After you get the Pendant of Courage, you go can back to Sahasrahla to receive your reward and learn your next destination.

Talk to Sahasrahla
If you have not yet departed from the Eastern Palace, go west past the Armos statue outside of the palace and drop down from the ledge. Go west onto the ledge with stone tiles, and go south, then go west down the next ledge. Continue going west, and fall into the pit to reach Sahasrahla's hut. Go inside and talk to him.
After Sahasrahla tells you more of the legend, Sahasrahla gives you the Pegasus Boots. Hold down the A button for a few seconds, and you will dash forward in whichever direction you are facing. You will continue to dash in that direction until you either turn to face a different direction, or press a button besides A.
Sahasrahla marks the locations of the remaining pendants, as well as the Master Sword, on your map.
Some cracked walls can be broken by dashing into them with the Pegasus Boots. Pick up the pots in Sahasrahla's hut and dash into the cracked wall there. Go through, then open the chests to get 3 bombs and 100 rupees.
Leave Sahasrahla's hut.
Go to Kakariko Village
Your next destination is Kakariko Village, to the west. Outside of Sahasrahla's hut, go up the stairs, then go counterclockwise until you can go south. Keep going south until you reach the next screen, where you will see some trees.
You can use the Pegasus Boots to dash into trees. This can make a fairy appear, or make apples fall off of apple trees, but you might instead make a bomb fall out (stay away from it to avoid the explosion), or be attacked by a swarm of bees. You can catch the bees with the bug catching net, and release them to attack your enemies. Or you can just swing your sword to get rid of them, or run away.
Go west from the trees, then go south across the bridge. Go west past Link's house, and when you can't go farther west, go south. From there, go west until you can't go farther west, then go north. Follow the path and you will reach Kakariko Village.
Visit the Library
From where you entered the village, go west past the ladder, then northwest along the slope between the two ledges. To the northwest, go up the ladder and enter the library. Use the Pegasus Boots to dash into the bookshelf that has a book on top. Go to the book to pick it up. You get the Book of Mudora. If you stand in front of something that has the ancient Hylian language on it and press Y, you will be able to read it.
Go to the Next Pendant
Exit the library and go southeast to leave the village. Follow the path from the village until you can go east. When you can't go any farther east, go north, then go east until you are in the screen with Link's house. Go south from Link's house to enter the swamp.
In the swamp, go west to the next screen, then go south to the next screen. Go south to the small building, and go inside.
To open the chest, push the left and right blocks up, and the middle block to the side. The chest contains three bombs.
Go back outside, then go back in. This time, push the middle block up, and either the left or right block to the side to get past the barrier and go through the door above.
In here, watch out for the Bubble that bounces around the room, and pull the rightmost switch to open the floodgate. Then go outside and take the Piece of Heart from the drained pond. You can optionally pick up one of the fish and take it north to where there is water, and throw it into the water, for a chance to get some rupees.
Go south again to the building where you opened the floodgate. If you cut the grass beneath the jumping creature, called a Toppo, it will get stuck and you can talk to it to get a reward, such as a heart or a fairy.
Go west to the next area and follow the path. The path has a cave to the northwest with a fairy fountain inside.
After you reach the desert, dash to the west until you see a ledge to the south with two black rocks on it. Go north from there.
You will reach a platform with three statues on it. If you check on the pillar in the middle, you read a strange language. Use the Book of Mudora to translate it. Press a button to make your wish, then the statues will rotate and you can go north into the Desert Palace.