You go to the Eastern Palace to search for the first pendant.

Enter the Palace
From the entrance of the Eastern Palace, go north and lift the pot to reveal a switch. Step on it to open the door. Go through.
Kill all the Popos (tentacle monsters) and step on the switch (you can just barely see its outline near the middle of the bridge). Go through the door.
Jump down from the ledge. Go north while avoiding the balls that roll toward you from the north. You can enter the gaps along the sides to dodge them. Before you go north through the exit, go left and follow the path to reach a chest and some pots that hold rupees.
Go back the way you came, and go up the stairs next to the archway that the balls are coming out of. Then go north through the door.
When the path splits, go left. Lift one of the pots, and step on the switch beyond it. Go through the door that opens.
There are skeletal Stalfos in this room. You can ignore them, but you may need to fight them to get past them. Be aware that they will jump backward when you swing your sword at them. You may need to back them into a corner to kill them. Go through the door at the bottom left.
Lift, but don't throw, the pot in the center of the room. When the Stalfos appear, throw the pot at the one to your left, then go around the room and use the remaining pots to kill the remaining Stalfos, or just kill them with your sword if you prefer. When they are gone, the north door opens. Go through.
Open the chest to get the compass. If you press X, you will see the dungeon map. The compass allows you to see the location of the dungeon boss. From the chest where you got the compass, go down the stairs and go through the door on the right.
Check on the tile that is sticking out of the wall if you want to talk to Sahasrahla for advice. Then go through the east door.
Avoid the sleeping creatures (Eyegores) to the north. If you get too close, they will wake up and start chasing you. You can hit them with your sword while they are awake, or throw a pot at their eye. Go east and go through the door there.
Go south, then up the stairs and through the south door. In this dark room, quickly go to the right to avoid the Bubbles (skulls surrounded by floating orbs) that are spinning around the room, kill the Popo and step on the switch, then go through the door that opened.
Be careful of the Stalfos walking around in this dark room. Go to the upper-right corner and pick up the pot there to get a key. Go west and through the door, then quickly go south to avoid the bubbles. Kill the Popo in the way and go through the west door.
Go west along the raised walkway and go through the west door.
In this room you must defeat all the Popos, the Stalfos, and the Eyegore. To defeat the Eyegore, pick up a pot, approach it to wake it up, and throw the pot at it to defeat it in one hit. Or you can hit it with your sword while it is awake.
After you defeat all the enemies, the bubbles that are spinning around the pot will start floating around the room. Avoid the bubbles and pick up the pot that they were guarding. Step on the switch beneath it to reveal a chest. Open it to get the Big Key. Then go through the north door.
Go down the stairs and push the upper block upward, then go north, then east and through the door.
Go east and open the big chest. You will get the bow. Four Stalfos will fall from above and their heads will float around. However, if you hit their bodies before their heads start floating, you can prevent their heads from flying around.
If you don't have any arrows, or just want more, pick up the pots in this room.
Go north from the big chest and go up the stairs, but don't go through the door yet. Instead, jump down from a ledge into one of the pots, and you will end up in a small room with two fairies. If you got the bug catching net and one or more empty bottles, you can catch the fairies to keep them in your bottles. If you die, a bottled fairy will revive you and disappear.
Step on one of the glowing tiles to warp back to the previous room, then go north up the stairs and go through the door.
Approach the Popos without getting too close to the two Eyegores. Kill the Popos, then get your bow and arrows ready. Approach the Eyegores to wake them up (or you can try to go to the left or right side and only wake one of them up) and shoot them in the eye with arrows to kill them. The Eyegore on the right will drop a key. Take it.
Go northeast and pick up the pot, then throw it and go through the northeast door. Pick up the rupees while avoiding the bubbles, to get a total of 90 rupees. Then go south up the stairs and go through the south door to return to the previous room.
Go west and pick up the pot in the northwest corner, then go through the northwest door.
Avoid the bubbles and pick up the bottom left pot. Step on the switch to open the door. (The other pots have arrows and a heart.) Go through the door that you opened.
There are three Eyegores here. It's easiest to kill the one on the top first, then the middle one, then the one on the bottom. There appear to be switches on the floor, but only the bottom one is real, so step on it, then go through the door that opened on the left.
Quickly go to the middle of the room to avoid the balls that are rolling around. There appear to be four switches in the floor, but only the top left one is real. Step on it, then carefully make your way to the door that opened, and go through.
Kill the Stalfos, while avoiding waking up the Eyegore. Red Eyegores can't be hurt by throwing pots at them, so wake it up and shoot its eye. It takes two arrows to kill it. Go through the door that opens to the north.
Kill the Popos, then try using the boomerang to collect any rupees that they drop, to avoid waking up the Eyegores. When the Popos are gone, wake up the Eyegores and shoot them in the eyes with arrows until they die. Then pick up all the pots around the room to fill up your arrows. You will need them.
When you are ready, go through the north door.
Armos Knights
There are six large statues that come to life and bounce around, much like the Armos statues that you encountered on the way to this palace. They can't be hurt until they start bouncing. Stay in the bottom right corner to avoid them when they bounce in a circle, and aim the bow and arrow north to hit them as they spin around. First they go in a wide circle, then a small circle, and finally they line up along the top wall and charge downward toward you. It takes three arrows to kill each one. After you kill five of them, the final one turns red and will jump into the air above you and try to land on you you. Keep moving to avoid it, and shoot it with arrows until it dies.
Afterward, pick up the heart container, then get the Pendant of Courage from the middle of the room. Your hearts and magic will be refilled and you will be sent to the palace entrance.
From the palace entrance, go south down the stairs, then go west to Sahasrahla's hut. Go inside and talk to him to learn about the path to the next pendant.