After you take your picture with Kieran at Loyalty Plaza, you go east through Reveler's Road.

Explore Reveler's Road
Go east from Mossui Town to reach Reveler's Road. From the east side of the bridge, go south and talk to Mr. Jacq. During the cutscene, you will get a pokémon egg. Mr. Jacq also mentions that you should talk to him if you complete the Kitakami Pokédex.
You can search your pokémon boxes for a pokémon that has the Flame Body ability or the Magma Armor ability or the Steam Engine ability. Put a pokémon with one of those abilities in the party (having more than one doesn't increase the effect) to reduce the hatching time.
The egg will hatch into a .
Southeast of Mr. Jacq, you can battle Rio the Delinquent, who has a level 17/58 Swinub. You get 2784 Pokédollars for winning.
East of Rio the Delinquent, you can find a TM081 Grass Knot.
If you go back to the road near Mr. Jacq, then go northeast on the road, you can battle Kento the Ruffian, who has a level 14/58 Houndour and a level 14/58 Pawniard. You get 2784 Pokédollars for winning.
You can climb the cliffs north of the road to find a TM119 Energy Ball.
You can go north into the mountains just south of Kitakami Hall to find a TM084 Stomping Tantrum.
There is a cave on a cliff in the east part of this mountainous area where you can find a Terastal Sandslash and a TM198 Poltergeist.
Southeast of the cave, you can find a TM185 Lunge near some bamboo.
If you go south to the road again, then go northeast from Kento the Ruffian, you can battle Kensaku the Festival Boy, who has a level 15/59 Sandshrew. You get 2360 Pokédollars for winning.
Northeast of that, there is a gateway on the road. Go through it and continue along the road, and you can battle Shizune the Festival Girl, who has a level 16/59 Vulpix. You get 2360 Pokédollars for winning.
Farther north on the road, you can battle Tomo the Courier, who has a level 13/57 Squawkabilly (blue), a level 13/57 Squawkabilly (yellow), and a level 15/58 Staravia. You get 2320 Pokédollars for winning.
Farther north of Tomo the Courier, you can talk to the person next to the Geodude on the picnic table to get 6 Apple, 3 Tofu, 3 Rice, and 3 Wasabi. You can also talk to this person to rest.
Talk to the person on the other side of the picnic table to get picnic chairs that match the tablecloths that you have. You can talk to this person any time you get new tablecloths and he will make matching chairs for you.
To the north, you can go through the archway to reach Kitakami Hall. Go up the stairs, and before you go into the fenced area at the top, go around the left side to find a TM003 Fake Tears.
Then go into the fenced area and make your way along the path. You will find a large building with someone standing in front of it. Go around the back of the building to find a TM130 Helping Hand.
Then go south from the building and check on the signboard. There will be a cutscene.
Now go northwest through the gate that Kieran showed you, and follow the path to reach Oni Mountain.