The path through Area Two of the East Province leads you to the city of Levincia.

At the Levincia Pokémon Center, talk to the Pokémon League rep to get a TM084 Stomping Tantrum if you have defeated enough trainers in East Province (Area Two).
In Levinia, you will find clothing stores in the southwest, and a Super Potion behind those stores.
South of the Pokémon Gym, there are 2 Paralyze Heals.
North of the clothing stores in the southwest part of the city, there is a TM015 Struggle Bug.
North of that, there is a Dire Hit.
There is a Quick Ball between the buildings north of the Pokémon Center.
In the southeast part of the city, you will find a TM123 Surf, a Max Ether across the street from that, and east of that, a TM113 Tailwind.
Behind the Pokémon Gym, there is an X Accuracy, and north of that, a Wise Glasses.
There is a Rare Candy in the northeastern corner of the southern part of Levincia.
Central Area
In the central area of Levincia, you can talk to someone to trade away a Pincurchin in exchange for Blossom's level 25 Haunter, Hauntikins. It will evolve into Gengar, so you will get both Haunter and Gengar in your Pokédex from this trade.
There is a Full Heal in the southeast part of the circular area.
To the east of the circular area, there are 3 Great Balls between the second and third skyscrapers from the north. There is a Luxury Ball to the left of the southernmost skyskcraper.
Southeast of the skyscrapers, there is a TM074 Reflect behind a spotlight.
Northwest of the skyscrapers, there is a Revive next to a spotlight.
West of that, there are 3 Potions.
East of the middle skyscraper, there is a Thunder Stone.
Southwest of the skyscrapers, there is a Super Potion next to a spotlight.
On the west side of the skyscraper area, you can go down a slope to a lower area. In that lower area, there is a PP Up to the west of the middle skyscraper.
In the north part of the circular area, there are stairs leading down to an area where you will find an Exp. Candy S, and a TM136 Electric Terrain.
There are two Super Potions in the northwest part of the circular area.
In the south part of the circular area, there are stairs leading down to an area where you will find an Ultra Ball, and a TM075 Light Screen.
Northern Levincia
In the northern part of Levincia, there are 2 Exp. Candy XS in the southwest corner.
Near the northwest corner of northern Levincia, behind the buildings, there is an Electric Tera Shard.
In the southeast part of northern Levincia, at the corner of the southeast building, there is an Oval Stone.
In the southeast part of northern Levincia, in the area that overlooks the water, there is a a TM161 Trick Room.
North of that, there is an X Speed.
When you are ready, you can enter the Levincia Gym.