You will find Cascarrafa Gym northeast of West Province (Area One).

How to Reach the Gym
To reach the Cascarrafa Gym, go to the southeast part of Cascarrafa and stand on the platform between the two waterwheels to be lifted up to the gym.
Enter the Gym
If you Have Two Gym Badges
If you have two Gym Badges, when you enter the Gym, there will be a cutscene, and Nemona challenges you to a battle. She has a level 21 Rockruff, a level 21 Pawmi, and a level 22 starter pokémon that she will Terastallize (Quaxwell if you chose Sprigatito, Floragato if you chose Fuecoco, Crocalor if you chose Quaxly). You get 1320 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, Nemona gives you 3 Full Heals. Your Pokémon have been healed up, and your Tera Orb has been recharged.
If you Have Six Gym Badges
If you have six gym badges, you will battle Nemona after you enter the gym. She has a level 42 Lycanroc, a level 42 Sliggoo, a level 42 Pawmot, and a level 43 starter (Quaquaval if you chose Sprigatito, Meowscarada if you chose Fuecoco, Skeledirge if you chose Quaxly). She will Terastallize this Pokémon, with the same Tera Type as its usual type. You get 7740 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, Nemona gives you 3 Max Potions.
Your Pokémon have been healed and your Tera Orb has been recharged.
Gym Test
When you approach the gym, there will be a cutscene, and you will get Kofu's Wallet. Your Gym Test is to return the wallet to Kofu in Porto Marinada.
To reach Porto Marinada, first you can stand on the platform to go back down to the middle level of the city, then go northwest to the next platform and stand on it to go down to the lowest level of the city. Then keep going northwest until you enter the desert.
Asado Desert
Go west from Cascarrafa to reach Porto Marinada. If you want to battle the Quaking Earth Titan to the west, it is recommended that your Pokémon are at least level 44.
As you go northwest from the desert, there will be a cutscene.
Go northwest to the Pokémon Center and heal up there, then go northwest into Porto Marinada.
Helpful Pokémon to Catch
At the gym, you will be up against level 28-30 pokémon. For the Gym Leader battle, it is recommended to catch a Rotom near the Porto Marinada lighthouse, a Bramblin from the Asado desert, and Tropius—with Tera type Grass—which can be found if you go east from Porto Marinada, through the rocky area, until you are near the next city, Medali.
Porto Marinada
Make your way down the paved path and you will find a large open air market under a roof. Go west through the market to find Kofu. Approach him and there will be a cutscene.
You will battle Gym Trainer Hugo, who has a level 28 Floatzel and a level 28 Clauncher. You get 3920 Pokédollars for winning.
To win the auction, you need to place the winning bid without making it cost more than you can afford. You get to keep any remaining money. Feel free to stay in Porto Marinada to try the auctions. You can get different types of Poké Balls, medicines, berries, and more.
Also, if you have certain pokémon in your party or boxes, there will be auctions for special items to use on those specific pokémon. For example, if you have Rotom, there will sometimes be an auction for the Rotom Catalog, a Key Item that you can use on Rotom to change its form.
When you are ready, use the Map App to take the Flying Taxi back to Cascarrafa, and go up to the upper level as before, and enter the gym. Talk to the person at the front desk, and if you are ready to battle Kofu, say Yes.
Water Gym Leader Kofu, the Surging Chef
Kofu has the following pokémon. If you caught the recommended pokémon listed above, Rotom works well against Veluza, Bramblin works well against Wugtrio, and Tropius works well against Crabominable.
- Level 29 Veluza
- Type: Water/Psychic
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Bug, Ghost, Grass, Electric, Dark moves
- Strong against Fighting, Steel, Fire, Water, Psychic, Ice moves
- Moves:
- Slash
- Pluck
- Aqua Cutter
- Ability: Mold Breaker
- Level 29 Wugtrio
- Type: Water
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Grass, Electric moves
- Strong against Steel, Fire, Water, Ice moves
- Moves:
- Mud-Slap
- Water Pulse
- Headbutt
- Ability: Gooey
- Level 30 Crabominable
- Type: Fighting/Ice
- Tera Type: Water
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Grass, Electric moves
- Strong against Steel, Fire, Water, Ice moves
- Moves:
- Crabhammer
- Rock Smash
- Slam
- Ability: Iron Fist
You get 5400 Pokédollars for winning.
You also get a TM022 Chilling Water.
You will get a Gym Badge. Check the Gym Badge Effects page to see the level of Pokémon that will listen to you and be easier to catch, or open the Map App or Pokédex App and press X, then select Profile, then press A to see the effects of your current badges.
If You Have Five Gym Badges
If this was your fifth Gym Badge, your Pokémon will be healed up, and you will battle Nemona, who has a level 36 Lycanroc, a level 36 Goomy, a level 36 Pawmo, and a level 37 starter (Quaquaval if you chose Sprigatito, Meowscarada if you chose Fuecoco, Skeledirge if you chose Quaxly). She will Terastallize this Pokémon, with the same Tera Type as its usual type. You get 4440 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, Geeta will give you some TM171s Tera Blast. This move will match the Tera Type of your Pokémon if you have Terastallized it.
New Sandwiches
A new Gym Badge means new sandwich recipes. Be sure to stop by any Every Wich Way and talk to the person in front of the counter to learn some new recipes.