After you explore the artwork installations in Artazon, you challenge the Artazon Gym.

Meet Nemona
When you enter the Gym, Nemona will meet up with you. She will give you 3 Ethers.
Helpful Pokémon to Catch
At the gym, you will be up against level 16-17 pokémon. Some helpful pokémon to catch before you take on the Artazon Gym are Toedscool, which are rare, but found near trees in the grassy area to the east and northeast of Artazon. Otherwise, try to catch a Spidops or a Skiploom in that area. Also, catch a Tauros.
Enter the Gym
If you Have Two Gym Badges
If you have two Gym Badges, when you enter the Gym, there will be a cutscene, and Nemona challenges you to a battle. She has a level 21 Rockruff, a level 21 Pawmi, and a level 22 starter pokémon that she will Terastallize (Quaxwell if you chose Sprigatito, Floragato if you chose Fuecoco, Crocalor if you chose Quaxly). You get 1320 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, Nemona gives you 3 Full Heals. Your Pokémon have been healed up, and your Tera Orb has been recharged.
If you Have Six Gym Badges
If you have six gym badges, you will battle Nemona after you enter the gym. She has a level 42 Lycanroc, a level 42 Sliggoo, a level 42 Pawmot, and a level 43 starter (Quaquaval if you chose Sprigatito, Meowscarada if you chose Fuecoco, Skeledirge if you chose Quaxly). She will Terastallize this Pokémon, with the same Tera Type as its usual type. You get 7740 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, Nemona gives you 3 Max Potions.
Your Pokémon have been healed and your Tera Orb has been recharged.
Pass the Gym Test
Before you can battle Brassius, you have to pass the Gym Test by completing a game of Sunflora Hide-and-Seek. You need to look throughout Artazon and find up to 10 Sunflora, which look like sun-shaped flowers.
Go outside and go east to the Sunflora Lawn. Talk to the person standing in front of the gate to the Sunflora Lawn.
Turn around to face the west, and you will see three Sunflora nearby. Talk to each one so that they follow you.
Then go farther west and you will find a Sunflora next to a street lamp, but it will run away. When you catch up to it and talk to it, you will have to battle it. Its level is around 12-14. You can't catch it, so just focus on defeating it. Afterward, it will follow you.
There is a Sunflora to the east of the windmill platform.
There is a Sunflora in the middle of the battle area on top of the windmill platform. It will battle you. Its level is around 12-14. As before, just focus on defeating it.
There is a Sunflora north of the swimming pool west of the Gym.
South of that, there is a Sunflora at the vending machines next to the pool.
West of that, there is a Sunflora in front of one of the food carts.
You can find another Sunflora if you go west to the paved walkway and go clockwise around it.
There may be Sunflora in other locations besides the ones listed above.
When you have up to 10 Sunflora, go back to the Sunflora Lawn and talk to the person there, and you will pass the Gym Test.
Grass Gym Leader Brassius, the Verdant Virtuoso
Heal up at a Pokémon Center, then go back into the Artazon Gym and talk to the person behind the counter. If you are ready to battle Brassius, say Yes.
Brassius has the following pokémon. If you caught the recommended pokémon listed above, Toedscool/Spidops/Skiploom works well against Petilil, Tauros works well against Smoliv and Sudowoodo.
- Level 16 Petilil
- Type: Grass
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, Ice moves
- Strong against Ground, Water, Grass, Electric moves
- Moves:
- Sleep Powder
- Mega Drain
- Ability: Own Tempo
- Level 16 Smoliv
- Type: Grass/Normal
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Fighting, Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, Ice moves
- Immune to Ghost moves
- Strong against Ground, Water, Grass, Electric moves
- Moves:
- Tackle
- Razor Leaf
- Ability: Early Bird
- Level 17 Sudowoodo
- Type: Rock
- Tera Type: Grass
- Type Effectiveness:
- Weak to Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, Ice moves
- Strong against Ground, Water, Grass, Electric moves
- Moves:
- Trailblaze
- Rock Throw
- Ability: Sturdy
You get 3060 Pokédollars for winning.
You also get a TM020 Trailblaze.
You will get a Gym Badge. Check the Gym Badge Effects page to see the level of Pokémon that will listen to you and be easier to catch, or open the Map App or Pokédex App and press X, then select Profile, then press A to see the effects of your current badges.
If You Have Five Gym Badges
If this was your fifth Gym Badge, your Pokémon will be healed up, and you will battle Nemona, who has a level 36 Lycanroc, a level 36 Goomy, a level 36 Pawmo, and a level 37 starter (Quaquaval if you chose Sprigatito, Meowscarada if you chose Fuecoco, Skeledirge if you chose Quaxly). She will Terastallize this Pokémon, with the same Tera Type as its usual type. You get 4440 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, Geeta will give you some TM171s Tera Blast. This move will match the Tera Type of your Pokémon if you have Terastallized it.
New Sandwiches
A new Gym Badge means new sandwich recipes. Be sure to stop by any Every Wich Way and talk to the person in front of the counter to learn some new recipes.