You go to the Desert Palace in search of the second pendant.

Get the Map
In this dungeon, Leevers will come out of the sand and attack. Keep an eye on the ground and move out of the way if you see the sand moving beneath you.
Go north and you will see a Beamos with its eye rotating. Keep moving to avoid the laser beam that it shoots out of its eye if you cross its path. You can also try to hide behind pillars and other obstacles to block the laser beam, but some objects, such as pots, are too short and will not block the beam.
To the left of the Beamos, there are some pots. Pick one up and go past where it was, then go north to the next screen.
Stand near, but not on, the quicksand. A Devalant will appear in the middle of the quicksand and spit energy orbs at you. Use your sword on the Devalant to kill it. Then go north through the door.
There are Leevers in this room, as well as two Eyegores. There is a pot between the Eyegores that you need to lift, so kill one (or both) of the Eyegores, then lift the pot, and step on the switch that is revealed. This makes a chest appear. Open it to get the Map. Then use the southwest door to exit this room.
Get a Key
Go west to the next screen, then go north through the door. Avoid the Beamos, and dash into the lamp with the key on top. Take the key. You can optionally talk to Sahasrahla using the tile on the wall. Then exit this room.
Get the Compass
Go east until you can't go farther east, then go south and unlock the locked door with your key, and go through.
You can hide behind the statues in this room to avoid the beam from the Beamos. Open the chest to get the Compass. Then kill all of the Popos to open the north door. Go through.
Get the Dungeon Treasure
Go north, but be careful to avoid the cannonballs that come out of the cannons on the walls. At the north end of the room, open the chest to get the Big Key. Then leave the room the way that you came in.
Go west to exit the room with the Beamos and the six statues. Then go southwest and kill the Devalant in the quicksand, and go west from there to return to the first room of the dungeon. Pick up one of the pots to the west, and go west past the Beamos. Pick up one of the pots to the west of the Beamos, and go north to the next screen. Kill the Devalant in the quicksand, then go west to the next screen. Then go through the west door.
Pick up the pot that is diagonally northwest from the Beamos statue. You will reveal a switch. Step on it to open the doors. Go through the north door.
Open the chest to get the Power Glove, which allows you to pick up small or large white stones in the ground. You won't be able to pick up black stones, however. Leave this room the way that you came in, step on the switch again, and go through the east door.
Get a Piece of Heart
Go south until you can't go any farther south, then go west through the door. The room to the north contains two small fairies. If you want to go there, go to the block on the left side of the room, and push the block that is second from the right (see below).
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The north door will open. When you are done, go south until you are outside.
Once outside, go south and you will find a Piece of Heart.
Get a Second Key
Go north, then when you reach the wall, go east to where there is some grass. Press A to pick up a rock, and go through the door.
To open the door to the next room, in the group of blocks on the right, push the bottommost block (see below).
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Floor tiles will float up and fly toward you. You can avoid them by staying in the doorway, or just try to dodge them or hit them with your sword. Pick up the bottom left pot to find a key. Go north to use the key on the locked door and go through.
Get a Third Key
Go south to the next room, then avoid the Beamos and kill the Popos to open the doors. Go east to the next room.
Go east while avoiding the Beamos, then go north and pick up the second pot from the right to find the key. Go north through the locked door.
There are more flying floor tiles in this room, so dodge them or break them with your sword (or just hide from them in the doorway). Pick up the upper-right pot to find the key, then go north through the locked door.
Go to the Boss Room
Shoot the Red Eyegore in the eye twice to kill it, then use your lamp to light the four torches. If you need magic or arrows, pick up the pots. When the four torches are lit, the wall will slide back, revealing the door to the boss room. Go through.
Three worm-like creatures (Lanmolas) will come out of the ground and fly around the room. The sand will shake where the worms are about to come out, and four small rocks will shoot out diagonally from the sand when a worm comes out. These rocks will injure you if you are in their path, so avoid standing diagonally to the shaking sand.
Hit the Lanmolas heads to damage them. After you kill two of them, the final one will shoot rocks in eight directions from the sand, not just diagonally, so you may want to keep your distance from the shaking sand to make it easier to dodge the rocks, then try to hit the Lanmola while it floats across the room.
Get the Pendant of Power
After you kill all three Lanmolas, take the Heart Container, then take the Pendant of Power. There is only one pendant left, but there are many items that you can collect before you continue on to the third dungeon.