After you make your way through the underground paths of Mount Coronet, you reach the snowy Route 216.

Explore the Route
Go south down the stairs, then go west and you can get a hidden Full Heal at the end.
Go north up the wooden bridge and go west. In the grass in Route 216, you can encounter Graveler, Machoke, Meditite, Noctowl (night only), Sneasel, Snover, and Zubat (night only).
Go west to find an Ice Heal.
Go south down the nearest bridge. To the west, you can battle Ace Trainer Laura, who has a level 37 Lopunny. You get 2516 Pokédollars for winning.
Go west, then north up the bridge, then south down the stairs.
You can go east to battle the trainer that you missed: Ace Trainer Blake, who has a level 35 Ambipom and a level 35 Kadabra. You get 2380 Pokédollars for winning.
Go west and you can battle Ace Trainer Maria, who has a level 34 Golduck, a level 33 Sudowoodo, and a level 35 Ponyta. You get 2244 Pokédollars for winning.
Go west and you can battle Skier Edward, who has a level 35 Sneasel. You get 1400 Pokédollars for winning.
To the west, you will find Snowbound Lodge. You can check on the bed inside to heal up your pokémon.
To the left of the Snowbound Lodge, you can battle Ace Trainer Garrett, who has a level 33 Mr. Mime, a level 34 Machoke, and a level 35 Sneasel. You get 2380 Pokédollars for winning.
Go north to reach Route 217.