With help from Kiki the monkey, you enter the Palace of Darkness where one of the seven maidens is being held captive.

Get a Key
From the entrance, go to the left side of the room and step on the switch in the corner to open the door above. Go through. There is a Helmasaur in this room, which you can only defeat by throwing a skull at it. Later, you will get an item that is more effective against it. Go down the stairs in the north wall.
Avoid the fireballs from the center statues, and pick up the skull in the southwest corner of the room to reveal a switch. Step on it to reveal a chest in the southeast corner. Open it to get a small key.
Get the Map
Go back upstairs. Pick up the northwest skull to reveal a switch. Step on it to open the door in the south wall. Go through it.
Go to the east side of the room and step on the switch in the corner until the northeast door opens. Go through it. Kill or ignore the Helmasaur and go down the stairs in the north wall. There is a Bubble floating around the room, but if you have the Magic Powder, you can sprinkle it on the Bubble to turn it into a fairy. Step on the orange warp tile to be sent to another room.
You can touch the tile on the north wall to receive a message from Zelda. Dash into the broken part of the south wall to open a hole. Go through it.
The Bari in this room will randomly electrify their bodies, and if you hit them when they are electrified, you will be zapped. Go to the west side of the room and dash into the right side of the north wall to open a hole. Go through.
The Goriya will mimic your movements. If the Red Goriya faces you, it will spit a beam at you. The Red Goriya can only be harmed by arrows. If you are out of arrows, lift the skull on the left to get more. Then shoot an arrow northward, then move to the side to make the Red Goriya walk into the arrow's path. It takes two arrows to kill it. You can use your sword to kill the Green Goriyas. When all of the Goriyas are gone, the north door will open. Go through it.
There are conveyor belts in this room. You will have to slowly go north, past spike Traps and a Bari, until you reach a conveyor belt that is moving north. Be careful not to go too quickly up the northern conveyor belt as you continue to avoid Traps and a Bari. Go up the stairs in the north wall.
Open the chest to get the Map.
Get a Second Key
If you are out of bombs, lift the skulls on the left side of the room where you got the map. Then kill or ignore the red Baris, and use a bomb on the west wall to open a hole. Go through the hole to find a chest. Open it to get a key.
Get the Big Key
Go back to the previous room and lift skulls on the left side of the room to replenish your bombs (the skulls on the right have arrows). You can optionally bomb the east wall to find a room with a few small fairies.
Go south from the chest that contained the map and go down the stairs there, and continue along the path to return to the room with an orange warp tile. The warp tile is surrounded by blocks. Push the block just below the warp tile and it will move out of the way. Step on the warp tile to be teleported. Go up the stairs in the north wall.
Throw a skull at the Helmasaur to kill it. The statue to the left can be pushed or pulled, so move it out of the way, then go north through the locked door.
The Terrorpins (turtles) in this room are immune to all of your attacks, so just avoid them. Go west, then north, and place a bomb where the floor is cracked. Fall down through the hole that you opened, lift the skulls to the south to get a bomb and an arrow, then go north to find a locked door. Go through it.
Open the chest to get the Big Key.
Get a Third Key
Go east from the chest and fall down the ledge. Avoid the Terrorpins, and kill or ignore the Stalfos that fall from above. Their floating skulls will eventually fly away. Pick up the skull next to the stone block to reveal a switch. Step on it to reveal a chest. Open it to get a key. Then go to the northeast corner and lift a skull, and step on the warp tile.
Get a Fourth Key
Go north up the stairs, then push or pull the statue out of the way and go through the north door. This time, go east and north. Push the lower block to the right to make it fall off of the edge, and go north through the door. Open the chest to get a key.
Get a Fifth Key
Go north to fall off of the edge and you will land on the lower level. Stand up against the blue blocks on the left and swing your sword to kill the Hardhat Beetles on the other side. Then go north and kill the Hardhat Beetle there, then go west, then north through the locked door.
Quickly pick up a skull and throw it at the Helmasaur, then hurry north before the path can collapse beneath you. Try to kill or avoid the Helmasaur to the north, then pick up a skull and go north, and you will be on safe ground. Go through the locked door to the left.
In this dark maze, there are three Kodongos. Wait near the entrance to see the flames that they spit out, then try to kill the Kodongos before you proceed. After they are gone, go to the northwest of the maze, but don't open the northwest chest unless you need bombs. Then go south, and when the path splits, go to the west wall of the maze and continue going south. At the next split, go east until you can go to the south wall of the maze, and go east along it to find a chest. Open it to get a key. Then go west, then north, then east to the second split, and go northeast to find a broken part of the wall. Use a bomb to open it (get bombs from the northwest chest if you don't have any) and go through the hole. See the map of the maze below for guidance.

Get the Magic Hammer
After you go through the hole that you bombed in the east wall of the maze, you find the large chest. Open it to get the Magic Hammer.
Get the Compass
Go back into the maze, open the northwest chest to replenish your bombs if you didn't open it earlier, and go through the northeast door. You will be back in the room with the collapsing path. Go through the northeast door. You can now use the Magic Hammer to flip over the Terrorpins, which makes them vulnerable to sword attacks. If you don't kill them quickly enough, they will flip back over and move more quickly. Just use the Magic Hammer to flip them over again and defeat them. Open the chest in this room to get the Compass.
Get a Sixth Key
From the room where you got the Compass, go down either of the two stairs in the north wall.
Go south while collecting the blue rupees from the floor, and avoid the Bubbles or use Magic Powder to turn them into fairies. Open the two chests in the south part of the room to get a key and an arrow. Then go up the other path and collect the blue rupees there, and go up the stairs in the north wall to return to the room where you got the Compass. Go south through the locked door.
Reach the Dungeon Boss
Pick up the skull on the left and open the chest to get a blue rupee. Then push the statue that is near the chest until you can safely go south and through the door.
If there are any Hardhat Beetles in the area below, go south from the door that you came out of and stand up against the blue blocks on the left, and swing your sword to kill the Hardhat Beetles there. Then go to the ledge with the arrow and jump down from it. Use your Boomerang to hit the crystal switch to the south, then go east through the door that was beyond the blue blocks.
Hit the crystal switch to turn it orange, then go to the northeast corner of the room and pick up the skulls. The northeastern skull has a floor switch beneath it, but the switch doesn't stay pressed if you walk off of it. Push the northeastern statue onto the switch to keep the north door open. Go through it.
Kill the Red Goriya with arrows (pick up the skulls if you need arrows) and kill the Green Goriyas with your sword, then go through the north door.
If the orange blocks are raised, use your boomerang to hit the crystal switch, but be careful to avoid the spike Trap. Then wait for the spike Trap to be on the left, and quickly run east, then north to safety. Shoot an arrow into the statue's eye, and the wall will move, revealing stairs down. Go down them.
Use the Hammer to flatten the Moles that surround the stairs, then use the Hammer to flip over the Terrorpins and kill them. Go west, beyond the orange line, then use your Boomerang from here to hit the crystal switch. This will lower the blue blocks on the left, and you can go west through the locked door.
Kill the Terrorpin and go through the south door. There are many Terrorpins in this dark room, so you might want to light the torches to help you see them. Kill all of the Terrorpins to open the east door, and go through it.
Push the northeast block to the left to reach the warp tile. Step on it and you will be in the room where you collected a lot of blue rupees from the floor. Go north and use your Hammer on the Terrorpins in the way, then go through the north door to reach the room of the dungeon boss.
Helmasaur King
Use your Hammer on the left and the right sides of Helmasaur King's mask until it is destroyed, but be careful to avoid the fireballs that the Helmasaur King spits out. The fireball first splits into three, then the three fireballs split into four. If it stops and starts swinging its tail, stay near its face to avoid getting hit when it swings its tail downward.
After you destroy the mask, the boss will move more quickly, and will start spitting fireballs at the same time as it swings its tail downward. Hit Helmasaur King's face with your sword until it is defeated.
Collect the Heart Container and the crystal that falls from above. There will be a cutscene. The remaining dungeons will be marked on your map, your health and magic will be filled, and you will be sent outside to the dungeon entrance.
Before you proceed to the next dungeon, there are some treasures that you might want to get by exploring the Dark World.