West of Mesagoza, you find South Province (Area Two), which leads to the Bug-type Gym in Cortondo.

Get Picnic Ingredients
Near the west entrance of Mesagoza, you find a picnicker who gives you picnic ingredients and offers to have a picnic with you, which will heal up your Pokémon.
Explore the Route
Northeast of the picnicker, there are a couple of items that you can find. You will also find items if you directly west from the gate into Mesagoza. There is a Revive hidden behind the south part of the wall into Mesagoza.
Go west along the path and you will find a Poké Doll beneath a tree.
Near the tree, you can talk to the trainer to battle Noa the Student, who has a level 8 Scatterbug and a level 8 Drifloon. You get 352 Pokédollars for winning.
There is a sparkle across the path from the trainer. Check on it to get a Pecha Berry.
Farther west along the path, you can talk to the trainer to battle Sergio the Office Worker, who has a level 8 Wooper. You get 736 Pokédollars for winning.
At the Pokémon Center in this area, there is a Gimmighoul under one of the tables. Be sure to check on it to get a Gimmighoul Coin.
If you talk to the Pokémon League rep at the Cortondo (East) Pokémon Center, you get a TM027 Aerial Ace if you have battled enough trainers in South Province (Area Two).
West of the Pokémon Center, you will find TM012 Low Kick.
If you go north from the Pokémon Center, you find a slope leading down. At the base of the slope, there is an area to the left where you can find a TM007 Protect.
East of that, there is a Tera Raid Crystal, and farther east, there is a trainer that you can talk to to battle Youngster Aday, who has a level 8 Scatterbug. You get 352 Pokédollars for winning.
East of that trainer, you will find TM004 Agility.
If you go northwest from the Pokémon Center, you find a tower. Be sure to check behind it to find a Super Potion. You can climb the tower to find TM072 Electro Ball on the first level, and a Gimmighoul on the top of the tower that you can try to catch.
North of that tower, there is a sign pointing in the direction of Cortondo. North of that sign, there is a Gimmighoul on the rock that you can talk to to get another Gimmighoul Coin.
There is a truck west of that sign. In the area south of that truck, you can find a TM041 Stored Power.
In the southern part of this field, you can find a Gimmighoul near a rock. Talk to it to get a Gimmighoul Coin.
From the southern part of this field, if you go east, you can talk to the trainer there to battle Youngster Roi, who has a level 8 Kricketot. You get 352 Pokédollars for winning.
East of that trainer, there is a Revive and a Super Potion.
In the area north of the olive fields, you talk to a trainer to battle Alessandro the Student, who has a level 10 Shroomish. You get 320 Pokédollars for winning.
North of that trainer, you find TM005 Mud Slap.
Northeast of that, you can talk to a trainer to battle Simon the Poké Maniac, who has a level 12 Gible. You get 720 Pokédollars for winning.
East of that trainer, you can find TM013 Acid Spray.
South of that, there is a plateau with ruins on it that you can reach by going southwest up a slope on the east side of the plateau. On the western part of this plateau, there is a sign overlooking the olive fields, and there is a Gimmighoul on it that you can talk to to get Gimmighoul Coins. This sign is added as a Flying Taxi destination.
In the southwest ruins on the plateau, you find a TM042 Night Shade.
The barrel in the southwest ruins has a Gimmighoul on it that you can talk to.
If you drop down from the northeast edge of the plateau, you can get a TM116 Stealth Rock.
If you drop down from the southeast edge of the plateau, you can get a TM018 Thief.
If you go west from the southwest ruins on the plateau and drop down from there, you find an Ultra Ball.
Back on the path that goes west through the olive fields, as you go west, you find a trainer that you can talk to, to battle Manuel the Student, who has a level 9 Spewpa. You get 648 Pokédollars for winning.
The truck in the field, east of the Cortondo (East) Pokémon Center, has a Gimmighoul behind it.
North of that truck, there is a Revive, and east of that Revive, you can talk to a trainer to battle Alba the Waitress, who has a level 9 Pichu. You get 828 Pokédollars for winning.
Near the southernmost southeastern olive field, you can talk to a trainer to battle Angel the Courier, who has a level 14 Psyduck, a level 14 Maschiff, and a level 14 Mudbray. You get 2240 Pokédollars for winning.
If you go southeast along the path from the olive fields, there is a grassy area north of a river.
Along the path that leads east through the grassy area, you can talk to a trainer to battle Carlos the Student, who has a level 11 Tadbulb. You get 572 Pokédollars for winning.
If you keep going east on the path, eventually it leads to a trainer that you can talk to, to battle Backpacker Alex, who has a level 12 Growlithe and a level 12 Sableye. You get 720 Pokédollars for winning.
In this grassy area, you can find a TM003 Fake Tears in the center of the area, a TM019 Disarming Voice in the west part of the area, and a TM040 Air Cutter north of the western waterfall.
If you go north of Cortondo, you find a trainer that you can talk to, to battle Raul the Student, who has a level 11 Maschiff. You get 660 Pokédollars for winning.
On the ledge north of the trainer, there is a TM064 Bulk Up.
East of that TM, down below, there is a Gimmighoul on a rock.
North of that, there is a Hyper Potion.
Southwest of Cortondo, you can talk to a trainer to battle Angelines the Cook, who has a level 11 Combee and a level 11 Smoliv. You get 1100 Pokédollars for winning.
West of Cortondo, there is a Gimmighoul under a wheelbarrow that you can talk to.
When you're ready to move on, enter the town of Cortondo.