. Place a bomb, then press A to pick it up and throw it onto the conveyor belt. If positioned correctly, it will explode at the cracked south wall and open a hole. Get in the path of the giant spike Trap and then get out of its way, and go through the hole while it is moving slowly back.
Wait for the Rabbit Beam to hit the barrier, then hit one of the crystal switches, and avoid letting the Spark hit you. Use Magic Powder on the Bubble. Pick up the southeast skull to get a full magic jar. Go into the inside of the orange lines and hit a crystal switch so you can reach the chest. Open it to get a key. Then go outside of the blue line and hit a crystal switch, and go through the locked door in the south wall.
You must battle Moldorm in an area that is a different shape from before. If you fall off, you will land in a large room with spikes, Purple Wizzrobes that appear in the four directions around you, and a Bubble, and you can return to the Moldorm's room by going to the northeast corner and up the stairs there. To defeat Moldorm, hit the end of its tail. You can hit it twice with the Golden Sword to kill it.
Reach the Boss
After it is gone, a chest appears in the south of the room. Use the Hookshot to reach it. It contains 20 rupees. Go south up the stairs, then push the upper block to the left, push the lower block to the left, and push the upper block to the left. Go through the door in the west wall.
Go south to the ice and kill the Helmasaur with a Silver Arrow. Then make your way north and put on the Magic Cape to go north past the two blue Bumpers on the conveyor belt. When you reach the stairs in the north wall, take off the Magic Cape and go up the stairs.
Go west and you will find the door to the dungeon boss.
Agahnim II
Agahnim splits into three. Two are fake. The real one has the darkest shadow. In this battle, Agahnim will attack with large flashing orbs and small blue orbs like before, but he will not do the lightning attack in this battle. Whenever the clones move, position yourself across from the real Agahnim. Sidestep the circle of blue orbs, which will break apart if you hit them, and hit the large flashing orbs back at the real Agahnim.
After you hit him with orbs enough times, there will be a cutscene. You will end up on the top of the Pyramid of Power.
Prepare for the Final Battle
Before you fall into the hole in the top of the Pyramid of Power, make sure that you get the Silver Arrows and Golden Sword from the Cursed Fairy. It is recommended to bring three fairies (or two fairies and a red potion) and a bottle of Medicine of Magic.
When you are ready, fall into the hole in the top of the Pyramid of Power, and the battle will begin.
Hit Ganon with your sword as many times as you can. Ganon will throw his trident, which will float around the room, and Ganon will teleport from one place to another to catch the trident. Dodge the trident and hit Ganon whenever he stops.
Eventually, Ganon will create an expanding circle of fireballs around himself. Stay far away to avoid getting hit by them. The fireballs will turn into fire bats that each fly in straight lines at you, so sidestep them carefully. Hit Ganon whenever you can safely reach him.
After he takes more damage, Ganon will stop using his trident and teleport around the room several times. Hit Ganon as soon as he stops teleporting around, to try to prevent him from creating a flame bat that swirls in a spiral around him, leave flames behind. If you are not quick enough to stop him from creating a flame bat, avoid the edges of the room, because Ganon will pound the ground and cause one edge of the perimeter tiles to fall. If you fall, you will have to leave the Pyramid and start the battle again at the beginning.
After all four edges of the floor have fallen away, there will be some dialogue, and Ganon will start shooting a line of fire at you as he teleports. Then the room will turn dark, and Ganon will become invisible. You must light the corner torches to reveal Ganon and make him vulnerable to attack. As soon as all four torches are burning, hit him with the Golden Sword to stun him, and quickly shoot him with a Silver Arrow before he can recover. Repeat this process until Ganon is defeated.
Afterward, go north through the door that opens. Congratulations! You won! Enjoy the ending!