Warlock Zone VI

The wise man of Iga sends you to an unknown city after his transport machine goes haywire.

Warlock Zone VI: Unknown City

From where you start, there are two general stores to the left. You have to go into the store on the right and buy a Pass, or you won't be able to proceed to the next area. It costs $980. There are some minigames in this city that you can use to earn enough money if you can't afford the pass right now.

Be sure you have at least three sandals.

To the right of the two shops, there is a maze. The map is below.

B=10 bombs
S=5 scrolls
M=maze map (press B)

. ......1 .
. . .     .
... . M....
.   .   .
. B ..... B
  .   .   .
..... .....
.   . .   .
. ... ..S .
. .   .   .
. ..... $..

Go south to the next area. Beware of thieves who run side to side, going faster if you're in their path, who will steal money from you if they hit you. To the left, there are a couple of houses. To the right of that, there is a restaurant. If you keep going right, you can cross a bridge and find a set of buildings. The leftmost building has a concentration game, the middle has a horse race track, and the building on the right has an arcade where you can play hockey (two players required) or Gradius. It's the same stage of Gradius that you could play on Shikoku Island.

You can use the concentration game and horse track to try to earn enough money for the things you need in this town. If you don't like those games, there is also an employment center in town where you can play mole, paint, or goblin, and there is a lottery near the employment center.

If you do want to play concentration or bet on the races, and you couldn't afford the Pass from the general store (mentioned earlier on this page), you need at least $980 to buy it. There is also a Jutsu school in this city, where you can buy the tiger technique for $400 and the lightning technique for $800. If you want all three (the Jutsu and the Pass), the total is $2180, but you might need less depending on your situation:

  • You have 1 sandal or 0 sandals: $2170
  • You have 2 sandals: $2130
  • You have 3 sandals: $1980

When you're done there, go west across the bridge, then if you have fewer than 2 sandals, go north to buy one pair of sandals, then go south again, or if you already have at least 2 sandals, just go south. There are thieves wandering around, and robots that will steal your pizza or hamburger if you have any. Go to the right and there is a house, then a bridge. As you reach the right side of the bridge, samurai will sometimes attack. To the right of the bridge, there is a house and a logbook shop. Hit the logbook house just to the right of its door to open a hidden area. Go in.

Go left to get a gold cat, then go right. The prizes are a scroll that requires at least two sandals to reach, $50, another scroll that requires at least two sandals to reach. Go right, past the exit, and if you have at least three sandals, jump to get $100. Then use the exit to leave the hidden area.

Go into the building to the left of where you appeared. This is the Jutsu school for this area. You can learn technique 1 (tiger) and 2 (lightning).

From the Jutsu building, go west across the bridge. You can optionally check out the houses and restaurant in this area, but don't get food in the restaurant. If you have at least 2 sandals, you can get your health refilled for free. (If you don't have at least 2 sandals, you should go south to the store and buy one, then go north back here.) Then go to the right from the restaurant, to the building that has two stacks of boxes in front. Hit the wall between those piles of boxes, and you open a door. Go through.

Go south to find a scroll, then go east and jump over the rocks, then if you have at least two sandals, go toward the pot from the right and jump to reach it. Hit to get a gold cat. Then go east to the bottom right part of the area, and if you have at least two sandals, jump over the rocks and hit the pot to get $50. Then go north through the exit.

From where you end up, you can optionally go north to the fortune teller hut, but it's a dead end (there are parcels blocking the bridge to the west). If you went to the fortune teller hut, go south.

Go west and you will be back at the two shops where you started. If you have enough to buy the pass from the shop on the right, do so now. Then go north to the next area.

From left to right, there is a sauna, a hotel, and an employment center where you can play mole, paint, or goblin. There is also a lottery house to the east. If you didn't want to play the other minigames in town, and you still can't afford the pass, you can try the employment center or lottery to earn enough.

After you buy the pass, you can move on to the next area. Just go north and west until you find the giant tanuki statue. He won't let you pass unless you buy the pass, so be sure to do that. Then you can talk to the tanuki statue to continue on to Tengu Mountain.