On Glaseado Mountain, you will find the Montenevera Gym, led by Ghost-type trainer Ryme.

Helpful Pokémon to Catch
At the gym, you will be up against level 40-42 pokémon. Some helpful pokémon to catch for the next gym are in the Alfornada area. To reach Alfornada, go to the beach south of the "West Province (Area One) — Central" Pokémon Center, and when you get to the beach, look for the rocky slope that goes above the water. Go along the slope to reach the cave. In the cave, catch a Sableye, then go through the cave to reach Alfornada. Use the Pokémon Center there, then catch a Lokix in this area. Then go east from Alfornada to the ruins in the hills and catch a Tinkatuff. Other helpful pokémon can be caught near the watchtower in the foothills east of Glaseado Gym, such as Revavroom, and also Magneton, which can be caught in the snowy areas just north of that watchtower (you may need to make a sandwich of 6xNoodles, 3xSalt, and 1xWhipped Cream to help encounter more of them), and Sawsbuck, which can be caught in snow and grass near the watchtower.
How to Reach Montenevera Gym
Go along the path that goes northeast from Medali, then after you cross the bridge over the river, turn right at the sign. The path will split again, but you can go either direction. When you reach the snowy mountain area, you can stop at the Pokémon Center, then go northeast from that Pokémon Center and the path will lead you to Montenevera.
Enter the Gym
If you Have Two Gym Badges
If you have two Gym Badges, when you enter the Gym, there will be a cutscene, and Nemona challenges you to a battle. She has a level 21 Rockruff, a level 21 Pawmi, and a level 22 starter pokémon that she will Terastallize (Quaxwell if you chose Sprigatito, Floragato if you chose Fuecoco, Crocalor if you chose Quaxly). You get 1320 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, Nemona gives you 3 Full Heals. Your Pokémon have been healed up, and your Tera Orb has been recharged.
If you Have Six Gym Badges
If you have six gym badges, you will battle Nemona after you enter the gym. She has a level 42 Lycanroc, a level 42 Sliggoo, a level 42 Pawmot, and a level 43 starter (Quaquaval if you chose Sprigatito, Meowscarada if you chose Fuecoco, Skeledirge if you chose Quaxly). She will Terastallize this Pokémon, with the same Tera Type as its usual type. You get 7740 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, Nemona gives you 3 Max Potions.
Your Pokémon have been healed and your Tera Orb has been recharged.
Gym Test
Talk to the person behind the front desk in the Montenevera Gym to start the Gym Test. Then go outside and go south to the stage. Talk to the person in front of the stage to start the test. You will need to do three Double Battles in a row to pass the test.
First, you will battle Gym Trainer Tas, who has a level 40 Greavard and a level 40 Shuppet. You get 5600 Pokédollars for winning.
Your Pokémon will be healed up, and then you will battle Gym Trainer Lani, who has a level 40 Misdreavus and a level 40 Haunter. You get 5600 Pokédollars for winning.
Your Pokémon will be healed up, and then you will battle Gym Trainer MC Sledge, who has a level 40 Drifblim and a level 40 Sableye. You get 5600 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, heal up at the Pokémon Center, then go back into the Gym and talk to the Gym Staffer behind the front desk. If you're ready to battle Ryme, say Yes.
Ghost Gym Leader Ryme, the MC of RIP
After a cutscene, the battle will begin. Throughout the battle, the crowd's cheers will boost the stats of your Pokémon and Ryme's Pokémon. You will have a double battle against Ryme, who has the following pokémon. If you followed the advice for pokémon to catch, Lokix and Sableye work well against Banette and Mimikyu, Revavroom and Magneton work well against Banette/Mimikyu and Houndstone, and Terastallized Tinkaton and Sawsbuck work well against Houndstone and Toxtricity.
When Ryme's Houndstone is in battle, be sure to focus attacks on Ryme's other pokémon, since your attacks could miss if Houndstone uses Phantom Force when you try to attack it.
- Level 41 Banette
- Type: Ghost
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Ghost, Dark moves
- Immune to Normal, Fighting moves
- Strong against Poison, Bug moves
- Moves:
- Icy Wind
- Sucker Punch
- Shadow Sneak
- Ability: Insomnia
- Level 41 Mimikyu
- Type: Ghost/Fairy
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Ghost, Steel moves
- Immune to Normal, Fighting, Dragon moves
- Very Strong against Bug moves
- Moves:
- Light Screen
- Shadow Sneak
- Slash
- Ability: Disguise
- Level 41 Houndstone
- Type: Ghost
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Ghost, Dark moves
- Immune to Normal, Fighting moves
- Strong against Poison, Bug moves
- Moves:
- Play Rough
- Crunch
- Phantom Force
- Ability: Sand Rush
- Level 42 Toxtricity
- Type: Electric/Poison
- Tera Type: Ghost
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Ghost, Dark moves
- Immune to Normal, Fighting moves
- Strong against Poison, Bug moves
- Moves:
- Discharge
- Hex
- Hyper Voice
- Ability: Punk Rock
You get 7560 Pokédollars for winning.
You also get a TM114 Shadow Ball.
You will get a Gym Badge. Check the Gym Badge Effects page to see the level of Pokémon that will listen to you and be easier to catch, or open the Map App or Pokédex App and press X, then select Profile, then press A to see the effects of your current badges.
If You Have Five Gym Badges
If this was your fifth Gym Badge, your Pokémon will be healed up, and you will battle Nemona, who has a level 36 Lycanroc, a level 36 Goomy, a level 36 Pawmo, and a level 37 starter (Quaquaval if you chose Sprigatito, Meowscarada if you chose Fuecoco, Skeledirge if you chose Quaxly). She will Terastallize this Pokémon, with the same Tera Type as its usual type. You get 4440 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, Geeta will give you some TM171s Tera Blast. This move will match the Tera Type of your Pokémon if you have Terastallized it.
New Sandwiches
A new Gym Badge means new sandwich recipes. Be sure to stop by any Every Wich Way and talk to the person in front of the counter to learn some new recipes.