Travel through the Sinnoh region in search of Pokémon and gym badges to become the Pokémon League Champion.

- Beginning the Game
- Twinleaf Town
- Route 201
- Sandgem Town
- Route 202
- Jubilife City
- Route 203
- Oreburgh Gate
- Oreburgh City
- Oreburgh Coal Mine
- Oreburgh Gym
- Route 204
- Floaroma Town
- Valley Windworks
- Route 205
- Eterna Forest
- Eterna City
- Eterna Gym
- Old Chateau
- Team Galactic Eterna Building
- Route 206 - Cycling Road
- Wayward Cave
- Route 207
- Route 208
- Hearthome City
- Route 209
- Lost Tower
- Solaceon Town
- Solaceon Ruins
- Route 210
- Route 215
- Veilstone City
- Veilstone Gym
- Route 214
- Valor Lakefront
- Route 213
- Pastoria City
- Great Marsh
- Pastoria Gym
- Northern Route 210
- Celestic Town
- Hearthome Gym
- Route 218
- Canalave City
- Canalave Gym
- Lake Valor
- Mount Coronet
- Route 216
- Route 217
- Snowpoint City
- Snowpoint Gym
- Lake Acuity
- Team Galactic HQ
- Mount Coronet Summit
- Route 222
- Sunyshore City
- Sunyshore Gym
- Route 223
- Victory Road
- Elite Four and Champion
- How to Unlock the National Pokédex
- How to Catch Azelf
- How to Catch Mesprit
- How to Catch Uxie
- Ramanas Park